In this article I want to draw your attention to 2 very important principles of the universe.
Here are the thoughts that came to me yesterday: "And why don't I have this so far?" or "Why haven't I achieved this so far?"
Yes, I understand that these are bad questions, but I like to realize the reason for one thing or another. This helps me understand how reality "works".
I thought about these questions above and then asked myself:
«What did I want in 2013? In 2016? 2018? »
Um, of course, yes, I know this, why it's something known in advance.
But not all wishes came true, but those that deep in my soul I really wanted. But these were the most important desires.
What did I focus on in 2013? 2014? 2015?
I remember that in 2013 and 2014 my focus was very clear. I created what I wanted.
And in 2015 there was a crisis. But it was as if the results turned out to be wonderful.
Why do I say all this?
I say that because one always gets what he wants!
And one always gets what one concentrates one's energy on.
I consider these 2 principles to be fundamental. And they are very simple.
Know clearly what you want, think about your desires and act in their direction, and you will get it! Be patient, because desires are not fulfilled immediately.
Now let me explain something.
Why can't people follow these two simple principles in life?
First, people with the mind want one thing and the heart wants another. Very often the desires of reason are not real, but you just want to, because you have seen from someone, it is modern or other false reasons.
Second, people are oriented towards the desires of the mind (ie, material desires), although the energy of the heart is much stronger than the energy of the mind, and the desires of the heart are realized much faster. These desires have great resilience and strength, and no problem will distract from these desires.
Third, people create so-called negative desires. For example, to get rid of debts, to leave the unloved job. Ie their desire is to get rid of the negative, not to gain joy. Such desires work against man.
Fourth, people want their desires to come true in a flash. But this is not happening in reality. And people with their negativity (frustration, malice, insult, dissatisfaction) themselves "kill" their desire.
The universe is very wise: it fulfills those desires that one holds for a long time. This means that one really wants it.
And now honestly admit, what did you really want last month, last year? Can you clearly realize your desire?
Just remember that the universe fulfills deep subconscious desires!
Now let's check how real the desires are.
True desires have great power and energy. They immediately "capture" the mind and it begins to think about the realization of these desires. Ie the mind itself concentrates on these desires.
What happens to people?
First, they focus on the problems, not the desires. And therefore they do not materialize their desires, but new problems.
Second, people are very distracted by external circumstances. Today there is news everywhere! Turn on the TV and you will see news. You listen to the radio in the car, in 15-30 minutes you will understand the news. You go to Google to find something and immediately see 5 "hot" news. You talk to a friend, an acquaintance, he tells you news. News is everywhere! Be careful!
Third, most people do not "belong" to themselves. They do what they don't want to do, but it has to be done, helping others first, instead of helping themselves. They spend time with family, acquaintances, and only then on themselves, if there is time. And as practice shows, there is no time left for yourself.
"Think of others first, and lastly of yourself" - this pattern in life leads to poverty and unhappiness.
Please look carefully at your life, and you will see why your desires are not fulfilled so quickly or not fulfilled at all!
The last important criterion for checking the desire is to look at your actions in the direction of desires. If there is no or little action, then the desire is weak, and in fact one does not want it so much.
And now I will once again remind you of the 2 key principles for working with the universe
Principle 1. One always gets what he wants!
Principle 2. One always gets what one is focused on!
And the last secret from personal practice: every morning I write down what my focus was on yesterday, literally 2 words. In this way I then understand what I am actually materializing and what to expect in the future.
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