How to make wishes come true automatically?

The main focus in life
Man has spectacular energy.
This energy is invisible, but imperceptibly it creates our material reality.
The problem is that we do not think about how and where we direct this energy. Our thoughts are chaotic. The mood often changes. Different situations happen and we react differently. The energy is dissipated. So we lose control of our lives, and it flows somewhere on its own.
In order for this not to happen, in order to direct the energy in one direction and create what you want in life, you must have a main focus.
Focus is what you focus on. In other words, this is where your attention is.
What is the main focus?
The main focus is a very vivid emotional and visual or sensual image that one consciously and subconsciously thinks about.
The main focus is directing thoughts in the positive direction needed.
Every thought has a certain energy. And the stronger this energy, the more such thoughts it creates. That is, thought is like a magnet. And the stronger the magnet, the more it attracts such thoughts. And these thoughts attract other similar thoughts.
That is why the main image must be very bright and emotional.
Has it ever happened to you that a certain problem captures all your attention and you can think of nothing more than this problem?
The problem creates certain thoughts that have been so strong that they simply suppress all other thoughts and completely capture the mind on their own.
Now do you understand how thoughts can become a magnet?
And now I really want you to understand and create a main image or feeling, which will also be such a magnet, only positive. And this positive magnet will attract only positive thoughts and feelings, and this, in turn, will create a new happy and rich life.
Let me set an example so that you can clearly understand what I am asking you to do.
How did I gain my freedom?
At one time I was not very happy. I lived with my parents. I studied at university and realized that I was going in the wrong direction. At the same time, I was doing scientific work (it sounds cool, but it wasn't really cool at all). I also had a job, and I was just starting to grow a network business.
I was not living my own life and I had no time at all.
But I had the most important thing: a dream of freedom!
I was coming home after work at 9 p.m. I sat, relaxed and dreamed of freedom. I wanted so badly to live on my own, to manage my time, to wake up when I wanted, to pursue my favorite personal growth and to have a lot of money so that I don't think about them anymore. (Yes, by the way, only then did I realize that "I don't think about money" is an illusion of the poor. We will have to think about them, and we will also have to be able to manage them wisely).
The dream of freedom was an obsession, the most passionate and emotional thought. I lived with this freedom! I did not notice all this negativity and poverty around.
I thought only of freedom and lived only in freedom.
This main focus embodies your desires automatically!
And now another opposite example:
Which question do you think I am most often asked about money? "How to get rid of debt", "How to get rid of debt"! Yes, I am happy to help people in these matters, but the point is that people think about debts! It is debts that become their magnet and key image!
Or maybe you also have a negative image-magnet?
Admit it honestly. You don't have to get rid of it. Just turn your attention to the positive image-magnet. Purpose is a very strong motivation for people. It is stronger than any problems.
Criteria for strong and positive images?
- They evoke blue passionate positive feelings
- These feelings remain strong for a long time (minimum 6-12 months, imposed dreams, desires and other weak images after 1-2 weeks weaken and are forgotten)
- They will remain even in a period of big problems and complexities (Usually in a difficult period people switch to solving problems and forget about dreams. Weak dreams are forgotten, real ones turn out to be stronger than problems)
Check your dream or desire to match these three points.
Remember that if you have a strong image-magnet in life, you will 100% fulfill your dreams and desires.

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