How to live with ease?


There are 2 ways in life:
- to achieve
- to accept
We are all used to success. Yes, I did it too!
I deeply believe that the universe is good and abundant. It itself gives a person everything he needs and all the best. It gives a person from birth a physical body, talents, abilities, reason, freedom of choice, endows him with creative energy and allows a person to use this energy at the discretion of the person himself!
But man decided to take this energy and apply it against himself: he decided to achieve!
To achieve means to create problems and solve them, gradually moving forward.
How does one create problems?
It's easy enough to think about something bad or get into a negative state and - hello, problems! And then the problems must be solved! One thinks about problems and thus creates new problems. New problems lead to even greater frustration and entering a negative state. This creates the way of thinking of a problem solver.
Remember, when solving problems, you always create new problems!
Why? Thinking about the problem, you put your energy into it!
This is how the model of life to "achieve" is formed! Life becomes complicated because part, even most of one's energy is used against oneself. Sad L
How to get out of this state?
Watch your goals and dreams! Ignore the problems! The problems will go away on their own because they will not receive your energy supply.
For how to get rid of debt, read my book The Truth About Cash Flow
How does a person who accepts live?
First, he realizes that the universe is abundant, and it will give its own.
Second, one realizes that one is worthy of happiness and wealth by birthright. Happiness and wealth should not be earned. They should be taken for granted by nature (just as a tree should not deserve to grow leaves in the spring. This is because this is the nature of the tree)
Third, man realizes that part of the work is done by the universe and part of the work is done by man himself, so he acts. It will not be easy to lie on the couch and accept the wealth.
Fourth, one is calm about mistakes and failures. He understands that this is how he interacts with the universe. The universe teaches man and shows him the way.
Fifth, one enjoys all the successes and good news. Through joy and gratitude, man shows his gratitude to the universe.
He has to achieve nothing in life! (I understand that for some this statement can be shocking)
You create desires, act and receive!
Why do people choose the model of achievement?
The whole thing is in the Ego!
Everyone wants to feel their own importance! Because of low self-esteem, one wants to prove to oneself that one is great. He wants to prove himself great. He wants to prove to himself what is already known. It turns out that a large part of life only accepts their Divine essence (and some do not accept it for the rest of their lives). In fact, most people struggle with themselves and the universe. Are you one of them?
To begin to accept, it is enough to understand that you are already God in your life. And to direct the Divine energy to your desires (and not to the problems).
People want to get everything now and immediately!
 In fact, this is what happens from the point of view of the universe. Just for the universe a month, a year (and even 10 years) - this "already and immediately" is a moment. And for a person month and year are many. Be more patient, and your life will become happier!
Use the phrase "I accept," and then show what you are accepting.
For example, I accept a sea of ​​happiness, I accept a sea of ​​money, I accept love.
Just say it a few times in your mind. You will see how the mind will resist first. "How will you get this?", "Life is complicated, you have to work hard!" and other nonsense.
Just keep saying that phrase and try to feel it. You will soon believe! And when you believe, your life will change! 

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