"Goal" and "Task" - are two words that are very similar, but lead to completely different results in life.
Using one of these words, you will reach happiness and wealth, using the other - to poverty and misery.
How do you think rich people focus on tasks or goals?
Hmm… and what is the difference ???
The difference is huge (for our reason)! And most people do not distinguish exactly this difference, and therefore life is not going well.
Check yourself - answer a few questions:
1) What did you do today? (just write your assignments)
2) What do you think about the most (write 3-5 thoughts that "spun" in your head the most)
3) What is your goal (a very complicated question for most people!)
According to the answers to these questions, how do you feel, are you thinking about tasks or goals?
Now look at the list below and point out what the tasks are and what the goals are:
To create a business. Make a website. To earn the first 3000 thousand thanks to your business. Learn new sales methods. To find customers. To lose up to 60 kg. To solve the problem with the manufacturer. To find an assistant. Write 250 pages for your book. To buy a computer for work. Make a loan installment. To sell 1000 pieces of goods.
So, understanding the difference between a task and a goal - this is the difference between a successful business and a debt business, this is the difference between BGN +3000 per month and BGN -3000 per month.
A small difference that determines the result!
There are 4 goals in the list above. The rest are tasks. And most people think about tasks, they don't succeed.
Now you know what to focus on, but to know and do - these are 2 different things!
I have to resort to subconscious programming, and it gives a powerful result.
"To earn the first BGN 3,000 thanks to my business",
"To lose up to 60 kg", "To sell 100 units of goods", "To write 250 pages for my book" - are goals.
Everything else is a task. Solving a problem (any) is a task!
The task is a specific job that needs to be done. (It may not lead to any result or it may worsen the situation). Tasks do not create reality. Tasks create activity (often without moving forward). People do something all day and don't really move forward.
The goal is an absolutely clear "picture" in a certain area of life that one wants to reach.
Ordinary people solve problems! Successful people go for goals!
Why is there such a big gap between goals and objectives, even though they seem to be the same. You can solve tasks all your life and not move. Only goals move forward!
Goals always contain numbers! (If there are no numbers, I don't consider that a goal; although most people think so!) Numbers are not necessarily money. It can be quantity,%, $, date, etc.
The tasks do not contain numerical indicators.
Our mind, which is a performer, understands numbers perfectly and misunderstands general information.
Would you get to work if the question:
"How much will I earn?", You get the answer:
Perhaps you would like to know what "enough" means?
How many levs are these ???
Then you will be able to judge what you can afford for the money earned.
The tasks for our mind are like: "Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know which". Then they say that our minds are lazy. Of course, he is lazy if he is given such tasks.
Of course, there are also clear tasks, for example, to agree on the terms of cooperation or to make a presentation for a specific client, to start production. (Starting a production or business for most people is a goal). But even clear tasks lead to something bigger.
One does not just want to agree on the terms of cooperation, but to benefit; not just to make a presentation, but so that the customer can place an order.
To start production not for the sake of production itself, but to make a profit.
Ie the tasks are intermediate points. They do not motivate the mind. This often causes laziness and reluctance, you have to overcome yourself.
Goals are another matter! By concluding a contract for BGN 10,000, the mind already draws what it can do, thanks to these BGN 10,000.
Making 3-5 thousand a month thanks to his business, the mind paints freedom.
A girl who wants to lose up to 60 kg sees herself as beautiful, attractive. This gives her confidence and the opportunity to enjoy herself.
That is, the specificity that the goals give motivates much more to action than the abstract tasks that lead to an unknown place.
For example, the task to "Start my own business". Wonderful! And what's next?
The mind cannot paint benefits. More than that, he can, on the contrary, draw a bunch of problems: "Where can I find clients?", "How do I write the accounts?", "What if I quit my job and the business doesn't work out?" etc.
Do you see the difference between the task "to start your own business" and the goal "To receive BGN 3,000 per month thanks to your business?" And here this figure "3000" completely changes the essence of the question!
If you want to succeed in work and life, focus on the goals, not the tasks!
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