I have always been interested in one question: why do some people passionately pursue their dream and others do nothing.
And what is the reason? The reason is that people can have different levels of motivation.
I used to laugh that the former have a dream, that's why they passionately pursue it, and the latter simply do not have such a dream.
But then I looked at my own life and saw something else!
Why in some periods I pursue my dream, and in other periods just calmly, without rushing to go to it? In both the first and the second period I have a big dream!
That is, the question is not in the dream itself!
During the first period I could plan and implement crazy projects, overcome all sorts of fears and do unimaginable things, and during the second period I just stayed put or climbed a little higher.
What's the difference?
What determines the presence of this passion in achieving dreams and goals? Levels of motivation.
The whole thing is in the motivation!
Some people have a big dream, but no motivation. And other people also have a big dream, but they have motivation.
It was the same with me: I had dreams, and they were always strong, but in some periods I "moved mountains", and in others - I barely moved my legs.
Therefore, the big dream is not enough for success.
Motivation is still needed!
Motivation is the desire to achieve or have something.
And how strong the motivation is determines how quickly a person will achieve this thing.
Motivation is goal-oriented (dream, desire, task).
If there is no goal - there is no motivation.
But having a goal does not guarantee that there will be motivation.
As for motivation, there are 2 news: one good, one bad.
The good news is that motivation is a feeling, and any feeling can be created.
The bad news is that it can take a month or more to create motivation.
True motivation is a very, very strong desire for something. This desire is so strong that in this state there are no excuses.
One just walks and does or learns to do if one cannot.
Unfortunately, I can't teach you to create motivation in this article, and that's not the purpose of this article.
But I want you to understand, thanks to this article, what are the levels of motivation. That the dream is one thing, and the desire to make that dream come true is quite another. It is this desire to make the dream come true that turns into action, and the action already turns the dream into reality.
If you don't have a dream, your first task is to find it!
If you have a dream, you must want to make it come true.
How do you know if you have motivation or not and how strong it is?
How often do you think about your dream?
If sometimes - no motivation.
If during the day - the motivation is weak.
If every day - the motivation is already good.
And if almost constantly - this is a strong motivation!
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