The first secret to success - A huge inner intention to be successful in life
This is the main secret to success.
What does inner intention mean?
Intention is the willingness to have and the determination to act. Internally, it means that your desire comes from the soul, not from the mind. The soul controls the emotions, the mind - the logic. If there is a conflict between emotions and logic, emotions always win in all circumstances. They are simply stronger in our universe. Our universe is a huge clot of energy. And our emotions contain a small particle of this energy. It is emotions that control your life. They are like a magnet, attracting events that you experience.
Why am I talking about intention and not desire. Desire is an instrument of reason. He desires when he is not ready to receive. The mind desires, and the soul is indifferent, that is why not all desires are realized. Desires become reality only when they pass into intention, ie. man is ready to have what he desires, and then the energy of desires becomes directed actions, which make the law of attraction attract this material reality into your life.
Before, it was difficult for me to understand how a person wants to have something and does not make any effort to get it. Now I understand why this is happening. Desires come from reason. If the soul does not abide in harmony with the desire of the mind, it will not come true. Emotional discomfort will repel all desired events from you. When the mind finds what is in your heart, then you are ready to work, you are ready to apply a lot of strength and energy to achieve the desired. Then you just stop wanting, you start to understand that it's yours, and that, and that it's going to happen in your life, it's just a matter of time. It is unknown where and why you begin to know that this is yours and will take place in your life.
Find out what success in life means to you. These do not have to be material things. Everyone wants to have a big beautiful house, an excellent car, but only a few souls want the same. Other people's souls want something completely different. We have come to this world completely different. We cannot strive for universal success. We need to find our own success. You will feel when you actually find your niche. This will be accompanied by peace of mind and deep inner joy. These feelings will bring in your life very well and will become a constant positive source of life energy. Finding your own path and following it is the most important secret to success!
Second secret to success - the absolute knowledge that you will succeed.
I will reveal to you a secret that may surprise you. Most likely, your mind will not want to accept it, but do not immediately reject this idea, but think about it. Success is a natural option for the development of events, failure is a deviation from the norm. I will now explain why this happens and why success is much less than failure. The universe follows the path of least resistance, it realizes what requires the least amount of energy. Look around: nature is full of abundance, look at the fields covered with millions of pleasing to the eye flowers, mountains, oceans, forests. How wonderful everything is! Nature creates all this beauty without difficulty, for her abundance is the norm, the ordinary development of events. Look at nature - how harmonious everything is.Why is everything the other way around in humans? It strikes all this poverty! A person's life is controlled by the mind. All events must unfold according to a pre-determined scenario. And if something goes differently, it is perceived as a failure and an unpleasant coincidence. One begins to experience negative emotions on this occasion. But in fact, another scenario does not mean a "worse" scenario. What for the caterpillar is death for the butterfly is birth. By perceiving events negatively, we begin to deviate and move away from the line of abundance and success. And that's why most people know failure. Life is unpredictable, and the mind tries to determine everything and predict options in advance for the course of events. But this is impossible!That is why a person goes to negative periods in life and is disappointed that everything is not going the way he wants. But he makes a huge mistake. He thinks that the unforeseen scenario is worse than anticipated. If the mind does not interfere in the process of achieving the goals, you will get what you want. Release control. Then the knowledge will be revealed to you that you are on the way to success and nothing can stop you, because the universe is abundant.that you are on the road to success and nothing can stop you, because the universe is abundant.that you are on the road to success and nothing can stop you, because the universe is abundant.
