Increase confidence


I was not born with absolute self-confidence. To be honest, I had a lot of problems with confidence.

Given that I was not weak enough, the children in the class often laughed at me, made fun of me.

From the very beginning of school, my mother motivated me to want to be an excellent student. And when I got 4s and 5s, I argued a lot with myself, I criticized myself. I could think all day about how and why I got 5s. Where could I go wrong and how did it happen.

It was because of self-criticism that I lost my self-confidence.

In the upper grades of school and university, I didn't do well in relationships with men. This affected me very strongly and negatively.

Therefore, I can say with certainty that my confidence work was no better than yours now, maybe even worse.

How did I manage to succeed? Now I want to share with You my actions that have always helped me succeed.

I had a very strong desire. And that desire was freedom! At school, looking at the children of wealthy parents, I always said to myself, "Here I will grow up, and I will also achieve all this!"

This desire moved me. Although I didn't believe much in myself, in my success, I was looking for ways. To be honest, I didn't think about self-confidence at all, whether I believed in myself or not.

I knew I wanted to be free and I was looking for ways and acting. Yes, it is true, I acted with low self-esteem.

When I started writing The Truth About Success, I didn't think about whether I was worthy to write this book or not, I didn't think about what it would be like and whether I would finish it. I saw that this book was part of my path to freedom. And I wrote this book with the thought of freedom in mind!

The important thing is to act!

The problem with people with low self-esteem is that they do not act. They don't believe and they don't do anything about it. On the contrary, I acted. I did not jump forward into the future. I just did - and whatever happens. Of course, I had a distant vision for my future, but it was not too far away.

On the way to my freedom, I always set goals and broke them down into tasks. I always knew what I had to do this week or in the next few days. That's why I thought about these tasks and did them. Of course, many plans failed and I came to a dead end. Yes, it hurt, I was disappointed, but then I went to the side and started thinking again about how to move forward. I re-invented and moved forward. I can't count how many times I found the wrong paths and how many times I was disappointed, but I was always moving forward.

As a kid, I used to solve a lot of puzzles. And now this animal situation was another conundrum. And I solved it.

As I dealt with situations and reached goals, my confidence grew.

I created self-confidence through action.

And I can say with absolute certainty that self-confidence is based on action.

The second very important point, which I realized much later, is how you perceive your actions and successes. I was always very self-critical, so I underestimated myself and my success. They always seemed very small to me. And I always exaggerated the failures. I often ignored and did not notice my successes at all, as if they were taken for granted. I didn't care. And this is a big mistake.

Of course, now I rejoice in every success, celebrate the successes, thank the successes, even jump on my favorite rock by the sea and rejoice.

I deliberately and consciously fill my brain with success and happiness.

Remember, please, self-confidence is your subjective assessment of yourself.

If you choose one of your greatest victories and focus on it with all your might and "cultivate" it in your head, your confidence will grow much more than in a person who has achieved many goals and has not paid attention to them.

Where there is focus, there is energy. The more energy you put into your successes and victories, the stronger and faster your self-confidence grows. And if day by day you find more and more reasons for disappointment, of course, your confidence will drop.

What else have I always done in life to increase my self-confidence?

From 7th grade I started running in the morning with a friend. That's how I run until now! But I never thought that the habit of running would "save" me. I've noticed that when I run a lot, my brain clears. It's as if then the nonsense goes away.

Today I ran 5 km. My body was tired, but my feelings were shocking. Such a boost of inner energy! Tomorrow I will run 10 km. I am sure that there will be a complete cleaning and an even greater rise.

I had many difficult periods in my life, but every time I ran I had the confidence that I would succeed! And it always happened!

I don't know if you like running or not, but I know for sure that there is some kind of sport that will "save" you and will always give you strength and energy to move forward!

What I can recommend you to do now to increase your confidence:

- Rejoice in your current and past successes! (deliberately rejoice)

"Act!" (It doesn't matter if you do the right thing or not, your confidence will grow)

- Dreams, goals (they will move you).

- Play sports!

You can change your self-confidence on a subconscious level. This is much faster, but requires experience!

How to love mistakes and failures


How to draw conclusions correctly?

We often plan something, set goals, want something, but we do not always realize this plan, achieve goals and get where we want.

