How to become happier

Do you know what the biggest problem in the world is?
Environmental pollution
Global warming
The wars
Lack of freedom
None of the above!
The biggest problem in the world today is unhappiness.
More people suffer from unhappiness than from diseases, environmental problems, and other man-made problems combined.
Unhappiness leads to wars, violence, crime and other mischief. Happy people do no harm to other people.
What is this happiness?
Happiness is a state of mind. It's a feeling. It's an emotion. There is even a part of the brain where happiness is created. When we are happy, this part of the brain glows.
Everything people do has a single purpose - to be happy. Happiness is the goal of all goals.
There are two types of happiness - temporary and permanent.
Temporary happiness occurs when a business is doing well. When everything is fine in the outside world, we have a good mood. But when it doesn't work in the outside world, we are far from happy.
Constant happiness is a state.
 Before I tell you about what you can do to be happier, understand the following: true happiness does not depend on external circumstances.
Happiness is a choice!
To be honest, when I heard it, I was shocked. It didn't fit in my head how could there be such a thing? I always noticed that I am happy when everything goes well. But it turns out that I was far from happy. I felt only temporary happiness. And it was only when I tried to simply choose "to be happy" that I felt happy no matter what.
And please do not blindly believe what I am writing. Check it out on your own experience.
7 things that will make you happier
Choose to be happy
Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. Choose to be happy every day, no matter what.
Your happiness depends on how you perceive reality. There are no bad events. The events just exist. But how you perceive them makes events negative or positive.
Choose to be happy.
Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. Choose to be happy every day, no matter what.
Your happiness depends on how you perceive reality. There are no bad or good events. The events just exist. But how you perceive them makes events negative or positive.
Would you be unhappy if something happened to your character during sleep provided you realized you were asleep?
Probably not.
If you perceive reality as a dream, you cannot be uncommon.
Or see from another position all your problems. Imagine you are 80 years old and go back to where you are now. How would you perceive these problems.
They would look just ridiculous to you.
Be grateful for the things you already have. Be grateful for every day. Thank you for your life, thank you for the new day. What and when can you be thankful for? For everything and always.
You are smiling. Did you know that a smile and negative thinking cannot coexist? Either you smile and think positively, or you do not smile and think negatively. Try the following experiment: smile with your maximum smile and try to think of something bad. You will not succeed! Either the smile will disappear or the negative thought will have a positive connotation.
Exercise. Walking after swimming is the most useful type of activity. This is a great way to improve your health.
Take a deep breath, hold it, and then exhale slowly. This is a great way to remove tension and stress, and takes no more than a minute.
Take a break. Stop. Do nothing. Just watch the reality. Just a few minutes. Separate thinking from your body.
Do good to someone. Just do something nice for another person. This will help you feel better.
Did you know that your happiness is contagious?
Amazingly, the happy people you interact with directly can make you 15% happier. The same people can make people 10% happier who they don't know but who you interact with. And 6% happier friends of your friends.
Being happy, you pass on your happiness to tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people.
Be happy, choose to be happy and live consciously. 

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