The third secret to success is hard work
You are obliged to take responsibility for the realization of your goal and to start working constantly. The secret of success of all successful people is hidden in the work. Remember Thomas Edison, 10,000 failed attempts led him to a great discovery, Henry Ford, who created the car, and other famous people. None of them succeeded lying on the couch. The secret to success is in the work. Work and only hard work have led them to the goal. Along the way, they overcame many obstacles that helped them create more and more perfect discoveries. And none of them were afraid to get tired. Look at successful people, they work much harder and harder than mediocre ones. They rest much less, but better. The secret of hard work is that it gives strength. Although they work harder,they get tired much less. Why? Because they see their purpose and live with their vision. This gives them the strength to work and work more. Man is made for work, he is terribly tired of laziness, his soul stagnates with boredom. Look, everything is created for a purpose. Cars to move faster. The planes to cover huge distances in a very short period. Man came to this Earth also for a purpose. And, look, if you leave the car in the garage and forget it, in 2-3 years it will be unfit to perform its functions. Also the plane and any other object. One also withers from boredom. He is obliged to work and strive for his goal. Only in this way can one achieve happiness.from laziness he is terribly tired, his soul stagnates with boredom. Look, everything is created for a purpose. Cars to move faster. The planes to cover huge distances in a very short period. Man came to this Earth also for a purpose. And, look, if you leave the car in the garage and forget it, in 2-3 years it will be unfit to perform its functions. Also the plane and any other object. One also withers from boredom. He is obliged to work and strive for his goal. Only in this way can one achieve happiness.from laziness he is terribly tired, his soul stagnates with boredom. Look, everything is created for a purpose. Cars to move faster. The planes to cover huge distances in a very short period. Man came to this Earth also for a purpose. And, look, if you leave the car in the garage and forget it, in 2-3 years it will be unfit to perform its functions. Also the plane and any other object. One also withers from boredom. He is obliged to work and strive for his goal. Only in this way can one achieve happiness.if you leave the car in the garage and forget it, after 2-3 years it will be unfit to perform its functions. Also the plane and any other object. One also withers from boredom. He is obliged to work and strive for his goal. Only in this way can one achieve happiness.if you leave the car in the garage and forget it, after 2-3 years it will be unfit to perform its functions. Also the plane and any other object. One also withers from boredom. He is obliged to work and strive for his goal. Only in this way can one achieve happiness.
When working, rely only on yourself, on your own strength. It's not worth relying on luck or other people. Luck will accompany you when you do not rely on it. When you expect him to smile at you, you will be disappointed. Act alone. That is why I wish you to work hard and hard to achieve your goals!
Fourth secret to success - self-suggestion.
Self-suggestion is the only key to the world of the subconscious. In self-suggestion lies the secret of successful control in life. You are constantly engaged in self-suggestion, but you may not know about it. Every word you say to yourself is self-suggestion. What do you think about yourself? Do you like yourself? These thoughts about yourself are also self-suggestion. Thoughts residing in the mind are transformed into emotions. And emotions are material coming from the subconscious. And the longer these emotions stay in your mind, the more they take root there. All thoughts ingrained in the subconscious actually affect your reality. The easiest example: if you do not like yourself, you act insecurely, in any situation you doubt. Self-suggestion is a powerful process (now you understand why), but give it to the will of chance,spontaneously and unconsciously, and moving through life is, to say the least, unreasonable. You are able to choose for yourself what you think about, so think for yourself for a few minutes from a better point of view. You are a unique person, there is no other person on Earth. You are a star. Just think for a minute about your strengths. What are you doing well? You have many excellent qualities. Concentrate on them. How well you did the task, and another ... Think for a minute.How well you did the task, and another ... Think for a minute.How well you did the task, and another ... Think for a minute.
Have you noticed that your mood has changed a bit in a positive direction? You've only thought for a minute. And if you think 5 minutes, and if you repeat this procedure 2 times a day, and then every day without interruption? Do you understand what will happen? You will finally change your attitude towards yourself. You will learn to concentrate on the positive.
You can use the visualization technique, imagining that you have already achieved your goal now (by no means in the future).
Fifth secret to success - life planning, goal setting
At this step, miracles begin to happen. Without knowing how to achieve your desire, start setting goals. This is a transitional moment from a loser to a successful person. It is important to understand this secret to success. Not all successful people knew how to achieve their goals. It is important that you have the courage to set these goals. When you set goals and plan your life in the future, you seem to adjust your subconscious to a certain scenario. You must first determine where you want to go, and only then will your subconscious begin to adjust to this line of events. Most people don't choose, they just go through life, and that's why their life is a constant "noise", unfortunately.