And the job is not in you at all.

I also plan, I set goals, I want something and I also don't always do it on time. The whole thing is that our brain overestimates the speed of realization of something in the short term and underestimates in the long run.

The problem is not that we do not achieve the goals on time or do not achieve what we want on time. The problem is how we treat this "failure." I put the word "failure" in quotes because it's not a real failure. It's just that our brain considers it a failure.

And millions of people have become disillusioned with themselves and their goals because such "failures" have happened to them in life. One of the most important habits I have acquired in life is the habit of perceiving mistakes and failures correctly.

I used to be frustrated too, upset just like you.

We all often make mistakes in life.

The problem with mistakes is not in the mistakes themselves, but in how we treat them and what we do with them.

If someone scolded you, the problem is not that they did it, the problem is how you perceived it.

All problems occur because of the misperception of events, not because of the events themselves.

And now that I have gained experience of correct perception, I want to share this experience with you so that you can also treat situations correctly.

To better understand what I am talking about, I will show it with my own example.

On Saturday, my coach and I played tennis for a few hours against another coach and his student.

This was our 4th fight!

And we lost again ...

Yes, I made a lot of mistakes.

But the amazing thing is what I said to myself after the defeat.

I was very happy with how I perceived it.

I really wanted to win and I did my best for it, but it didn't happen.

Here are some phrases I said to myself mentally after the loss:

- Good for you! A little more and we would win! Now we lost 7-6, and the previous times it was 6-2 and 5-1 .... You have improved a lot!

- Yes. You played very poorly next to the net. He missed almost all the balls. If he played better next to the net, we would have won.

- You have to train the game to the net and pass together with the coach! And you will win!

- In general, everything was wonderful! Good for you! Proud of you!

Now let's analyze these thoughts:

Thought 1. Recognition of achievements and great progress, praise

Thought 2. Understanding the reasons for failure

Thought 3. Understanding what to do to eliminate the cause

Thought 4. Conclusion

Note, please, that the first and last thought are positive and creative! They increase my love for myself and my confidence.

The second thought is the reason. Cause, fact, clear and logical in the complete absence of criticism and negative emotions about yourself or situations.

Third thought - this is a clear and logical plan for the near future to eliminate the causes that led to the "failure".

Fourth thought - emotional conclusion.

Thoughts of praise are emotional!

The thoughts of analysis are logical!

It is the emotional thoughts that have tremendous power!

In my case, the emotional thoughts are positive.

Logical thoughts have a slightly negative connotation (but they are logical, so they have little destructive power).

In humans, the opposite happens: thoughts of analysis are emotional, which creates strong destruction, and thoughts of praise are either tossed or logical, and therefore have little power.

Here is a common situation: a person is very upset, scolds himself, but somewhere deep down he realizes that he did everything well, even though it did not work out.

Why can you be happy and rejoice when something is wrong or when you have made a mistake?

- the universe knows and understands better. It leads you to your goal in the best way.

- you have become wiser. You have gained experience and understanding

- you grew up as a person

- You understand that it is worth improving positive thinking.

Summary: make sure that the positive emotions as a result of each situation (positive or negative) significantly exceed the negative emotions!

Ideally, positive emotions should be 80% or more, and negative 20% or less.

