In this article I want to share with you what I notice in people - why they have problems with money. Everyone has their problems, but the root is one!
The root of the money problem is the feeling of dissatisfaction with the amount of money a person has now.
This does not mean that a person earns a little, it is just a little. For example, an entrepreneur earns BGN 1 million per month but does not have enough money to expand production, or a director who earns BGN 7,000 per month but does not have enough BGN 10,000 for a luxury vacation.
The point is not in the amount of money a person makes. The essence is in the image of thinking. Although, I used to think that extra money would solve my problems (That's what most people think and fail). As it turned out - no. When I earned BGN 1,000 per month, I did not have enough BGN 5,000 to develop my site.
When I made BGN 5,000, I didn't have enough BGN 10,000 to achieve my dream.
When I started earning BGN 100,000, I didn't have enough for an apartment.
And now I have big dreams, but I look at everything differently, and I'm still not "enough" I'm just very grateful.
As revenues increase, so do dreams! This happens all the time.
The most important thing is what model of thinking do you have now: "it's a little" or are you grateful?
The problem is that older people often behave like small children: they demand !!!
Enough! You are an adult! Nobody owes you anything!
Neither life, nor God, nor the universe, nor people - no one!
Young children allow themselves to shout and demand a toy from their parents. But I'm not sure that you, as a parent, are happy when children behave like that.
Here: it is not worth behaving like this in relation to the Universe.
The universe does not owe you money. And if you demand money, you will simply be disappointed in life and depressed, and you will not receive money.
We have been taught to express dissatisfaction. But they did not explain to us that dissatisfaction creates even more problems and even more than what we will be dissatisfied with.
Dissatisfaction destroys, first of all, you, and then the object of dissatisfaction itself. It turns out that people in their 30s are very insecure, and in their 40s they lose all hope and are disappointed. And all this because dissatisfaction destroys man as a person.
You want more money - be happy with what you have!
You want more happiness - be happy with the state you are in.
You want more love - be happy with the love you receive now.
You want to have more in life - be happy !!!
Everything I have, I perceive as a gift from the universe.
Thank you for the talents and abilities, for your purpose, for your loved one with whom we live in love and happiness, for the apartment overlooking the sea and the sunrise (it is very nice to watch the yachts from the balcony and dream of one), for the readers , for my books ...
I see all this as gifts, and I understand that the universe loves me and cares for me.
And when I looked at my achievements as a given, I felt like a failure because I had achieved so little. (Although I have achieved a lot, I just compared myself to very successful people).
This is the huge difference only due to perception.
People think (I think so too) that dissatisfaction motivates action and a change in reality. Yes, it motivates, but this feeling does more harm than good because it destroys the personality. And what is the point of this motivation if a person is disappointed in himself?
If you want motivation, just set a goal or dream! A sea of motivation will appear immediately!
What words are behind the feeling of dissatisfaction?
Not enough; and why they are so few; this is not enough; And that's all?...
You just look at your emotions when it comes to money and you will see what notes you can trace.
Emotions and feelings cannot be falsified. They are really telling the truth.
When you know the real reason, it is much easier to solve the problem.
And now "stop" for a second, close your eyes and imagine all your material goods that you have! Thanks, please, the money! Say you appreciate and love them. And you are very grateful that you have them in the amount they are.
Most people can't thank and that's their curse ...
And those who can, bless themselves and their lives!
Comparison of the thinking of the poor and the rich
The world is divided into rich and poor.
What distinguishes the poor man from the rich?
No, the question is not in the amount of money in the accounts and it is not in the material goods.
All this is just a consequence. If the rich man loses all material goods, in 3-5 years he will get all this back and get even more.
Some people think that the rich have succeeded. Yes, they did, but only after hundreds of failures. It also happens to me that I started making money thanks to my business. A year of failures, and as a result I am doing well !!!
The problem is that the poor are not ready to overcome themselves and their comfort zone. They want to get everything, staying at the level they are now.
Lately, energy has become the main criterion for success for me.
I look around and see how I have grown, how my energy has increased.
