Why do people have problems with money?
They believe that the rich are bad! (society through news, movies and other media has imposed this belief)
And therefore a conflict of beliefs arises in a person's subconscious:
1. I am a good person
2. The rich are bad
And the subconscious attitude is born: «I don't want to be rich, I'm good! They are bad. And this setting closes a person from receiving money!
Here are the beliefs I often draw from the depths of the subconscious (a belief is what a person believes in):
"For rich people, money is more important than anything!"
"There is nothing human left in the rich"
"They are only interested in themselves"
Here people look at those with money and think: «What bastards are these rich people! They do not respect people, "walk through their heads", they are only interested in their own benefit ... "
This and many similar statements concern people with money, not the rich!
The terms "rich man" and "man with money" are completely different.
These are completely different concepts!
People make wrong conclusions about really rich people !!!
And these wrong conclusions always close them with money! In this article I want to show my view of the situation!
Now more and more money is appearing in the world. And more and more people are getting big money. But really rich people are few.
There are rich people.
And there are just people with money.
In this article I want to tell you about the difference between the rich and the people with money.
"Rich" means " God" inside . The root of the word "rich" is
In my understanding, a "rich man" is a person who has realized himself in life. His business is going well, he has a lot of money, a wonderful relationship, he is satisfied and happy.
(hereinafter, using "rich man" I will mean precisely the definition above)
The "man with money" is a man who has a lot of money.
I'm sorry that people look at those with money and think that all the rich are like that!
There are really rich happy wonderful people! And I want to tell you about them!
The rich man is happy! (the man with the money - unhappy)
The rich man is confident. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. He knows the price. Standing next to you, you will hardly be able to tell and understand that he is rich. The man with money with all his appearance will show that he has money. He's cool and you're nobody.
The rich do not expose themselves and their successes. He has nothing to do with it. He knows about them himself! And that's enough!
I deeply believe that the rich respect and value other people very much (while people spit on them with money).
The rich man has an excellent relationship with his wife. Relationships are an indicator of how things are inside a person.
If there are no relationships or these relationships are bad, this indicates deep internal problems.
Usually people with money have no relationship. They have either short-term or "one-time" relationships.
The rich have love in relationships. People with money have no love. There may be a semblance of love.
You feel wonderful next to the rich man. Your self-esteem is growing. You begin to believe more in yourself and your abilities. He helps you see your virtues. Inspiration and motivation come to you. Enthusiasm emerges.
If a person shows you what an idiot or a loser you are, then he is a loser himself. Along with a loser, you feel defective.
The rich man is calm. He understands the power of time. He acts on time and does not "spur".
If a person is constantly under stress, running somewhere, chasing something, I very much doubt his wealth. He may have money, but he is not rich.
The rich man rejoices! The rich man is grateful!
Understand one thing: "Rich people are good people!", God is in them.
Here is a description of people with money in one sentence:
"The lower a person's soul, the higher he pokes his nose where the soul has not grown."
You will ask, "Are there such people at all?"
To have. We just know little about them. They don't show them, they don't talk about them. They are not on display.
So the next time you are shown and told about "rich" people, please find out if he is really rich or just a person with money.
And if you have money or strive for money, please strive to be rich - to what I wrote above!
They believe that the rich are bad! (society through news, movies and other media has imposed this belief)
And therefore a conflict of beliefs arises in a person's subconscious:
1. I am a good person
2. The rich are bad
And the subconscious attitude is born: «I don't want to be rich, I'm good! They are bad. And this setting closes a person from receiving money!
Here are the beliefs I often draw from the depths of the subconscious (a belief is what a person believes in):
"For rich people, money is more important than anything!"
"There is nothing human left in the rich"
"They are only interested in themselves"
Here people look at those with money and think: «What bastards are these rich people! They do not respect people, "walk through their heads", they are only interested in their own benefit ... "
This and many similar statements concern people with money, not the rich!
The terms "rich man" and "man with money" are completely different.
These are completely different concepts!
People make wrong conclusions about really rich people !!!
And these wrong conclusions always close them with money! In this article I want to show my view of the situation!
Now more and more money is appearing in the world. And more and more people are getting big money. But really rich people are few.
There are rich people.
And there are just people with money.
In this article I want to tell you about the difference between the rich and the people with money.
"Rich" means " God" inside . The root of the word "rich" is
In my understanding, a "rich man" is a person who has realized himself in life. His business is going well, he has a lot of money, a wonderful relationship, he is satisfied and happy.
(hereinafter, using "rich man" I will mean precisely the definition above)
The "man with money" is a man who has a lot of money.
I'm sorry that people look at those with money and think that all the rich are like that!
There are really rich happy wonderful people! And I want to tell you about them!
The rich man is happy! (the man with the money - unhappy)
The rich man is confident. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. He knows the price. Standing next to you, you will hardly be able to tell and understand that he is rich. The man with money with all his appearance will show that he has money. He's cool and you're nobody.
The rich do not expose themselves and their successes. He has nothing to do with it. He knows about them himself! And that's enough!
I deeply believe that the rich respect and value other people very much (while people spit on them with money).
The rich man has an excellent relationship with his wife. Relationships are an indicator of how things are inside a person.
If there are no relationships or these relationships are bad, this indicates deep internal problems.
Usually people with money have no relationship. They have either short-term or "one-time" relationships.
The rich have love in relationships. People with money have no love. There may be a semblance of love.
You feel wonderful next to the rich man. Your self-esteem is growing. You begin to believe more in yourself and your abilities. He helps you see your virtues. Inspiration and motivation come to you. Enthusiasm emerges.
If a person shows you what an idiot or a loser you are, then he is a loser himself. Along with a loser, you feel defective.
The rich man is calm. He understands the power of time. He acts on time and does not "spur".
If a person is constantly under stress, running somewhere, chasing something, I very much doubt his wealth. He may have money, but he is not rich.
The rich man rejoices! The rich man is grateful!
Understand one thing: "Rich people are good people!", God is in them.
Here is a description of people with money in one sentence:
"The lower a person's soul, the higher he pokes his nose where the soul has not grown."
You will ask, "Are there such people at all?"
To have. We just know little about them. They don't show them, they don't talk about them. They are not on display.
So the next time you are shown and told about "rich" people, please find out if he is really rich or just a person with money.
And if you have money or strive for money, please strive to be rich - to what I wrote above!
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