Why do some people have a lot of money, and the money flows to them like a river, while others do not?
The question is how a person treats money, in what sense he fills money and how much he values it.
People do not think that money is "alive". At first glance, they look like pieces of paper, but is that so?
Everything you see around you in the material world was created thanks to money: your apartment, your car, your clothes, your computer, your food, and so on.
Money is the strongest material energy!
But at the same time, money is neutral, it is neither good nor bad. They acquire the energy that the person in whose hands they fall puts in them. If you believe that money corrupts a person, then this is a wrong and very negative belief. On the contrary, people spoil the money.
How do people manipulate money and what energy do they put into it?
People put a lot of negative energy into them: they blame the money, they complain that they have little money, that all the problems are because of the money, they need money, and so on.
There is a lot of pressure on money, and the flow shuts down.
And how do you manipulate money?
Think, please, how much money have you spent in the last week (do you know the exact amount? Most people don't, even though they think they know)
Remember how you felt when interacting with money, when you spent it, when it came to you. Usually people unfortunately part with their money and do not show any emotions when they receive money.
Did you regret the money spent or vice versa, did you enjoy these goods and services that you acquired for them? When a person feels sorry for spending money, he radiates energy of lack, and monetary energy is blocked.
And in general, how often do you thank for the services you received and are glad that you bought something so successfully?
There is a very dangerous feeling that closes the flow of life - it is the feeling of "it's a little"!
What do you think you create in your life when you feel you have little money?
Of course, a drawback!
Example: With one hand you take the door handle and pull it towards you to open a door, while with the other hand you press it to close it! What will happen in the end? (depends on which hand is stronger)
When you think that money is small, and you want more, the same thing happens: you want to open the doors, but at the same time, the belief that money is small closes them and blocks the cash flow! The subconscious settings are always stronger than the conscious desires, so the flow is blocked.
So how should money be properly thought of?
Thanks for the amount of money you have now! Turning to the money, say, "Thank you for having you!"
Thank you, even if they are so small that they only have enough for food. And only then say that you want more. Forget the phrase "They are few"!
Another important point: even if you are now in debt, still appreciate and thank. Appreciate the fact that you have enough money to at least somehow pay these loans. And for this feeling of gratitude the Universe will give you even more.
Remember the simple principle of how life works, how people react, especially young children. When you put a lot of positive emotions in children, after you start praising them and saying that you are grateful that they are behaving well, and you appreciate that they did something, they will start to do it even better and more. Or the same example with a woman. Now, men, listen carefully! When you appreciate a woman, appreciate what she does and praise her - she will want to do it even better.
If you have little money, you should value it even more! Remember this principle: if you have little money - value it even more. The heavier the period in your life, the more grateful you should be. This is a Universal Principle and it always works!
Before you start running, you must learn to walk confidently. After all, the child first learns to walk and then to run. And even before that, the child begins to sit and then crawl, then walk, holding on to large objects, then to mom's hand. And in a wonderful moment it releases this hand and walks alone. When the child gains experience with walking, he begins to run. So it is with money.
You want more money because you think they are small and this belief works against you. And there is complete disappointment. Why? Very easy! You still can't stand on your feet, but now you want to run. You have not yet learned to manipulate a small amount of money, but now you want a lot of money. One sets a goal because one is short. And here is the feeling that everything is small, the universe gives it a little. That is why the goal is not being achieved.
The basis for any achievement is to appreciate what you have. Remember this! And then you will have everything in abundance, whatever you want!
It is important to let go of the money easily, and then it will come back easily.
Many people are angry that their debts are not repaid, they wait, call, remind, and the money is never repaid. But because they can't let go of this debt, they close their cash flow and even new money doesn't come to them.
And lastly, I will write an exercise (it is very simple).
Take money from the purse, it doesn't matter if it is 5, 10, 50 BGN. Just take it out and hold it in your hand. Look carefully at how the money lies. Are they carefully placed face up or chaotically ?! If the latter, it means that one does not value money. Money requires respect and attention to yourself, so put them carefully facing you, they should not be crushed.
Look at them carefully and thank them for what you have gained this week. Yes, it is money that has given you the opportunity to acquire something. Even if you only bought products or small services, it's like being grateful for it. Don't be afraid to thank and appreciate them, money is not just paper, it's energy! Some people are afraid to thank and appreciate so as not to curse them. This is nonsense! When you ignore money and are indifferent to it, then you will surely curse it.
Gratitude can never be cursed.
You can even say: «I accept more money! I am open! » or "Thank you and I appreciate you!" Look at them and say "I promise to treat you only with positive feelings and emotions."
And now return the money to your wallet!
Communicate with money, talk to them, and they will come to you (but, of course, in reality something has to be done about it).