Sixth secret to success - A good image of yourself
The secret of all successful people is to have a good, even very good opinion of yourself. They also make mistakes, even more often than you. It is very important to have the right attitude towards yourself. After all, your attitude towards yourself determines how you will treat everyone else and your activities. You are simply obliged to love and respect yourself. If you do not love each other, you cannot benefit anyone on this earth. You are not able to love someone else. It all starts with yourself. If you don't love yourself, you won't want to work for this person, you don't love him. How can you work for him? Bad self-esteem leads to the belief that "I don't deserve it." And with such conviction you will never achieve anything. Secret to Success №1 says that in order to get anything, you have to be ready to have it.And you are absolutely not ready for that, and vice versa - you are not ready to have what you have now. You keep thinking about how to keep it. Your self-image determines your attitude towards the world. It all starts with yourself. You just try to notice what you did well and remember it, ignoring everything bad. Until you create a good image of yourself, don't try to get something worthwhile.
Seventh Secret to Success - Keep learning
You need to constantly learn on the path to success. Read, read and read again. Be sure to read something about self-development. This site is a good start to learning. It will give you a good idea of success, and you will understand in which direction it is worth moving forward. Read about your profession or your business. Try not to waste time. When traveling for work, listen to training materials. There are many on the Internet, and they are free. If you travel by car, make it your university of success. As you travel, include something instructive. Always carry a player, or listen on the phone if you are in a situation where you have to wait for something or someone. You have no idea how much time you can save this way. Don't save money on training. People are always interested in where to invest free money. In the bank,in investment funds? A good solution is to invest them in your business, if you have one. If not, invest in your education. Your mind is the most expensive asset. It is able to bring you 100% of the money invested in it per month. Don't like to read? Learn. Don't like to listen? Get ready. Maybe you don't like it because you read or listen to something boring or uninteresting?
These are, in fact, the most important secrets to success. Study them carefully. Successfully apply the secrets to success I wish you.
This is the main secret to success.
What does inner intention mean?
Intention is the willingness to have and the determination to act. Internally, it means that your desire comes from the soul, not from the mind. The soul controls the emotions, the mind - the logic. If there is a conflict between emotions and logic, emotions always win in all circumstances. They are simply stronger in our universe. Our universe is a huge clot of energy. And our emotions contain a small particle of this energy. It is emotions that control your life. They are like a magnet, attracting events that you experience.
Why am I talking about intention and not desire. Desire is an instrument of reason. He desires when he is not ready to receive. The mind desires, and the soul is indifferent, that is why not all desires are realized. Desires become reality only when they pass into intention, ie. man is ready to have what he desires, and then the energy of desires becomes directed actions, which make the law of attraction attract this material reality into your life.
Before, it was difficult for me to understand how a person wants to have something and does not make any effort to get it. Now I understand why this is happening. Desires come from reason. If the soul does not abide in harmony with the desire of the mind, it will not come true. Emotional discomfort will repel all desired events from you. When the mind finds what is in your heart, then you are ready to work, you are ready to apply a lot of strength and energy to achieve the desired. Then you just stop wanting, you start to understand that it's yours, and that, and that it's going to happen in your life, it's just a matter of time. It is unknown where and why you begin to know that this is yours and will take place in your life.
Find out what success in life means to you. These do not have to be material things. Everyone wants to have a big beautiful house, an excellent car, but only a few souls want the same. Other people's souls want something completely different. We have come to this world completely different. We cannot strive for universal success. We need to find our own success. You will feel when you actually find your niche. This will be accompanied by peace of mind and deep inner joy. These feelings will bring in your life very well and will become a constant positive source of life energy. Finding your own path and following it is the most important secret to success!
Second secret to success - the absolute knowledge that you will succeed.
