Why you are what you think of yourself

In this article we will look at the following topics:
What is self-esteem.
The importance of high self-esteem.
Reasons for low self-esteem.
How to increase your self-esteem.
Personality self-esteem is how you treat yourself, how you see yourself and what you think you are. This quality is formed on the basis of a list of beliefs about yourself, a list of good and bad qualities. Self-esteem is not what you really are or how other people see you, but what you think of yourself. People don't always think of you the way you imagine. The level of self-esteem is your subjective view of yourself. This quality is formed gradually from birth and can be consciously or unconsciously changed. Usually, his unconscious change leads to a low level of self-esteem. Why? It's just that people are more used to noticing the bad than the good. Good is taken for granted. And because you focus more on the bad,accordingly, it is better rooted in the subconscious, which directly affects your attitude towards yourself. Increasing the level of self-esteem is formed on the basis of thoughts and actions in different situations. The formation of self-esteem is important for today's man.
Self-esteem is a starting point for success. If you are not able to love yourself, then how will you be able to feel love for someone else? A high level of self-esteem is extremely important because it directly affects your actions. As your self-esteem improves, so does your commitment in all areas of life. A high level of self-esteem leads to confident actions and correct decisions. Low self-esteem leads to uncertainty, and as a consequence uncertainty in the decision-making process. I will describe this process step by step.
You yourself influence the formation of self-esteem.
You think and act accordingly.
The influence of self-esteem is directly related to how other people perceive you.
Your self-esteem changes in one direction or another after you see how others perceive you.
We return to item 2
The formation of a high level of self-esteem indirectly affects your actions. Your life depends on your actions.
"If you think you can or can't - you're right in both cases" (G. Ford)
- We live in a negative society and we constantly deal with negative people.
Successful people are always a minority, but they have managed to get through the wall of mediocrity. Why is it so hard? Because you have to move away from the usual notions of the crowd and trust yourself and walk according to the call of the soul. And this is not easy at all. At every step they warn you and tell you that you are on the wrong path. Those who can't stand this pressure choose an easier way - to merge with the crowd and leave their goals. There are many such people, society just steals their dreams.
- A person's abilities, appearance and intellect have been repeatedly ridiculed or questioned by teachers, parents, friends and many others when appropriate.
Regardless of whether you have done the task well or badly, there will always be people who will criticize you. Either for what you didn't do or for what you did. At the heart of any critique is the goal of raising our sense of self-importance. When you overtake, you leave a lot of people behind, and they try to relax you with words. Remember: the impact of self-esteem is indirectly related to your success.
- Attaching significant importance to an event in which you have been defeated.
Failure is a component of success. If you fail, you cannot say that you are a bad person or a loser. You are obliged to draw conclusions from this, and to move forward. Failures are often a blessing. To carry a single failure and perceive it as a failure of your whole life is a huge mistake. You lose a lot of self-image and a false sense of guilt.
- Comparing yourself with other people
You can't compare yourself to other people because you are different. Each person is unique and has their own list of values ​​that you do not know about. Usually people compare their own shortcomings with other people's strengths. Of course, they may be better at this than you, but this is their success!
- Setting for such high priorities that it is unrealistic to achieve them.
People often set goals so high that it is practically impossible to achieve them in a short time. Of course, they do not achieve these goals, as a result of which the formation of self-esteem goes in the wrong direction, and they cease to set further tasks, because it is associated with a negative experience. There are no unrealistic goals, there are unrealistic dates.
Creating a good idea of ​​yourself, how to increase your self-esteem
To maintain self-esteem, you are simply obliged to form it consciously on the principle of self-suggestion. Because people are not always fair. If you do a bad job, they will blame you for it, if you do it well, they will blame you for something else, because they will envy that you did so well. Without conscious formation of self-esteem, you are doomed to failure. The principles of self-suggestion will help you with this.
I will offer you several ways to increase your self-esteem, to create and keep in your head a good image of yourself. They are simple enough, but very effective.
- Mirror
Look at yourself more often in the mirror. And when you look at each other, say positive words about what you like about yourself. For example: you are a successful person, I love you, I believe in you, you always make the right decisions, you are a successful businessman, you came to this world to be successful, etc. Notice the positive traits in yourself. Love yourself as you are. If for some reason you don't like your appearance, start noticing only the beautiful in it. You can't just have flaws! And over time, your image will change, the impact of self-esteem will show amazing results.
- Diary of victories
Take a clean notebook and title it "Success Diary". Write down everything you have managed to plan and do well within days, all your victories. Only success, how well you have solved a certain problem. We forget and let go of everything bad. It is a good idea to make at least five notes a day in your diary. These can be even small tasks. It can be difficult at first. You will constantly wonder if it is worth recording this. The rule is simple: when in doubt, always give a positive answer. When you have difficult times or different situations in your life, when it will not prevent you from having exceptional self-confidence, just open the diary of victories and read. There will be a formation of self-esteem in favor of increasing it.
- Create an image of yourself and keep it in your head
Of the above methods, this is the most complex, but it gives positive results. Its essence is to create in your head a new image of yourself. Try to create as detailed an image as possible. The clearer and more accurate it is, the faster it will be realized. Describe how you behave in different situations, describe your character, your style of dress. And scroll the corresponding image in your head at least once a day long enough until it is absorbed into the subconscious.
- Self-promotion
Self-promotion is a short text that describes you and your qualities from the best side. It works very well together with way number one "mirror". You take a piece of paper and write:
«Petar Petrov, meet Petar Petrov - an influential and solid businessman. He has business in 25 countries around the world. He is one of the richest people in the world. A true leader. Peter has huge dreams, he always has a perfect command of the technique of self-suggestion. He has a very strong faith in God, in his work, especially in himself. His love is endless. He loves his business very much. He loves difficulties because he believes that the more difficulties, the greater the reward in the future. He dresses well and looks great. He has a very high level of self-esteem, thanks to the fact that he knows who he is and what kind of business he has in his hands. His business is growing every day, and Peter is getting better than he was yesterday, more confident in himself, in God, and in his purpose. He is able to achieve any goals. Everything is possible with God. God leads him.
Then read this text every day, preferably in front of a mirror. 

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