How to motivate yourself?

The best way
I am sure you have goals and dreams. I believe you want to make your life better. And that's wonderful! But sometimes you are not motivated to do what it takes to fulfill desires. Is not it like that? And this problem is faced by everyone, whether a person owns a large successful business or just an employee.
Where to get motivation? How to motivate yourself? What is the best way to motivate yourself?
Yes, goals and dreams in themselves motivate us, but when we face failures or something goes wrong, the motivation suddenly disappears. Having goals and dreams is not enough for a really strong motivation. Another pitfall for goals and dreams is that they take us into the future and we forget about the joys of the present and the past.
Before I talk about my motivation, I will show you the shortcut to unhappiness and self-loss (many people use it).
Maybe you do just that.
Road to misery
Focus on future goals and dreams.
Forget about past successes and achievements. They don't matter, now everything is different.
If you succeed in something on the way to the goals, it is not worth paying attention to it. This is natural. Moreover, if you are happy, you will hand over your success.
If you fail at something, focus hard on those failures. This will help solve these problems faster.
When you achieve the goal, it is not worth rejoicing so as not to ruin the success, immediately set a new goal and move forward again.
It was a road to misery.
We have already lived a part of life: some 20 years, some 30, some 40, or even 50 and 60 years.
In the past you have a sea of ​​successes and a sea of ​​victories! It is foolish to forget them. But usually people do. They are so forward-looking and passionate about solving their problems that they have completely forgotten how much they have done! After all, notice that chasing goals and solving problems takes energy. Hence the lack of motivation - you lose all your energy and do not gain new.
I noticed an interesting paradox: the bigger a person has, the more he has achieved in his life, the less he values ​​his achievements and the more he is striving for new goals and dreams. This man does not appreciate what most people on earth dream of!
Your past successes and victories can serve as a powerful base on the way to achieving new goals and dreams. But people are afraid to rejoice so as not to hand over new successes and achievements. What nonsense! (notice how competently society has implanted this belief in people's minds to make them unhappy).
To learn about success, you need to brag and tell everyone about your accomplishments.
If you rejoice in your mind, you thank the universe, share the joy with loved ones, with the mentor - this is a direct path to happiness, prosperity and even faster achievement of new goals and dreams.
Rejoice in this!
Every day I jump and rejoice and thank the Universe for my achievements, for the successful events and everything for which I am very happy! I feel wonderful and I want to create more and more!
How to motivate yourself to thank for your past successes and victories?
Simply writing them down in a victory diary is not enough. You need to vividly remember these victories and invest maximum feelings in them. He felt this victory for the first time again. Survive it! Through strong feelings and emotions you will root this victory deep in your subconscious and you will remember it.
After such work with successes and victories you will start with new feelings and inspiration to act forward!
Another misconception is that if a person is happy, he will relax and, conversely, he will do nothing. A person relaxes if he has no new goals and dreams, not because he will be happy.
Of course, someone prefers to be motivated with a whip! Well, what, their choice, but happiness will not see. I prefer to be happy, to grow, to develop and to achieve my goals with joy. I motivate myself for this with a "cake".
And in general, what is the point of achieving the goal if you forget about it?
What is the meaning of victory if you will rejoice one day and forget?
I carefully collect my successes and victories. I remember them! I am glad! And I get motivated to move forward! More than that, when you remember your past successes, your self-esteem grows and you create new successes at the energy level.
The past, present and future are connected by a thread.
Remembering the success of the past, your mood improves and your motivation in the present grows, respectively, you create a much better future.
Use your positive past. You must not throw it away and forget.
I am sure that in the past you have had a successful attempt to get out of difficult situations and solve problems. Use this energy of success to get out of difficult situations in the present and solve problems that arise in the present. What you managed to do once, you will be able to repeat again and again!
Your mind is ingenious!
He serves you with faith and justice, but you can use him for both good and harm!
It's just that people haven't been taught to use it.
Use your genius for good.
Keep your mind positive. Make sure you feel happiness and joy!

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