How to train for happiness and wealth

They say that a smart person does not stumble twice in the same stone ...
Um ... either everyone around is a fool (me too), or this proverb is a lie.
We all constantly stumble into the same stone!
If that didn't happen, we would all be super successful!
And, honestly, no one learns from other people's mistakes! We learn only when we are hurt by the mistake we have made.
Why do we constantly make the same mistakes and how to make them less?
When we stumble on a stone it hurts. But the problem is that the pain goes away. And when it passes, one calmly stumbles into the same stone again. This time the pain is stronger and one remembers the experience much more vividly. But even this pain passes. And so people constantly stumble into the same stone. That's what you and I do!
Honestly, I'm tired of making the same mistakes and getting the same experience. You know that the lesson will be repeated until it is learned. And I decided for myself: "I will record my experience!" This way I will write a book about myself so I can go back and read what happened and how to deal with it.
The whole problem is that our memory is too short and selective. We very quickly forget our successes, achievements, pleasant moments, our experience.
Because we forget our successes and achievements, we suffer from low self-esteem.
Because we forget the pleasant moments, we feel unhappy.
Because we forget the experience, we walk around, stumbling over the same stone.
I decided every night to record the experience of today. This way I will keep all the important moments in my life! Then I will be able to go back and remember this experience.
From this daily report I will mark these actions, this way of thinking, which has worked and brought positive results, I will keep them in a file called "personal experience".
Everything that concerns the business, the effective ideas, solutions, I will keep in a file "Business experience".
Why constantly figure out how to do something if I can take advantage of past experience.
For example, what can I think of a way to get out of a bad situation?
I had many periods in my life when I was in a bad condition, and I came out of that state. I clearly know what I did, what put me in a good mood. I have a clear consistent pattern of actions, what I need to do to lift my spirits.
What can I do to get more money?
I remember the periods when money was not enough. I remember what I did, what I thought, what helped me make money.
I also clearly know thanks to which way of thinking and what actions the money comes from. If the cash flow suddenly closes a little, I clearly know what to do to reopen it.
And what should I do if my motivation disappears?
And I also clearly understand the reason and what to do to get it back or find it again.
In reality, you have dealt with "millions" of different situations in your life. And if you clearly remembered all this experience, you would have long ago reached complete happiness and wealth.
Your body has learned to react in a similar way to certain things.
Good weather - good mood, bad weather - simple mood,
You hear criticism in your address - the mood drops, you hear praise - it rises!
You get money - you are happy, there is no money - you grieve.
But a man is not Pavlov's dog! (the bell rings and salivation begins)
One can train oneself for any reactions. (Of course, if he consciously deals with this. If not - then he will look like Pavlov's dog, which someone constantly trains).
Start training yourself for success, happiness and wealth!
I'm talking about creating your own personal model of success!
Start today! All you have to do is start recording your daily experience.
For example, you go to the gym and after it you feel a big surge of energy, then write very confidently: "Fitness - a big rush of energy"
You have a bad mood. You enter the site of Love. You read articles. The mood is wonderful! Write down your experience: "The site of Love - a wonderful mood"
Subconsciously we do it constantly. Our mind labels every little thing "joy" or "pain." Start doing it consciously now. Then, when you are suddenly in a bad mood, you open the notebook and find everything that lifts your mood and you do it! You will have a ready model to get out of this state.
For example, here is my model for getting out of a bad mood (sometimes, depending on the degree of bad mood, it may be necessary to do several things)
- very active sport
- spells
- purpose
- actions
- creativity
I have the same model for increasing cash flow
For women, there is a pattern of behavior that makes a man stronger and more successful! Basically, women use a model that makes women stronger and men weaker. That's why the connection is broken.
It is a pity that I once forgot my successful experience and wasted months in vain. After all, if I recorded everything and then reread it over and over again, I would be much more effective in life.
Every day in the evening write a few sentences about today (5 minutes).
Save the good experience, the results and the reasons for these achievements in the file "Personal positive experience".

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