How to reach balance


You create your life through your thoughts and feelings. You've probably heard this a million times. But so far you have failed to create the future you dream of. And I failed. Because there are several traps here that no one warns about. And I got caught.
I used to read a lot of books on personal growth. And in all of them they talked about the fact that you have to dream and imagine your future. Here I started doing it too!
I started dreaming a lot. And the more and more often I went into the future, the worse the present became. Boredom came instead of motivation. The money that had to come did not come. Many unpleasant miracles happened.
I wondered why this was happening, I was creating the future ... I do everything as it is said in the books.
I decided to find out why this was happening.
And a few days later the answer came to me: "All your energy goes to the future!" And I realized that my energy does not remain in the present. I understood why I was bored, I understood why laziness came.
I totally focused on the present! I lived only in the present and the present. I went to the other extreme - today. I stopped dreaming and started working hard on my current goals. I want to point out that this extreme turned out to be much better. But after a while (about half a year, that's not 1 month, as in the case of focusing on the future), I felt that something was wrong. Boredom came again. And I felt I had lost my meaning. For me, boredom is a wonderful indicator that something is wrong, I am doing something wrong.
And I started thinking, what's wrong again.
The results in life are excellent. Why I feel what I feel. And a few days later I received the answer: «You forgot why you do what you do. You lost your sight.
This was another lesson.
And then I decided that part of the day I have to focus on today to create and improve the present, and part of the day I have to dream and build the future to remember why I do what I do in the present.
The conclusions I made during this period helped me to find a balance in life and thanks to that I reached full abundance!
In the morning (6:00 - 9:00) - this is the most wonderful and appropriate time to tune in to a wonderful day.
Yes, you create every day! It is you who create.
In the morning, I do spells, concentrations, visualizations, and other suggestion techniques that are related to daily goals.
If you are positive in the morning, your whole day will be wonderful. You will succeed. Everything will go great if, of course, something does not change your mood.
That's why in the morning my whole focus is on today!
I have daily goals. It is on them that I focus.
Our lives consist of decades.
The decade consists of 10 years.
The year consists of 12 months.
The month consists of 30 days.
I consider the day to be the most important! Every day is like a new life.
I appreciate every day.
And that's why in the morning I create in my imagination every day.
Day time (9: 00-18: 00) - this is the time to achieve short-term goals!
I know what I want in 1,3,6 months. I think about these goals and I do what I have to do to achieve these goals.
The day is a time for intensive work!
During the day, a very strong creative energy prevails.
Evening (18: 00-22: 00) - this is a time for thanksgiving and dreams.
In the evening it is worth thanking for the past day and celebrating all the successes of the day.
It is also very nice to dream in the evening. In the evening you can build your future.
In the evening meditations, I imagine my future in 1,3,5 years.
This is wonderful to do in the evening, because in your sleep your brain will continue to build your new future.
And in the morning you will wake up full of happiness and joy for the new life and you will focus again on the most effective way to spend the day.
Remember, you have the right time for everything!
And that's how I came to a perfect balance in life.
Thanks to the new order, I manage to improve my current life and create my future life for a whole day.

