How much do you love yourself?

How do you feel, how much do you love yourself and do you love yourself at all?
And what is self-love and how does it manifest itself?
We have never been taught to love each other, but, on the contrary, to criticize and quarrel with ourselves.
Self-criticism has been the best way to self-motivate, but this way of motivating results in a complete breakdown in life.
Here, criticism, self-flagellation, self-blame - this is a manifestation of self-loathing.
Do you have children?
(If not, imagine your closest person, pets)
Imagine them in your imagination. Remember the children as little ones! How do you feel about them?
This is love or something very close to it!
And how do you feel about yourself?
How close are your feelings to yourself to how you feel about children?
Probably the difference is colossal!
And now imagine your husband / wife in the imagination (if you do not have a loved one, then your love for yourself is low or not at all)
How do you feel about your husband / wife?
These feelings are probably also very different from the feelings you feel towards children and towards yourself.
Ideally, love of self, love of children, love of a loved one, love of the world should be the same feeling. And that feeling is love just like that! Absolute love!
But we love ourselves, our loved one and the world for something! And therein lies the global problem. Love for something is not love. And the more criteria for love we present, the less love resembles love.
You know, I've always been amazed: I spend a lot of time and energy on my work, but the most successful and happy area in life is relationships, my family! I could never have thought that this was possible in my life.
And I think why this is so, and I understood: I do not demand anything, I am very grateful, I accept the beloved as he is, I just love my family.
And in my activity I demand, I am often dissatisfied, I set goals and achieve them ..
Ie love and gratitude reign in relationships, and achievement and dissatisfaction reign in activity.
It is thanks to this difference that relationships and family have become the most successful and happy area in my life. I realized this when my children were born and I changed my attitude greatly. I became much happier. The universe itself began to give me.
This is how love creates a happy, abundant reality!
Poverty is not that a person has little money, but that he does not value what he has. Poverty is inside a person. It only manifests in the material world in the form of the absence of money.
A man who is full of love is rich!
And in reality he will also live in abundance. It is not possible to have love inside and unlove outside. The material world is a mirror to the inner world. And the mirror never changes the essence.
With this article I urge you to love yourself! Create wealth from within and it will materialize in the outside world! Love is the strongest positive energy! Love can only create good.
But first learn to love yourself! Without self-love, you will never be able to acquire happiness and abundance.
Yes, by the way, love has many manifestations.
And the feeling of gratitude as well as joy is a manifestation of love!
I will tell you how to love yourself in the next article.
Now decide to love yourself and think about your life!

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