The question is how a person treats money, in what sense he fills money and how much he values it.
People do not think that money is "alive". At first glance, they look like pieces of paper, but is that so?
Everything you see around you in the material world was created thanks to money: your apartment, your car, your clothes, your computer, your food, and so on.
Money is the strongest material energy!
But at the same time, money is neutral, it is neither good nor bad. They acquire the energy that the person in whose hands they fall puts in them. If you believe that money corrupts a person, then this is a wrong and very negative belief. On the contrary, people spoil the money.
How do people manipulate money and what energy do they put into it?
People put a lot of negative energy into them: they blame the money, they complain that they have little money, that all the problems are because of the money, they need money, and so on.
There is a lot of pressure on money, and the flow shuts down.
And how do you manipulate money?
Think, please, how much money have you spent in the last week (do you know the exact amount? Most people don't, even though they think they know)
Remember how you felt when interacting with money, when you spent it, when it came to you. Usually people unfortunately part with their money and do not show any emotions when they receive money.
Did you regret the money spent or vice versa, did you enjoy these goods and services that you acquired for them? When a person feels sorry for spending money, he radiates energy of lack, and monetary energy is blocked.
And in general, how often do you thank for the services you received and are glad that you bought something so successfully?
There is a very dangerous feeling that closes the flow of life - it is the feeling of "it's a little"!
What do you think you create in your life when you feel you have little money?
Of course, a drawback!
Example: With one hand you take the door handle and pull it towards you to open a door, while with the other hand you press it to close it! What will happen in the end? (depends on which hand is stronger)
When you think that money is small, and you want more, the same thing happens: you want to open the doors, but at the same time, the belief that money is small closes them and blocks the cash flow! The subconscious settings are always stronger than the conscious desires, so the flow is blocked.
So how should money be properly thought of?
Thanks for the amount of money you have now! Turning to the money, say, "Thank you for having you!"
Thank you, even if they are so small that they only have enough for food. And only then say that you want more. Forget the phrase "They are few"!
Another important point: even if you are now in debt, still appreciate and thank. Appreciate the fact that you have enough money to at least somehow pay these loans. And for this feeling of gratitude the Universe will give you even more.
Remember the simple principle of how life works, how people react, especially young children. When you put a lot of positive emotions in children, after you start praising them and saying that you are grateful that they are behaving well, and you appreciate that they did something, they will start to do it even better and more. Or the same example with a woman. Now, men, listen carefully! When you appreciate a woman, appreciate what she does and praise her - she will want to do it even better.
If you have little money, you should value it even more! Remember this principle: if you have little money - value it even more. The heavier the period in your life, the more grateful you should be. This is a Universal Principle and it always works!
Before you start running, you must learn to walk confidently. After all, the child first learns to walk and then to run. And even before that, the child begins to sit and then crawl, then walk, holding on to large objects, then to mom's hand. And in a wonderful moment it releases this hand and walks alone. When the child gains experience with walking, he begins to run. So it is with money.
You want more money because you think they are small and this belief works against you. And there is complete disappointment. Why? Very easy! You still can't stand on your feet, but now you want to run. You have not yet learned to manipulate a small amount of money, but now you want a lot of money. One sets a goal because one is short. And here is the feeling that everything is small, the universe gives it a little. That is why the goal is not being achieved.
The basis for any achievement is to appreciate what you have. Remember this! And then you will have everything in abundance, whatever you want!
It is important to let go of the money easily, and then it will come back easily.
Many people are angry that their debts are not repaid, they wait, call, remind, and the money is never repaid. But because they can't let go of this debt, they close their cash flow and even new money doesn't come to them.
And lastly, I will write an exercise (it is very simple).
Take money from the purse, it doesn't matter if it is 5, 10, 50 BGN. Just take it out and hold it in your hand. Look carefully at how the money lies. Are they carefully placed face up or chaotically ?! If the latter, it means that one does not value money. Money requires respect and attention to yourself, so put them carefully facing you, they should not be crushed.
Look at them carefully and thank them for what you have gained this week. Yes, it is money that has given you the opportunity to acquire something. Even if you only bought products or small services, it's like being grateful for it. Don't be afraid to thank and appreciate them, money is not just paper, it's energy! Some people are afraid to thank and appreciate so as not to curse them. This is nonsense! When you ignore money and are indifferent to it, then you will surely curse it.
Gratitude can never be cursed.
You can even say: «I accept more money! I am open! » or "Thank you and I appreciate you!" Look at them and say "I promise to treat you only with positive feelings and emotions."
And now return the money to your wallet!
Communicate with money, talk to them, and they will come to you (but, of course, in reality something has to be done about it).
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