How to get rid of boredom


The opposite of boredom is motivation! To get rid of boredom you need to create motivation.
In this article, I want to talk to you about motivation, because it is precisely this motivation that is of paramount importance for achieving all kinds of plans, goals and dreams. And the ability to motivate yourself is a basic habit.
Motivation is desire!
And the stronger the desire, the stronger it will move you!
Motivation is like inner fire. If the fire is strong, and a person manages to maintain this fire for a long time - everything will succeed! People with strong motivation always succeed.
But you have to be able to create that motivation. Sometimes the desire to have something or to achieve something comes naturally, and sometimes you will have to look for it. You have to work on motivation! Motivation is like inspiration, it is a feeling that you can and should create!
At one time, when I started, my motivation was freedom!
And she was so strong that I stood up and moved forward after all the mistakes I had already made on my way. I worked all year without any visible results! It was a whole year of searching and mistakes. But every time I stood up!
My inner fire was so strong!
But motivation, like any other feeling, has a tendency to change.
It can either go out or intensify.
Motivation is extinguished in this case if the level of faith decreases or a person does not act enough. That's when he began to think about how to get rid of boredom.
And the motivation completely disappears at the moment of realization of the desire and achievement of the goals!
After 1.5 years I reached freedom, and I realized my dream! My inner fire and motivation disappeared because I got what I wanted.
How do I determine when to look for and create motivation?
Boredom is coming! You probably have this condition!
Boredom is a wonderful indicator that change is needed.
Now I want to talk to you about how to seek and restore motivation.
I will share with you exactly what works for me.
We often forget about our desires and dreams. That is why we need to remember them often. For the purposes, dreams, desires you have to work! They rarely manifest themselves. And if they do appear, they must be maintained, otherwise they will go out.
From a certain moment I decided to work on them: either I imagine the future life, or I just write my dreams and wishes on paper. This helps me bring back the energy of dreams and desires in my life, and the inner fire increases.
Very often we are so immersed in work that we forget about our desires.
"What I want?" - a very strong question for gaining motivation.
Personally, this question has saved me "a million" times. 15 minutes is enough to think about the answer to this question, and immediately there is motivation and desire to do something.
The question "For what?" - is deeper and helps you realize the essence. It makes sense to ask yourself, "What do I want this for, what I want?" And then you will go further and deeper you will be able to realize your deep motivation.
Some jokers for you in search of motivation.
Maybe this will help you create motivation. Or maybe these ideas will push you to your own ideas.
I am always motivated by climbing to a new level. I want to have what I don't have now! I am usually motivated by big things that will drastically change my life. Big changes bring great motivation. Small changes are a small motivation.
I am motivated by the new goals! I adore goals.
And the main task of my goals - is to give me motivation. Will I achieve them or not - that's another question. I want to be motivated now.
For men, the goals are closer.
For women - dreams.
Motivation for men
The man will always strive for money, because money creates a sense of security, freedom, security. If a man does not seek money and does not want it, I can say for sure that there is something wrong with his masculine energy.
The man is motivated by leadership and competition. To be better than someone, to be first, to be stronger, etc.
The man strives for power and influence, just for everyone the understanding of power is different. Someone seeks to rule the state, someone in business, someone in the family, someone wants to influence other people.
A wonderful motivation for a man is the family and, especially, the woman. A man can do a lot for his wife! For the sake of the beloved woman, the man can do more than for himself.
Motivation for women
Family motivation. Family for a woman is a top priority.
Children. The maternal instinct is very strong, and women will do anything and more for the sake of the children. Because of the children, they are able to exceed their capabilities.
Beloved man. The feeling of love is very developed in women!
House, apartment, material values. The woman strives to create comfort and coziness for her family. She wants her children to be protected and safe. Not only physical safety, but also in material terms.
Self-related motivation. Travel. All women love to travel and see beautiful places.
Men mainly travel:
- with his wives, because she wants so much
- to increase their confidence and then say that they have been there and there.
Perhaps this passion for travel is associated with increased interest in everything new, as well as the desire for beauty. Women are beautiful and they strive for beauty.
Creativity, hobbies and the opportunity to do something just for fun.
What I wrote above is a general motivation. But remember that you are unique! And you have to find your motivation. Forward to search! How to get rid of boredom? - such a question does not arise in those who have found their unique motivation.

Why life doesn't change?

What governs your life?
Your life is ruled by emotions and feelings!
It doesn't matter what you know or what you can do.
The important thing is what you want!
One can always learn what one wants.
Your future is created by what you feel today.
Feelings are transformed into material reality.
And reality, in turn, gives feelings.
But you can create feelings right now and whatever, and you can't create reality so quickly.
This makes it much easier to create feelings. And feelings will build reality.
And the ability to work on developing the necessary feelings, I consider one of the most important habits in life.
Which feelings do I consider key?
The desire (aspiration)
Acceptance (the ability to accept what is happening)
Growth and development

