What is the universal formula for happiness?
I want to present to you a feeling that destroys a person's life and the person himself.
I write about this feeling because so many people use it.
This feeling is dissatisfaction!
How much of it is in our lives ...
The woman is dissatisfied with the man
The man is dissatisfied with the work.
One is unhappy that not what you planned happened.
Dissatisfied with the amount of money he earns.
Dissatisfied, dissatisfied, dissatisfied ...
People think that dissatisfaction will change the situation, but the paradox is that dissatisfaction will only make the situation worse.
Please remember what you were unhappy about last week?
What to do with dissatisfaction?
There are 2 options:
- to completely remove the object of dissatisfaction from your life
To part with the person you are dissatisfied with, to quit the job you are dissatisfied with, not to communicate with the circle of people who irritate you, etc. However, if the dissatisfaction concerns yourself, this option will not work, because you will not be able to get rid of yourself.
And even if dissatisfaction has become a habit, then the new job and the new partner will solve the situation only for a short time, and then the person will be dissatisfied again.
That's why I offer you the second option!
- Start appreciating!
If you cannot or do not want to remove the object of dissatisfaction from your life, radically change your perception and start appreciating and thanking the object of dissatisfaction. I am 1000% sure that if you look closely, you will find what you are dissatisfied with in one situation or another.
The habit of appreciating is also a habit of being dissatisfied.
Every habit develops through constant repetition.
All situations are neutral. Whether we are satisfied or not depends on the point of view. Change that view! Yes, it will be complicated at first!
Women, start appreciating your men!
Men, start appreciating the money you make now!
Appreciate the work you have.
Appreciate what other people are doing for you.
And to be honest, option 2 is much, much better than option 1, because something is easy to destroy and difficult to create. Option 2 balances the situation.
I have only 1 question left: what is the reason for the dissatisfaction? Why and how did it happen that people decided that dissatisfaction would improve the situation and are in a state of dissatisfaction constantly?
Dissatisfaction is a person's natural reaction when something goes wrong. In life, very often something goes wrong. This is how dissatisfaction arises until it becomes a habit.
When I realized that "not in my script" did not mean worse, and maybe even much better, I began to be more relaxed about the unexpected.
People are used to being motivated by negativity.
Dissatisfaction is a negative feeling. This is how people are motivated to change something in life. Here are the reasons for the dissatisfaction! But the more negativity there is in life, the worse it will be.
Dissatisfaction is a very negative and destructive feeling. It is dangerous to even use it to change something.
So, what can you do to change the habit of being dissatisfied with the habit of being satisfied (happiness formula)?
- Destroy the old pattern of thinking (to be dissatisfied)
- I created a new model of thinking (to be satisfied)
How to destroy any negative pattern of thinking?
I use the "millionaire's tire". This rubber with which the money is wrapped. It is placed on the wrist. And when the old thought that you want to get rid of arises, you immediately hit your hand with this tire. It hurts. But it works!
I just walked with this tire for half a year - I cleared my mind. Then I waved.
I put it on again for a week or two when the unnecessary thoughts came back. Then I used it very rarely. Now I can put it on for a day when I have a bad thought. I remove the thought and remove the eraser.
So far, I have not found a better way to eliminate the cause of dissatisfaction - negative thoughts.
To create a model of thinking "to be happy", you can ask yourself: "What is good in this?" "What am I grateful for?" "What success is there here?"
Change a habit. Depend on changing this habit week!
You don't have to change 5-10 habits right away, otherwise nothing will change in the end.
One week - one habit.
There are 52 weeks in the year. Your life will be completely different!
This is what the formula for happiness looks like.
An important revelation for women: Men do not like dissatisfied women! (and women want to be loved so much).
For men: success does not like dissatisfied men.
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