The people around you are you!

The people around you are a reflection of yourself!
We all live in one world. Why do some people see one thing and others see something else?
Why are there so many unhappy, sad people around some people and happy, happy and joyful people around others?
You probably have friends who constantly tell you how bad everything is, complain about what bad people are around, how badly they treat them, tell news, focusing on the negative events and ask yourself: «And why don't I have this, why everything at me is the other way? There are good, positive and happy people around me. There is abundance and wealth around me. "Where did they find all this rubbish they're talking about?"
There is a feeling that I live in one world and these people live in another world.
I believe that although we live on one planet, but each of us lives in different worlds.
More than that, everyone creates this world on their own.
Some create a poor world, others create a rich world. Some create an unhappy world, while others create a happy world.
And the creation of this world happens through our thoughts and feelings.
The people in your world are a reflection of the same world in which you live.
There are poor people in the poor world. In the rich world - rich people. In the unhappy world - unhappy people. In a happy world - happy people.
You should not get angry and blame other people - they are just a reflection of you and your world. You see in others only what is in yourself. When you insult or blame other people, you blame yourself.
Your eyes look at the outside world, but in the inside they see what is inside you.
If you don't like the people around you, change yourself and people will change.
Because other people are a reflection of yourself, you may ask yourself, "How much of me reflects one person or another?" When you change this part in yourself, the person will either change or disappear from your world, and another person will come instead.
Everything in the world is not accidental: the people around you, your work, your home, the weather, the accidents, the accidents.
Someone will say: «Love, you are crazy. How can I influence the weather? How does time depend on me? »
Very easy. I believe that absolutely everything in your world is a reflection of yourself!
How to influence the weather? You go to another city, country and you have influenced the weather.
The weather is a reflection of your mood! But remember that in reality everything goes with a delay of weeks and months.
Some will say: "How can I leave, I have a family, a home, I have lived here for 10-20 years?"
I'm not telling you to leave. I'm just saying that time is a reflection of you. When you change, everything around you will change because it will reflect those changes in you.
Reality is a reflection of your inner world. We live in a mirror world. But many people do not understand that reality is the reflection in the mirror, not the real reality.
Everything around is your reflection!
When you believe that something is not up to you, you leave the responsibility for that "something." And you can no longer influence him.
You don't like how people treat you?
This is a reflection of how you treat yourself.
How other people treat you is a reflection of your attitude toward yourself.
Disrespect for yourself creates situations in your world in which other people will not respect each other and you, including ..
There is no point in envying other people, because these people, on the contrary, reflect your improvement and growth. For example, your friends and acquaintances constantly travel, go to the sea, to islands, etc., and you do not. These people reflect your desires to travel and know that your world is striving for this. Traveling will soon become a part of your life. If you stop communicating with these people out of envy, you will move the journeys in your own life very far in time.
The more successful people around you, the faster you will reach abundance yourself.
You should not envy other people - they are a reflection of yourself.
Don't get angry, drive, don't hate other people - they are your reflection.
Just change yourself and the people around you will change.
When you hate someone, you actually hate that part of yourself that reflects that person.
There are only two options if you change:
- The person himself will change and will correspond to your new vibrations
"He will disappear from your world."
Love the people!
By changing your attitude towards other people, you can change yourself.
Conversely, by changing yourself, you will change the people around you. 

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