Why does a person's life not change for 5-10 years and remain the same?
Do you think he doesn't know how to change it or how to make money or he doesn't have enough abilities and talents?
He lacks some feelings that determine the course of events. Namely: the necessary feelings and emotions!
In this case, the feelings of desire and faith.
Our brain is unique and ingenious! There is no task in the world that he cannot solve!
However, he is "lazy." If he can do nothing, he will not do it.
It is the feeling of desire that will "stop" the brain from thinking and inventing!
Faith will make him continue in difficult times.
You've probably heard the phrase "the brain is boiling." Thus, exactly, the brain must boil over the search and realization of ideas!
And you will boil precisely because of desire.
This is the strongest state of creation.
A passionate strong sense of desire will make the brain work.
Why can't a person make as much money as he wants?
You think he doesn't know how to do it.
No. People always know or can understand. Everyone's knowledge is more than enough.
"I don't know how" is the most famous excuse for doing nothing. But that's actually the reason. The reason lies in insufficient desire and insufficient faith.
The thing is that people have little desire and do not believe. And when they want something badly, they find the easiest and easiest way to do what they want, for example, take a loan or find money instead of making it.
He is not looking for easy ways. Easy ways "kill" you and dissipate your power!
Easy roads are like cheese in a mousetrap.
Make yourself achieve your dream or goal on your own and honestly!
 You don't have to make your life easier! He who walks the easy way remains weak.
Those who choose the longer and more complicated paths become strong.
Many people want to start making a lot of money right away without giving anything in return.
If you want a lot of money - you have to work hard.
And the most harmonious way to make money is to do your favorite job, to enjoy it, to bring happiness and joy to others and to receive money for it.
It's a long way, you have to find this favorite activity first. Then start dealing with it. To develop and expand it. To learn from mistakes and move forward.
But the paradox is that this long road leads to real long-term results and a full life faster than easy and fast roads. Thanks to your path you will receive everything: growth and development, wisdom, self-realization, success, happiness, money, recognition, freedom and more.
At one time I made a choice in life: I want to live in complete abundance. I want to be rich, happy, to love and be loved, to have a lot of free time, to realize myself and to influence people's lives. And to get to that abundance, I was willing to work hard. To work on myself, to work on my work, to learn and develop, to overcome myself, complexities and fear.
And I never once regretted my choice.
I placed an order. The universe showed me the way. And I accepted it.
I recommend the same to you. Say what you want in life? Be prepared to work well. And don't bargain with life to ease your conditions.
Just accept and learn.
The universe will fulfill all your desires, just be ready to go the way.
And first be ready to see this time.
Tell me now what you want!
By visualizing or immersing yourself in this dream, this desire is strengthened.
Feel how you want this even more! Yes, you need to strengthen this desire!
Feel how you want this even more! Yes, you need to strengthen this desire!
Do you believe you can do it?
And now, in a state of this strong desire, start looking for a way to get to it. And remember: reject the easy ways!
I believe in work! And the more work there is on the road, the more real it is!
When you find a way, keep increasing your desire to act according to the way you have invented. When you encounter complexities and problems on the road, remember to strengthen your desire even more and to believe even more in order to keep the focus on the desires, and not to get into problems.
What you feel now determines whether your dream will be with you in the future or not.
Learn to pay attention to your feelings. And work on them. Amplify positive and creative feelings and ignore negative and destructive feelings. 

How to get rid of fear

How to get rid of fear - quickly and forever?
Fear is man's main enemy!
It is precisely fear that prevents a person from acting when necessary.
Fear prevents you from finishing the old and starting a new one.
Fear is the "killer" of dreams!
Do you agree?
I do not agree!
Fear can be your best friend!
It is fear that shows a person the right path.
Exactly what a person is most afraid of, he must do!
Fear helps a person to grow and develop!
Fear motivates you to act and move forward!
And does your fear stop you or speed you up?
You know, before, like other people, fear stopped me!
But then I realized the secret!
And since then, fear has helped me!
And here's the secret:
You don't have to fight fear!
You will never beat him that way. You will only lose your strength, and the fear will become even stronger.
You should not get rid of it and ignore it.
When I started working on personal growth, I read in books about how to get rid of fear. And I found the answer: you must act in spite of fear. Yes, it's effective theirs, but try ..
It was hard for me!
And I started looking for my own way. And I found it!
Fear must be accepted!
Everything that fear tells you you have to accept!
You must have a single answer to everything that fear draws and "tells" you. And that answer is "good."
Fear will tell you: "There will be nothing to live with!", "You will lose everything you have", "You will be poor", "This will be a failure" ...
And you have to accept all these answers and say "okay."
At this point, the fear loses its power!
People think that once you agree, it will happen in life. To be honest, it never happened to me! And people begin to object to fear, they start arguing and arguing, but the more they fight and resist, the stronger the fear becomes and absorbs a person's will.
Has it ever occurred to you that the more you resist fear, the stronger it becomes?
Fear is a part of you!
And the more you resist, the more you ignite conflict inside you! You fight with yourself. And the more you fight, the more you lose.
Resistance and struggle are not the best advisor in how to get rid of that fear.
That's why don't waste your energy on fighting with yourself.
Just agree right away.
So, the first step is to accept the fear.
The second step is to focus on the goals.
The third step is to draw up an action plan.
The fourth step is to take the first step!
The fifth step is to continue the steps!
With each new step, fear will lose its power! In the beginning, of course, he will resist and tell you even more terrible arguments to provoke you into confrontation. And your task is to repeat "well" and do what you have planned!
Learn to agree with your fear!
And keep acting.
I read in the books that you have to act despite the fear, but I couldn't figure out how?
There was a constant war in my head.
While I was asking myself the question "How to get rid of fear?" the answer was nearby.
When I realized that I did not have to fight and resist, I gained peace.
The model is very simple: you do what you have planned and you agree with everything that fear tells you!
And do you know what's amazing?
When he realizes that you are constantly ignoring him and you always agree, he will stop talking to you.
To be honest, I did not get rid of the fear 100%, it still lives in me.
But now we are friends. When he suddenly appears, I thank him and say "okay."
Instead of thinking about how to get rid of fear - just make friends with it!
Life alone will not change! Only you can change something! Everything is in your hands! If you don't like what you have now, it's time to make new decisions! 

