Super day or big failure?

I had a shocking day recently!
But one thought in the evening made me wonder, was this really a shocking day? And as it turned out, he was a great failure!
I woke up in the morning, got to work and worked non-stop until noon.
Then I had lunch again for work!
I worked all day and completely satisfied I went to rest.
I don't know where this thought came from ...
"And what did I really do important today?"
I quickly took a look at all my work and it suddenly became clear to me that it was a bit about achieving my most important goals!
I quickly picked up a piece of paper and wrote my activities on paper.
I also wrote 3 of my main goals on another sheet.
And I saw that none of what I did today leads me to my most important goals!
That was a lesson! What an awareness!
You do something, you do it, and it turns out that it leads in another direction.
Has such a thing happened to you?
Or maybe it's happening now?
I often solve questions with people, why aren't dreams fulfilled, goals not achieved? And it turns out that a person does something, but not at all what is necessary for the purposes!
The next morning, I wrote 3 of my big goals to see them clearly!
And now I have made a new action plan for the whole day looking at these 3 goals!
I didn't do as much work that day as I did the day before, but I did work that really led to the goal. I did less and the result is bigger! I like!
This is exactly the target way of thinking!
It is this way of thinking that creates wealth!
You're not just thinking about something!
And even less think about problems!
You think about the goals, the ways to achieve them and all your actions are aimed at the goal.
Take a piece of paper now and write 3 goals!
Now write 3 specific tasks for each goal that lead to those goals.
And then write the work you will do today to accomplish these tasks!
It's that easy!
Wealth is nearby! You just have to go straight to it.

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