"Easy" money… Take it!

How many different false beliefs there are about money ...
Sometimes I wonder how such a thing can be believed ...
"Asking for money is bad"
"Making a lot of money is bad"
By the word "bad" I mean all kinds of negative feelings and emotions.

And a few years ago I myself fell into this trap :)

I believed that asking for money was low, that the universe did not approve of such desires.
One person helped me to believe this.
When I met this man, and we worked together, he indirectly gave me and I realized that it is "more correct" to concentrate and set "non-monetary" goals.
When I started doing it, I immediately noticed that my motivation was going down, and the creative energy was also going away. Cash flow was closing. As a result, the money became less.
And then I remembered how many good things I had done in life when I was motivated by money.
 And I thought, "If the motivation with money was so bad, the universe would never let me do what I did."
I want you to understand that money is good! And making money is also good!
And motivating yourself with money is also good!
I don't know what they told you in childhood, in adolescence, but I know for sure that wanting to be rich is good!
The desire to be free moved me strongly at the very beginning of the journey, and it was through this desire that I did what I feared, did what seemed impossible, and became a different person!

Desires move a person!
Monetary motivation is a wonderful motivation.
I am writing this article for you to regain this motivation!
But sometimes people start making money at any cost.
This is already bad.
 "Money at any cost" leads to unhappiness!
At the very beginning of my activity I said to myself: «I want to receive money and get rich only thanks to my activity in personal growth. I'm not interested in random money, "easy" money, "profits", etc.
That is, I closed the false roads and the "easy" money for myself !!!
This helped me focus only on my work.
Later in my life, I was offered "easy" money hundreds of times. I don't believe in them.

What in my understanding of "easy money"?
This is money, for the receipt of which either you do not need to do anything, or you need to do very little. 
I believe in creativity. I believe in work.

I believe in the law of energy exchange.
How can you get something if you have not invested anything or you have invested very little?
Give up the "easy" money now. "Easy" money, as it comes, so it goes. What do you need them for?
And only this money, for which you have worked hard, in which you have invested yourself and your soul - this is real money. As far as I remember, I always valued money a lot, because I invested myself in every lev I received. Yes, this is not an easy way, it is not a fast way, but this is the real way!
You must have starred in the Leonardo DiCaprio movie The Wolf of Wall Street.
By the way, this is a real story from a person's life.
He took "easy" money by trading on the stock exchange in a dishonest way. He had hundreds of millions of dollars. He bought the best material goods. He had a huge yacht that he gave to his wife, a helicopter, a chic home, many cars, tens of millions of cash, etc.
But at one point it all went away, leaving nothing behind. The "easy" money, even though it was hundreds of millions of dollars, had come and gone.
I believe in honest work !!!
I believe in money made with honest work!
Here is such money will be with you !!! You will appreciate and respect them !!!
There is nothing wrong with wanting money if you are willing to work for it!
Asking for real money and being ready to work is a blessing! And the universe will help you with that.
Wanting "easy" and fast money is against the laws of the universe. And it's as if someday the "easy" money will have to be "paid". You may have to pay with the same money, maybe with happiness, time, etc.
There are many people who have a lot of money, but they are unhappy, evil, have no family or anything else - this is their payment for "easy" money.

Remember, please, the law of energy exchange!
Make sure you give more than you take. Then your life will go to abundance.
Learn to make money in such a way that the person or people who have used your services are happy!
Are you ready to give up "easy" money forever and start making real money?

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