How to get rid of fear

How to get rid of fear - quickly and forever?
Fear is man's main enemy!
It is precisely fear that prevents a person from acting when necessary.
Fear prevents you from finishing the old and starting a new one.
Fear is the "killer" of dreams!
Do you agree?
I do not agree!
Fear can be your best friend!
It is fear that shows a person the right path.
Exactly what a person is most afraid of, he must do!
Fear helps a person to grow and develop!
Fear motivates you to act and move forward!
And does your fear stop you or speed you up?
You know, before, like other people, fear stopped me!
But then I realized the secret!
And since then, fear has helped me!
And here's the secret:
You don't have to fight fear!
You will never beat him that way. You will only lose your strength, and the fear will become even stronger.
You should not get rid of it and ignore it.
When I started working on personal growth, I read in books about how to get rid of fear. And I found the answer: you must act in spite of fear. Yes, it's effective theirs, but try ..
It was hard for me!
And I started looking for my own way. And I found it!
Fear must be accepted!
Everything that fear tells you you have to accept!
You must have a single answer to everything that fear draws and "tells" you. And that answer is "good."
Fear will tell you: "There will be nothing to live with!", "You will lose everything you have", "You will be poor", "This will be a failure" ...
And you have to accept all these answers and say "okay."
At this point, the fear loses its power!
People think that once you agree, it will happen in life. To be honest, it never happened to me! And people begin to object to fear, they start arguing and arguing, but the more they fight and resist, the stronger the fear becomes and absorbs a person's will.
Has it ever occurred to you that the more you resist fear, the stronger it becomes?
Fear is a part of you!
And the more you resist, the more you ignite conflict inside you! You fight with yourself. And the more you fight, the more you lose.
Resistance and struggle are not the best advisor in how to get rid of that fear.
That's why don't waste your energy on fighting with yourself.
Just agree right away.
So, the first step is to accept the fear.
The second step is to focus on the goals.
The third step is to draw up an action plan.
The fourth step is to take the first step!
The fifth step is to continue the steps!
With each new step, fear will lose its power! In the beginning, of course, he will resist and tell you even more terrible arguments to provoke you into confrontation. And your task is to repeat "well" and do what you have planned!
Learn to agree with your fear!
And keep acting.
I read in the books that you have to act despite the fear, but I couldn't figure out how?
There was a constant war in my head.
While I was asking myself the question "How to get rid of fear?" the answer was nearby.
When I realized that I did not have to fight and resist, I gained peace.
The model is very simple: you do what you have planned and you agree with everything that fear tells you!
And do you know what's amazing?
When he realizes that you are constantly ignoring him and you always agree, he will stop talking to you.
To be honest, I did not get rid of the fear 100%, it still lives in me.
But now we are friends. When he suddenly appears, I thank him and say "okay."
Instead of thinking about how to get rid of fear - just make friends with it!
Life alone will not change! Only you can change something! Everything is in your hands! If you don't like what you have now, it's time to make new decisions! 

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