I am pleased and happy that I have gone through a spectacular energy growth. And this means that in 2-3 months will begin a great growth in material reality. (By the way, the crisis is a good thing: you want - you do not want, but you have to get out of the comfort zone)
The poor do not want to grow because it hurts emotionally.
They are afraid to leave their jobs and leave ....
They are afraid to break off the relationship and be left alone ....
They are afraid to start their own business ...
They are afraid to go to training (what if they lose money) ....
Yes, it's scary, and that's why the poor stay put.
I, too, used to be poor. I was just working on myself.
If you don't like the results in your life, the comfort zone is evil! It will create the same results in life that you have now !!! Get out of it !!!
How many things in my life have I overcome ... How many fears have I overcome ...
All this made me stronger.
(Everything I write about myself is to see with an example from my life what leads to success and wealth)
Do what you are afraid of! Fear can be your enemy, and it can be a helper! For the poor, fear closes the way, for the rich - it shows the way!
Wealth and poverty are an inner state of a person!
Wealth is created inside, not outside.
And personal growth helps with that! Participate in trainings and develop!
The poor man will say, "I have no money," "Now is not the time," "I am making repairs," "I already know everything." He who strives for wealth will find money, opportunity and time!
The more you do what you fear, the richer you will become.
Now look at the comparison chart for the way of thinking.
Rich | Bed en |
1. I have an animal goal, for 5 years, for 5 years, a year, a month, a year, a month, a week I have a goal for the whole | 1. I have no goals, I swim downstream. I have to adjust to life, time, economy, etc. 2. I have no dream. Dreams never come true. And I don't have time to dream. 3. I work only to make money. I don't enjoy work, I don't like it. But what to do. That's life. 4. I'm waiting for a miracle. If I am destined, everything will come only to me. 5. I don't stick to a plan. I live the way I want to today. 6. I have a lot of household chores (Cleaning the house, helping the neighbors) |
Years, 1 year, month, week | |
2. I have a dream and I want to have a dream! And me | |
I realize! | |
3. I follow my destiny I follow my own | |
Yes! I love what I do Avam | |
I'm busy! | |
4. I act every day I act every day | |
Achieve your goal. | |
5. I am disciplined! | |
6. I only do this work, | |
Which brings me closer to the goal, | |
Or the one that brings me money. | |
7. I love sports all the time | 7. I don't have time to play sports. And without that, my job is a lot. And so I get tired, and also sports. 8. Only young children who have not yet lived can love life. Life is complicated and difficult. The world is unfair! 9. My husband / wife can't do anything, he doesn't want anything, the children are ungrateful, the relatives and friends are selfish, they don't want to help. 10. All misfortunes come from money. All the rich are dishonest. 11. Everyone around is dissatisfied people. Everyone is poor. Where to get rich? They don't walk among such small fish as us! 12. What to plan for, I don't spend money on unnecessary things! I buy only what I need! Investing is a risk, and if something happens I'm not sure about tomorrow. Yes investing in yourself is nonsense - better to buy some clothes for children. 13. Money is not worth thinking about. And what is there to think about? 14. I do not believe that my expectations will come true. It will be as it should be! Nothing depends on me. You will not escape your destiny! |
I play sports | |
8. I love and appreciate life, | |
This world is wonderful. Life | |
Is full of resources and everything | |
It is enough and in abundance. | |
9. I love my wife / husband | |
The children, the relatives. This | |
They are the best people, I am theirs | |
Thank you for being with me. | |
10. I love money and I know that | |
They bring joy and good. | |
11. I communicate with people like me, | |
I avoid people who constantly | |
They complain, they annoy, they are bullies. 12. I am financial literate. I plan the expenses, I invest money only in what brings good. I invest in myself, in real estate. 13. I spend enough time and energy on money. 14. I believe in everything good, I believe that I will succeed! My dreams will come true, I will achieve my goals! | |
Now you know what makes you poor or rich. Which of the poor thinking is characteristic of you now?
Strive for wealth inside! Grow inside! The faster you grow, the faster you get rich!
Wealth in the material world will come by itself!
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