How do life's priorities create life?

What are life priorities?
Have you thought about what is really important to you?
What are your priorities in life?
It doesn't matter if you think about it or not, the brain has in any case arranged these priorities for itself. If you understand the sequence correctly, you control the work of your brain and your life, if not - then your brain controls you and your life.
What am I talking about?
What is more important to you:
- money or family?
- free time or a sense of self-importance?
- happiness or peace?
- leisure or business / work?
- personal growth or travel?
What are your life priorities?
- Freedom (free time)
- Happiness
- Self-realization
- Joy
- Calm down
- Good luck
- Reliability
- Comfort
- Passion
- Cosiness
.... (you can add any feelings you think are necessary)
What areas of life are there?
Business / career / job
Family (woman / man, children)
Friends / acquaintances
Health (beauty, energy, sports)
Material goods
Rest / Entertainment
Personal growth and development
... (you can add any areas you deem necessary)
And now to understand how priorities affect a person's life:
Imagine a man with such priorities:
1. Money. 2. Business. 3. Entertainment. 4. Recreation. 5. Health. 6. Family
What do you think will happen to his family? Rather not at all.
How do you think it will be with the money? Yes, he will have money. And, given the second priority, there will be more business (of course, if for this man in the first place are the feelings that correspond to the businessman)
Imagine, please, a woman with the following priority areas:
1. Family. 2. Health. 3. Personal growth. 4. Work. 5. Travel. 6. Rest.
Obviously, such a woman will have a good family. She will be healthy and beautiful. She will also be wise because she will be concerned with personal growth.
However, money may not be good. It doesn't matter, because the man will provide for the family.
Do you see how life's priorities define life?
But !!!
Women can say: «I do not agree! And for me, family comes first. However, I have no family! »
The men will say in response: "For me, business comes first, but I have not created my own business so far."
Others will say: "Money is the number one priority, but I have no money ..."
I will answer these questions. Everything is very easy.
First of all, I will not agree that for a person something can come first, and it will not exist. This means only one thing: what a person thinks and what is in reality are completely different things. She thinks family comes first, when in fact it doesn't. Reality always shows the truth!
Here is what is most likely to happen to this woman: she says that the family comes first and she sits at work all day. Obviously, work comes first for her.
Priorities are not what you want to be, or think is a priority. The priority is how much time and energy you spend on a particular area.
Second, the important thing is that a certain priority area corresponds to the necessary priority feelings.
If for a man the field of business is in the first place, then the feeling of calm cannot be in the first place with him! Business and relationships are built on calm.
The man says that money comes first with him, but he doesn't have it ...
If we look at his life, it turns out that he has been working at the same job for 5 years, he receives 1000-3000 BGN per month and he knows perfectly well that he will not earn more! And he continues to work on that job.
This means that his feelings of calm and comfort come first, and these are not the feelings you need for money at all!
Of course, he will say: "How can I leave the job, I have to pay loans!"
But that does not change the essence of things.
That's how easy everything is!
And here's another important thing:
You choose a priority, then you develop the feelings that are needed for that priority!
If you do not develop feelings, but let everything go by itself, then life's priorities are built by themselves, and life flows randomly. It turns out that you think one thing, and the result is another.
Your feelings rule your life.
7 years ago, when I was poor, I went to work, I put business in priority. I had a lot of fears, I don't like to go outside the comfort zone, I was soft, I really appreciated the peace and harmony, etc.
But I understood that business requires courage, the ability to step out of the comfort zone, firmness, determination, action, etc.
I began to develop these qualities, I began to do what I feared, and as a result, everything happened.
Everyone says they want a lot of money, but only a few do what corresponds to big money. The others leave everything immediately or gradually and justify themselves.
Some women look for the man of their dreams, despite all the disappointments and failures, forgive, endure, build relationships, and others simply say: "All decent men are already busy ..." - and that is, they have nothing to do.
They justify their failure and are free.
One can always justify oneself, but the result will not get better.
Only units are ready for real personal growth!
Life is the best teacher, but it teaches painfully and cruelly. And you often need an assistant teacher to help you learn from life!
Are you ready for real personal growth?
The key word here is "growth"! And growth is never comfortable!
There is always a force of friction that hinders growth. Only the strong can withstand it and move forward.
Successful people are creative people. They create what they want. Unsuccessful people are people who wait and hope.
I never understood "hope." It doesn't make sense!
Either you believe and create, or it doesn't exist.
Take your life in your hands!
Nothing will change until you stand up and change that! Yes, it will be hard, it will hurt a lot emotionally, but I assure you that you will win!
And the victory is worth it!
He is not looking for easy ways. They lead to the "dump". They just start in the "elite areas", and it seems that everything will be so. But sooner or later they will take you to the "dump"!
The hard roads start in the "dump" or lead through the "dump" and look very awful, but always lead to the "elite areas" of life!
There is power in you! There is potential in you! You already have everything!
You can achieve what you see in your imagination. Otherwise you wouldn't have seen it.
Thanks to the imagination, the universe shows you one of the possible lines of your future life. But whether this line will become yours, you decide here and now!
Only you decide whether you will allow the universe to help you. Or you will come up with one of the millions of excuses why not now.
You decide! This is your life! And your life priorities!

