Restrictive monetary beliefs…

I am very happy and happy that you have begun to understand what beliefs are and find them in yourself. Now you become the owner of your life. By understanding what you believe in, you control your life.
Now you begin to understand how your brain works and how it creates your reality.
And now, in this article, I want to write about some very common beliefs and help you change them.
And so....
>> I have no surpluses and BGN 500 per month is enough for me
When you say that you have enough, your brain stops creating !!! With this you close yourself off from a large amount of money and break your monetary magnetism.
When I said in my life that I had had enough, there was an immediate lull.
We should always be grateful and always appreciate what we have, but it should never be enough - this is the way to eternal prosperity !!!
As Steve Jobs used to say: "Stay hungry ..."

>> I can't get rid of the "old" thinking about money: it's not about money; friends are important; I have never been rich, I have nothing to become, etc. I really want to get rid of it, earn a lot and get accordingly.
Yes, such an upbringing deliberately and deliberately created limitations in people's minds. They deliberately showed movies that created blockages and restrictions. For this, review once again what you believed in before.
>>   Mom still   contemptuously calls the wealthy "rich Pinocchio" and says that the rich almost all have no conscience and are bad. Mom always advises us to live more modestly and seems to love me more when I'm poor, and I don't like the modest anymore.
In fact, those people who despise the rich and talk about them are deeply jealous of them! And with their words and reproaches, they are simply trying to justify their poverty.

But the more they despise the rich, the less chance they have of becoming rich in life.
It is much easier for a poor man to rebuke the rich and prosperous and call him a scoundrel than to acknowledge his abilities and also to admit his failure financially.
This is how our dear parents often raise us to be poor.
But our parents lived at a time when people were deliberately instilled with restrictive beliefs. Our parents are not to blame for this. And, of course, they passed that on to us.
Now the time is different! Freedom of thought and action has come! Now you choose what to believe. Times have changed, but people's beliefs have not. For this, people's results have remained the same.
And here is another common belief:
>> to be rich is dangerous! ... L children of rich people can be kidnapped, and growing up, they will be available too many temptations .... Rich, beautiful women better not to appear alone on the street, especially in the dark and desolate ... Rich men can be blackmailed and, again, too many temptations are available to them, and they become too seductive prey for lovers to live at someone else's expense ....
The beliefs above are imposed by movies and societies. If you ask a person if this has happened to him in his life, 99.99% of cases will answer no. That is, a person draws conclusions based on another's life, which he does not know at all !!!
Being stupidly rich is dangerous.
But, wise rich - calm down. The wise rich often drive worse cars than people with debts. They dress more casually and behave humanely. From the looks of it, no one would know they were rich. Only a very, very careful person would notice it.
The wise rich have learned to "hide" their wealth, so they are safe.
The rich should not be shown to anyone that they are rich.

>> money can only be obtained at work.
Starting a business requires money and similar restrictions.
Yes, millions of people actually believe that they need money to start a business.
The second point is that the money may not be yours.
I am more than sure that a person who believes that business needs money, understands deep down that he is lying to himself. In fact, such a person is afraid of losing money, so he prefers not to take risks.
Money is energy. And it is foolish to think that she is only hired J
>> money is earned by hard work
They are difficult to take because you believe in it and attract "sophisticated" ways to get money. And do you know how you believed that? Your parents have created this belief in you. And you haven't managed to make your first money yet, and you already believe that it's hard to make money!
In this article, I have described only a few beliefs. In fact, there is a sea of ​​such beliefs. And who do you believe in?
So surprisingly, people take out loans for TVs, cars and all kinds of consumer goods that will not change their lives for the better, and they are sorry to give money for education. The head is the most valuable asset. And this is the very first tool for investment and investments.
 To change beliefs, you need to write them all down on a piece of paper to see what you believe. Then to the right of each limiting belief write the new belief you want to believe.
And focus on those new beliefs more often.
Even a single belief that sits in you can completely limit your cash flow for life!

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