How to avoid downturns in life

The first rule that is important for everyone to learn:
Life changes gradually!
Trying to change everything quickly leads to the fact that then everything goes down just as quickly and a person finds himself in an even worse situation than he was before. Why?
First, because there are certain laws in the world. And the world is running at a certain speed. And attempts to overtake this speed end in tragedy.
Second, our lives are governed by the subconscious.
And it is inert enough. New beliefs and new feelings are built into it slowly enough.
The wise man is patient. He understands "time." He is in no hurry because he understands that the laws of life cannot be overtaken.
Unwise people are always in a hurry ... They always fail. And they think that if they hurry, they will succeed. But, in the universe, the opposite is true: the faster you hurry, the more you fail.
Here, the ordinary person looks at his life and understands: «I am already 35! I don't like the job, my wife / husband is a stranger to me - we have nothing to talk about, we have no common goals, the income is small, I don't have time for sports, that's why my belly starts to grow, I have little free time ».
He does not like what he sees and decides: «That is, from today I radically change my life! I am looking for a new job with an income of BGN 5-10,000 per month, I start running every morning, I get a divorce and every day I start reading personal development materials ». How do you think all these "Napoleonic plans" will end?
That's right, with nothing. And to be more precise, with great disappointment. And all because this man makes a big mistake - he tries to change everything at once. A person has been living in a stable habitual rhythm for 10 years, and suddenly in a month he is trying to radically change everything.
Can you imagine what would happen if a freight train traveling at 100 km / h tried to turn 180 degrees at a distance of 100 meters - it would just derail and crash.
You must first reduce speed to enter the turn. The turn will be very slow and smooth so that the train does not turn. Can you imagine the extra distance this train would have to take to make this turn?
A person's subconscious is a "freight train".
And the longer you live, the faster this freight train travels. (And some even try to change their parents)
For this, give yourself time!
Start changing your life gradually. A little. Rooted one habit, then rooted another. Then a third. Then keep the three new habits together. Then work on the fourth, fifth and sixth. Then keep all the habits together. Don't chase speed. It pursues stability.
The law of "inertia" is a very important law in life. Understand it, otherwise you will fall and be disappointed in life.
What is the most important habit you want to implement now?
Spend 21 days on this habit. Don't change anything in your life anymore. If you want to change your job, take time just to change jobs.
Do not change the workload in sports and do not try to improve family relations at the same time.
When you have mastered this habit or task, take on the next one. Yes, this seems to be a very slow approach to life change. But believe me, you will see and marvel at the speed with which changes in life will take place. You haven't changed your life so fast yet.
Do you know where the months and years of life go? For recovery after failure.
One suddenly changes everything. After a month or two, a decline begins - the subconscious returns to old life. One loses control, everything goes wrong as planned, there is disappointment.
And in a state of frustration, one does not want to change anything at all. And in this state a person can live for years. Thus, women after divorce for 3-5 years can be alone. I remember how, after a failed first love, I couldn't watch men for half a year. Here I was in such depression. And half a year is a very short time.
So that there are no downturns and disappointments, and then recovery from the disappointment, change everything slowly. Slow changes are much faster and more effective than fast changes.
Yes, by the way, mortgages are a classic example of a financial downturn.
One wants to buy an apartment faster. He buys it now, but pays for it after a long time. And instead of buying an apartment for 3 million available, in the end (and with% for the bank) he bought it for 9 million. But for that he bought it quickly.
The wise man, who would simply save money, would buy 3 apartments in that time, and the common man only pays the mortgage for one. The problem is that people lack discipline and patience. And they still don't have financial wisdom, that's why the money is being poured out ....

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