I will reveal to you a secret that may surprise you. Most likely, your mind will not want to accept it, but do not immediately reject this idea, but think about it. Success is a natural option for the development of events, failure is a deviation from the norm. I will now explain why this happens and why success is much less than failure. The universe follows the path of least resistance, it realizes what requires the least amount of energy. Look around: nature is full of abundance, look at the fields covered with millions of pleasing to the eye flowers, mountains, oceans, forests. How wonderful everything is! Nature creates all this beauty without difficulty, for her abundance is the norm, the ordinary development of events. Look at nature - how harmonious everything is.Why is everything the other way around in humans? It strikes all this poverty! A person's life is controlled by the mind. All events must unfold according to a pre-determined scenario. And if something goes differently, it is perceived as a failure and an unpleasant coincidence. One begins to experience negative emotions on this occasion. But in fact, another scenario does not mean a "worse" scenario. What for the caterpillar is death for the butterfly is birth. By perceiving events negatively, we begin to deviate and move away from the line of abundance and success. And that's why most people know failure. Life is unpredictable, and the mind tries to determine everything and predict options in advance for the course of events. But this is impossible!That is why a person goes to negative periods in life and is disappointed that everything is not going the way he wants. But he makes a huge mistake. He thinks that the unforeseen scenario is worse than anticipated. If the mind does not interfere in the process of achieving the goals, you will get what you want. Release control. Then the knowledge will be revealed to you that you are on the way to success and nothing can stop you, because the universe is abundant.that you are on the road to success and nothing can stop you, because the universe is abundant.that you are on the road to success and nothing can stop you, because the universe is abundant.
The third secret to success is hard work
You are obliged to take responsibility for the realization of your goal and to start working constantly. The secret of success of all successful people is hidden in the work. Remember Thomas Edison, 10,000 failed attempts led him to a great discovery, Henry Ford, who created the car, and other famous people. None of them succeeded lying on the couch. The secret to success is in the work. Work and only hard work have led them to the goal. Along the way, they overcame many obstacles that helped them create more and more perfect discoveries. And none of them were afraid to get tired. Look at successful people, they work much harder and harder than mediocre ones. They rest much less, but better. The secret of hard work is that it gives strength. Although they work harder,they get tired much less. Why? Because they see their purpose and live with their vision. This gives them the strength to work and work more. Man is made for work, he is terribly tired of laziness, his soul stagnates with boredom. Look, everything is created for a purpose. Cars to move faster. The planes to cover huge distances in a very short period. Man came to this Earth also for a purpose. And, look, if you leave the car in the garage and forget it, in 2-3 years it will be unfit to perform its functions. Also the plane and any other object. One also withers from boredom. He is obliged to work and strive for his goal. Only in this way can one achieve happiness.from laziness he is terribly tired, his soul stagnates with boredom. Look, everything is created for a purpose. Cars to move faster. The planes to cover huge distances in a very short period. Man came to this Earth also for a purpose. And, look, if you leave the car in the garage and forget it, in 2-3 years it will be unfit to perform its functions. Also the plane and any other object. One also withers from boredom. He is obliged to work and strive for his goal. Only in this way can one achieve happiness.from laziness he is terribly tired, his soul stagnates with boredom. Look, everything is created for a purpose. Cars to move faster. The planes to cover huge distances in a very short period. Man came to this Earth also for a purpose. And, look, if you leave the car in the garage and forget it, in 2-3 years it will be unfit to perform its functions. Also the plane and any other object. One also withers from boredom. He is obliged to work and strive for his goal. Only in this way can one achieve happiness.if you leave the car in the garage and forget it, after 2-3 years it will be unfit to perform its functions. Also the plane and any other object. One also withers from boredom. He is obliged to work and strive for his goal. Only in this way can one achieve happiness.if you leave the car in the garage and forget it, after 2-3 years it will be unfit to perform its functions. Also the plane and any other object. One also withers from boredom. He is obliged to work and strive for his goal. Only in this way can one achieve happiness.
When working, rely only on yourself, on your own strength. It's not worth relying on luck or other people. Luck will accompany you when you do not rely on it. When you expect him to smile at you, you will be disappointed. Act alone. That is why I wish you to work hard and hard to achieve your goals!
