I am writing this article because very often I have to work with potentially successful people who have many talents and abilities, but are lost in life. A wonderful woman, very beautiful, talented, does a great job, has great potential and strength, determined, has the qualities to become happy and live in luxury and wealth, but, unfortunately, she is paid very little compared to what she creates for the company and most importantly: not happy in personal life, energy at zero.
There is one trait that ruined it.
During the consultation, I helped her realize everything and we came up with what to do and how to do it to change it. I am sure that now she will take her life in her hands and create the life of her dreams. I'm glad I could be by her side and help her.
She, like millions of other people, was destroyed by altruism!
She helped everyone! .... Except for herself!
Altruists are good people, but poor and unhappy. Everyone who is not lazy benefits from their kindness. They help people and don't even hear "Thank you"
I asked her, "When did you lose faith in yourself?"
She replied: «At school I defended other children who were offended! Then they started insulting me too! »
I asked her if those she was defending thanked her.
In response, I heard "No."
Maybe you did well in school. How often during the test did you help others and their assessment turned out to be better than yours, even though they did not understand the subject at all? It happened to me all the time.
This is what often happens in life: we help others with good intentions, sacrificing ourselves. And then we wonder, why can't we make our dreams come true and achieve our goals? It's all because we've directed the energy in the wrong direction.
Often people with good motives use money to help a friend.
As a result - no money, no friend.
"If you want to lose a friend, serve him with money," as they say.
And I understand perfectly well why people became altruistic.
Remember what they learned in school? What did your parents teach you?
Think of others first, then yourself!
Then the time was different!
Now times have changed dramatically, and parents continue to teach children to think first of others and then of themselves. As a result, children are moving towards poverty and misery.
In today's world, in order to be happy and rich, the opposite rule works: «Take care of yourself first, and then think of others! Even in airplanes, pre-flight instruction is taught: "Put the oxygen mask on yourself first, and then on the child!"
In our world, an unhappy mother wants to make her child happy! Such a thing is not possible!
And then he wonders why the child, to put it mildly, doesn't love her. Parents, do you know why you lose authority in your children? You teach them what you don't do alone. Many parents learn: "Go to school, study well, then you will graduate from university, you will find a high-paying job and you will be happy." And the children look at the excellent parents, who can barely make ends meet, and think, "Yeah, why aren't you so happy?"
She must be made happy first!
Everything in today's world is different! (I'm fine, I've already grown up in the "new" world and I'm well aware of its rules)
What can you do to become happy and rich?
Change the altruism of selfishness! (I understand that for the older generation this may sound like an insult)
Altruistic people are prone to sacrifice. That is, they will sacrifice themselves for the other. This is called self-loathing! And dislike of oneself closes the flow of life (money).
Perhaps there will be a lot of negative feedback and misunderstanding about this article.
But, I am writing this article for those, like the woman I worked with, who is ready to change, ready to grow and change her life! Those for whom this article is will understand it correctly!
Selfish people achieve more in life!
And all because the motivation "for yourself" is much stronger than the motivation "for others". It is so organized by nature, and man is part of nature.
But 100% selfishness is the other extreme. I'm not talking about her. Yes, such a person will be rich, but he will not be happy. However, this is better than being poor and miserable, being 100% atroistic. The egoist will at least be rich.
One of the reasons why the relationship between a man and a woman breaks down is that a woman loves a man more than herself (and if a woman loves a child more than her husband and herself - this is a breakdown in the relationship.)
By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive.
I'm talking about putting yourself first!
Being 100% selfish and "me first" are two huge differences.
I would suggest the 80/20 model for happiness and wealth.
80% selfishness, 20% altruism.
Love yourself! Appreciate yourself!
You are the creator of your life! You are the main person in your life!
If you don't have it, everything else won't matter.
When you make yourself happy, you will make your family happy (including your children). Your family will radiate happiness to other families who will also believe in happiness. And then others will believe and so the chain reaction will go around the world.
When you are happy, you may not say anything, just by your example you show much more than you could say in a thousand words.
There is one trait that ruined it.
During the consultation, I helped her realize everything and we came up with what to do and how to do it to change it. I am sure that now she will take her life in her hands and create the life of her dreams. I'm glad I could be by her side and help her.
She, like millions of other people, was destroyed by altruism!
She helped everyone! .... Except for herself!
Altruists are good people, but poor and unhappy. Everyone who is not lazy benefits from their kindness. They help people and don't even hear "Thank you"
I asked her, "When did you lose faith in yourself?"
She replied: «At school I defended other children who were offended! Then they started insulting me too! »
I asked her if those she was defending thanked her.
In response, I heard "No."
Maybe you did well in school. How often during the test did you help others and their assessment turned out to be better than yours, even though they did not understand the subject at all? It happened to me all the time.
This is what often happens in life: we help others with good intentions, sacrificing ourselves. And then we wonder, why can't we make our dreams come true and achieve our goals? It's all because we've directed the energy in the wrong direction.
Often people with good motives use money to help a friend.
As a result - no money, no friend.
"If you want to lose a friend, serve him with money," as they say.
And I understand perfectly well why people became altruistic.
Remember what they learned in school? What did your parents teach you?
Think of others first, then yourself!
Then the time was different!
Now times have changed dramatically, and parents continue to teach children to think first of others and then of themselves. As a result, children are moving towards poverty and misery.
In today's world, in order to be happy and rich, the opposite rule works: «Take care of yourself first, and then think of others! Even in airplanes, pre-flight instruction is taught: "Put the oxygen mask on yourself first, and then on the child!"
In our world, an unhappy mother wants to make her child happy! Such a thing is not possible!
And then he wonders why the child, to put it mildly, doesn't love her. Parents, do you know why you lose authority in your children? You teach them what you don't do alone. Many parents learn: "Go to school, study well, then you will graduate from university, you will find a high-paying job and you will be happy." And the children look at the excellent parents, who can barely make ends meet, and think, "Yeah, why aren't you so happy?"
She must be made happy first!
Everything in today's world is different! (I'm fine, I've already grown up in the "new" world and I'm well aware of its rules)
What can you do to become happy and rich?
Change the altruism of selfishness! (I understand that for the older generation this may sound like an insult)
Altruistic people are prone to sacrifice. That is, they will sacrifice themselves for the other. This is called self-loathing! And dislike of oneself closes the flow of life (money).
Perhaps there will be a lot of negative feedback and misunderstanding about this article.
But, I am writing this article for those, like the woman I worked with, who is ready to change, ready to grow and change her life! Those for whom this article is will understand it correctly!
Selfish people achieve more in life!
And all because the motivation "for yourself" is much stronger than the motivation "for others". It is so organized by nature, and man is part of nature.
But 100% selfishness is the other extreme. I'm not talking about her. Yes, such a person will be rich, but he will not be happy. However, this is better than being poor and miserable, being 100% atroistic. The egoist will at least be rich.
One of the reasons why the relationship between a man and a woman breaks down is that a woman loves a man more than herself (and if a woman loves a child more than her husband and herself - this is a breakdown in the relationship.)
By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive.
I'm talking about putting yourself first!
Being 100% selfish and "me first" are two huge differences.
I would suggest the 80/20 model for happiness and wealth.
80% selfishness, 20% altruism.
Love yourself! Appreciate yourself!
You are the creator of your life! You are the main person in your life!
If you don't have it, everything else won't matter.
When you make yourself happy, you will make your family happy (including your children). Your family will radiate happiness to other families who will also believe in happiness. And then others will believe and so the chain reaction will go around the world.
When you are happy, you may not say anything, just by your example you show much more than you could say in a thousand words.
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