What period are you in now?

Man is a part of nature, and therefore his life also conforms to the laws of nature.
You have probably noticed that there are 3 periods in your life: growth, plateau, decline.
Growth is the time when material reality improves.
The decline is the time when material reality deteriorates
There is always a so-called plateau before rising or falling.
The plateau is a period when everything is equal: in material reality almost no changes occur or at least it seems so. At the energy level, the concept of plateau does not exist. There is always either growth or decline.
People don't notice it. But right after the plateau there is an increase or decrease in material reality.
The intensification of energy inside leads to growth in material reality.
The weakening of the energy inside leads to a decline in material reality.
What does it mean to increase or decrease the energy inside?
The energy grows if real dreams appear, a strong desire appears, a drive arises, you want to act, motivation appears. The body becomes more active. Problems cease to matter. You see only your dreams and desires. Ie the inner energy grows and this energy becomes the energy of actions. When energy grows, one forgets what laziness and depression are. He becomes very active!
Energy drops when you notice that motivation drops. Enthusiasm becomes significantly less. You don't want to act. And sometimes you don't want anything at all. You start paying attention to the problems. Desires become weak, or disappear altogether. They seem to exist, but they do not provoke much passion. You get bored, you lose interest.
Growth in material reality always begins after the growth of energy within you!
The decline in material reality always begins after the decline of the energy within you!
Usually people look at material reality and draw conclusions. After all, it is much wiser to look inside yourself, and then it will be easier for you to predict the future. Life does not happen. Life is created.
And now see:
The period of the decline of energy inside and the decline of the material world corresponds to winter
The period of energy growth inside and the plateau in the material world corresponds to spring
The period of growth of energy inside and growth in the material world corresponds to summer
 The period of the decline of energy inside and the plateau in the material world corresponds to autumn.
Ie a person's life also obeys the seasons.
Why is there a drop in energy?
- Influence of the negative environment
- Disappointment, stress, failure
- Conflicts in the family
- Achieving a goal or dream that you went to for a long time and finally reached
In successful people, energy begins to drop when they have achieved what they have dreamed of for so long. This dream, which gave so much energy and so inspired and motivated them, disappears. And with it, the motivation disappears. And if the motivation disappears - the energy weakens - the decline begins.
To be honest, the period when you achieve your goals is very dangerous. This may be followed by an annual or larger decline. And all because there is no new, equally inspiring mast. Yes, to be honest, truly inspiring dreams. Yes, to be honest, true inspirational dreams are rare! It can take 6-18 months to search. But when you find it, then life improves dramatically. Make sure you have goal after goal to prevent this from happening.
What to do if your life has a period of autumn?
- Be sure to do active sports! Sport boosts energy! Yes, you will have to use willpower and discipline, because during a fall you do not want to do anything.
- Urgently start looking for the real dream! Many people say, "I have a dream!"
If you think you have, but there is a decrease in energy, there are only two options: either the dream is not real (imposed by society or created by reason), or a person does not believe in this dream. The first option is more common.
- Set goals and go for those goals
- Help from the side (the coach or mentor will quickly bring you back to life)
"Act!" The more you act, the faster autumn will pass, winter will be warm and spring will come. But in the fall you will need very strong discipline and willpower to make yourself do what the body does not particularly want.
In autumn it is more difficult to motivate yourself than in winter because everything is fine.
But if you manage everything, then the winter will be warm and sunny.
What to do if you are in the winter?
In winter it does the same thing as in autumn, but in winter it is easier to do, because life itself begins to push a person to do something and change something. If a person does not change anything, the winter becomes more severe and cold.
If you are in the spring and especially summer, enjoying this period, give thanks and rejoice. Positive strong emotions will help you continue this period.
 Analyzing my life again, I noticed:
- Spring and autumn are the longest periods of the year in my life
- one time of the year can last more than a year!
- winter can pass within a month, and it can be very "warm" (if you follow the recommendations above)
- at any time of the year, very "warm" weather can occur for a short time
- There is a "gypsy summer" in late autumn and winter
And now, tell me, please, in what period are you?
If you are in the fall or winter, what will you start doing today to get out of the recession?
Are you ready to take matters into your own hands, become disciplined, and take action?

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