Fourth secret to success - self-suggestion.
Self-suggestion is the only key to the world of the subconscious. In self-suggestion lies the secret of successful control in life. You are constantly engaged in self-suggestion, but you may not know about it. Every word you say to yourself is self-suggestion. What do you think about yourself? Do you like yourself? These thoughts about yourself are also self-suggestion. Thoughts residing in the mind are transformed into emotions. And emotions are material coming from the subconscious. And the longer these emotions stay in your mind, the more they take root there. All thoughts ingrained in the subconscious actually affect your reality. The easiest example: if you do not like yourself, you act insecurely, in any situation you doubt. Self-suggestion is a powerful process (now you understand why), but give it to the will of chance,spontaneously and unconsciously, and moving through life is, to say the least, unreasonable. You are able to choose for yourself what you think about, so think for yourself for a few minutes from a better point of view. You are a unique person, there is no other person on Earth. You are a star. Just think for a minute about your strengths. What are you doing well? You have many excellent qualities. Concentrate on them. How well you did the task, and another ... Think for a minute.How well you did the task, and another ... Think for a minute.How well you did the task, and another ... Think for a minute.
Have you noticed that your mood has changed a bit in a positive direction? You've only thought for a minute. And if you think 5 minutes, and if you repeat this procedure 2 times a day, and then every day without interruption? Do you understand what will happen? You will finally change your attitude towards yourself. You will learn to concentrate on the positive.
You can use the visualization technique, imagining that you have already achieved your goal now (by no means in the future).
Fifth secret to success - life planning, goal setting
At this step, miracles begin to happen. Without knowing how to achieve your desire, start setting goals. This is a transitional moment from a loser to a successful person. It is important to understand this secret to success. Not all successful people knew how to achieve their goals. It is important that you have the courage to set these goals. When you set goals and plan your life in the future, you seem to adjust your subconscious to a certain scenario. You must first determine where you want to go, and only then will your subconscious begin to adjust to this line of events. Most people don't choose, they just go through life, and that's why their life is a constant "noise", unfortunately.
Sixth secret to success - A good image of yourself
The secret of all successful people is to have a good, even very good opinion of yourself. They also make mistakes, even more often than you. It is very important to have the right attitude towards yourself. After all, your attitude towards yourself determines how you will treat everyone else and your activities. You are simply obliged to love and respect yourself. If you do not love each other, you cannot benefit anyone on this earth. You are not able to love someone else. It all starts with yourself. If you don't love yourself, you won't want to work for this person, you don't love him. How can you work for him? Bad self-esteem leads to the belief that "I don't deserve it." And with such conviction you will never achieve anything. Secret to Success №1 says that in order to get anything, you have to be ready to have it.And you are absolutely not ready for that, and vice versa - you are not ready to have what you have now. You keep thinking about how to keep it. Your self-image determines your attitude towards the world. It all starts with yourself. You just try to notice what you did well and remember it, ignoring everything bad. Until you create a good image of yourself, don't try to get something worthwhile.
Seventh Secret to Success - Keep learning
You need to constantly learn on the path to success. Read, read and read again. Be sure to read something about self-development. This site is a good start to learning. It will give you a good idea of success, and you will understand in which direction it is worth moving forward. Read about your profession or your business. Try not to waste time. When traveling for work, listen to training materials. There are many on the Internet, and they are free. If you travel by car, make it your university of success. As you travel, include something instructive. Always carry a player, or listen on the phone if you are in a situation where you have to wait for something or someone. You have no idea how much time you can save this way. Don't save money on training. People are always interested in where to invest free money. In the bank,in investment funds? A good solution is to invest them in your business, if you have one. If not, invest in your education. Your mind is the most expensive asset. It is able to bring you 100% of the money invested in it per month. Don't like to read? Learn. Don't like to listen? Get ready. Maybe you don't like it because you read or listen to something boring or uninteresting?
These are, in fact, the most important secrets to success. Study them carefully. Successfully apply the secrets to success I wish you.
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