Very dangerous feeling!

Now I want to raise an important issue!
It is this feeling that is rapidly destroying the lives of millions of people. And especially now, at this interesting time, this feeling just "kills".
I want you to understand that time is changing and the energy in space is also changing.
If before you created and materialized thoughts you could only at the expense of the cruel, aggressive, "evil" energy, now this energy destroys. And those who used this energy found themselves in a deep crisis. They continue to use "cruel" energy, but they do not understand that this energy only leads to destruction.
Now is the time for harmonious and happy creation!
Ideas that are created and materialized with the energy of joy and gratitude will now be embodied very quickly. Who can be grateful, who can rejoice, dream and act, the crisis will bring him a sea of ​​happiness and joy and new great achievements.
One of the feelings of cruel energy that I talked about at the beginning of the article is the feeling of dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction drives a person forward and forward to new achievements. Yes, this worked before! Dissatisfaction created motivation. And at the expense of this motivation and energy, man went forward and created.
But now, everything has changed: the feeling of dissatisfaction destroys more than it creates. This is how one enters a closed circle:
- at the expense of the crisis, the market situation is deteriorating
- a person is dissatisfied
- dissatisfaction creates aggravation

Deterioration - dissatisfaction - deterioration - dissatisfaction - deterioration ..
A big plus for the feeling of dissatisfaction was that dissatisfaction created motivation.
And now the state of dissatisfaction creates motivation for a day, and then falls sharply to a lack of energy and the results worsen even more.
I understand that dissatisfaction is a natural reaction to events that we don't like or when things don't go according to plan.
But now time is checking a person for awareness.
Will he be able to readjust his mind to a new model of behavior or will he use the old model, although this worsens the results.
How to change the feeling of dissatisfaction?
With a sense of gratitude and value!
- Gratitude and value create joy
- Joy gives a person creative and creative energy
- Creative energy creates results

And notice, in order to start getting wonderful results, you must first enter the state of gratitude and joy.
Yes, it may seem to you that there is no reason to rejoice. Well, what if you think so, keep diving down. Everyone needs to change something in their life (the more unconscious a person is, the more he has to fall to understand this)
What does it mean to give thanks and appreciate?
I prefer to use the word appreciate because I consider the feeling to be deeper and coming from the heart. Many people say they should be thankful, so they write success diaries and a list of what they are grateful for. But they started doing it automatically because it was necessary for success. And that doesn't work. The universe perceives only feelings.
Here, to appreciate means to give thanks in the heart ».
To appreciate means to be grateful for something constantly!
For me, thank you is a process.
To appreciate is a condition.
The great and lasting feeling of gratitude on one occasion or another turns into a feeling of gratitude.
Imanno this feeling becomes the most creative in modern times!

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