Forget about the problems!

How to get rid of problems?
Why do you think people are more inclined to think about problems than about dreams and goals?
Why do people think more about how to get rid of loans than how to make money? Although if a person makes money, he will get rid of the loans.
Why do parents protect the child more than motivate him for new achievements?
Why do so many people in a relationship blame their loved ones more than they rejoice and appreciate what the partner is doing?
And everything is very easy:
Our brain works on certain principles! And one of its basic principles is to save lives and protect people!
And that is why it is much more important for our brain to avoid pain (including emotional pain) than to gain joy.
Our brain always strives to think about what causes the most emotions and feelings. And it doesn't matter if it evokes positive and negative emotions.
Therefore, since problems to one degree or another pose a danger to a person, our brain thinks more, the brain thinks exactly about the problems.
People are thinking about how to get rid of problems and looking for ways to get rid of problems!
And not about the ways to realize dreams and desires.
Yes, for our brain, safety is more important than happiness and wealth.
But I have a question for you: who is the boss in the house? You or your brain?
Despite his priority for safety over everything else, he obeys you.
You and your brain are different things.
And you can make him do what you need him to do, including go into danger for happiness and wealth.
How to make it?
The easiest way is to make a decision! Strong emotional decision!
Also, our brain has great flexibility. It can be readjusted and changed. That's why you can change the natural priorities for your brain! This is exactly what the rich and happy people did. They put wealth and happiness above safety! They have learned to do what is scary for them and to step out of their comfort zone. The ability to act, despite fear, can develop!
What do you need to achieve happiness and wealth?
To ignite the positive emotions associated with dreams, goals and desires, brighter than the negative emotions associated with fear and safety.
You have to learn to want harder than to be afraid.
The positive emotions associated with dreams and goals need to be stronger than the negative ones associated with fear.
When motivation is strong, problems don't matter!
How to do this?
To train to want!
To train to keep the attention on dreams and goals.
Problems will throw you off balance! They will grab your attention, but you have to put it back on your dreams and goals!
Daily activities and routine will also focus on the little things and kill your motivation, but it is important to learn to return to your dreams and goals.
First find something you really want!
And then learn to go back to thinking about it!
What has always worked for me?
Given that I perceive the world through feelings, my motivation has always been reduced to a single feeling. In the beginning it was the feeling of "Freedom", then the feeling of "Success", "Wealth", "Abundance", etc.
But each person is very individual, and something else will work for you. It is important for you to find and cultivate this feeling.
Let them largely move the positive feelings and emotions that lead to dreams and they lead away from the negative rather than the negative emotions. This is the answer to the question: how to get rid of problems.
Thinking and avoiding the negative, according to the law of attraction, you attract it more and more. This is how you create new problems in your life.
Material things in themselves never motivate. Motivate those feelings and emotions that donate one or another material object. And if you want a house or a car, understand what feelings lie deep in this material thing. It is this feeling that is the motivation.

3 qualities for success in life

What laws of the universe do you know?
Now I want to talk to you about the key qualities that life requires of a person to succeed.
From my own experience, I have become convinced that success is impossible without these qualities.
Either you develop and succeed, or you can't demand something from life that is worth it.
I believe that there are certain laws in the universe and one must respect and follow these laws. Only in harmony with the world is happiness and wealth achieved. Man has great power, but only in harmony with the power of the universe does he become a creator. He who goes against the laws of the universe loses.
What does life require of a person to achieve success? These are the main laws of the universe: whoever develops these qualities in himself, he will always be in harmony with the universe, it will help this person and guide him in life.
"You have to believe in your idea!"
I believe that every person who has achieved great or medium success in life has believed in his idea!
This faith gives a person great power.
One acquires such unimaginable power and strength that one could not even dream of. Faith and love are the two most powerful positive forces in the universe.
No negative emotion is even close to these two forces!
The problem with people is that instead of believing in the idea, they believe in the wrong truths and suffer for it (For example, many women believe that worthy men do not have and marry the fruits of loneliness, and those who are married have believed, that their husband is not capable of anything, the men believed that they would not succeed)
This is how people have turned one of the most spectacular forces in the world, faith, into destructive ... very unfortunate!
If you are a man, like air, you need to have an idea that you will believe in!
If you are a woman, you need to believe in your husband like air, because without your faith he cannot succeed. And if the man is smart, he will leave the woman who does not believe in him.
Faith works wonders!
But only you choose what miracles you want, positive or negative.

- Perseverance.
Perseverance is the ability to follow your idea, even if everyone around you is interfering
Perseverance does not know moods.
The persistent person follows his idea during frustration, decline, during depression, laziness and other adverse conditions.
Perseverance is a quality that develops!
I was not insistent. As a child, I quickly gave up if I failed. But I learned! It was hard, I was crying, getting up and walking forward.

Examples of persistent people.
Thomas Edison, the inventor of the lamp. He made more than 10,000 failed attempts and succeeded as a result.
Sylvester Stallone, actor. He received more than 1,500 role rejections.
Henry Ford, the creator of the car. He believed to the end that this was possible, even when no one believed in him.
Life always tests a person for perseverance! Always!
You may not have to get 1,500 failures or make 10,000 mistakes, but be prepared to get hundreds of failures and make hundreds of mistakes.
And what do ordinary people do?
They try once-two-three ... - it doesn't work. So this is not theirs ... And they surrender.
How did life test me for perseverance?
I dreamed of freedom.
3 years of trial and error - a complete failure.
I started working in the field of personal growth.
For a whole year, all ideas of gaining freedom failed.
Then came a successful year, and I touched freedom.
After two years of unsuccessful partnership ...
But I gained experience!
Half a year of new trial and error, which turned into 1.5 g of spectacular growth!
They think I did well.
I am sure that everyone will do well, but not everyone is ready to dedicate 5 years of life to trial and error. Everyone wants to be successful now and immediately.
But now we're not talking about me. And I shared this story about myself for you to see the power of perseverance and faith in your idea.
I didn't find my idea right away! It took me the first 3 years of trial and error to figure out my idea.
In difficult times, one learns and gains experience. In successful times, one uses the experience one has gained in difficult times.
Successful times are always based on difficult times.
I am so sorry that people do not realize the importance of hard times and avoid them with all their might. It is at such times that character is tempered. And this character creates life.
I urge you to persevere!
- Patience
Patience is the ability to wait.
Everything has its time!
By taking a step towards your dream every day, you reach it!
Faith + Perseverance + Patience = Happiness + Wealth!

Keep in mind the laws of the universe in your life and they will guide you!