What is the real source of Money and Happiness?

People who add the word "steal" to the word "money" are doomed to small incomes. I always say that money is made!
Because money is an idea!
And if we go deeper, then money is energy!
In ancient times, they believed in alchemists who could turn metal into gold.
And they were very close to the truth.
Each of us is a kind of alchemist. You can turn your thoughts (ideas) into gold (money).
I've been thinking a lot about investing lately. I realized which investments are the strongest for me.
My energy x Time -> money
Ideas are like grains, if you take care of them, water them, put effort into their growth, they will grow and bear fruit. More than that, when they grow up, they will bear more and more fruit, and will take less and less of your time.
I am writing this article to make you think that your energy has enormous potential.
If you do not use this energy, then you do not embody your ideas in life, your energy falls, and you feel depressed. Your energy is losing strength.
That's why you have depression and loss of strength.
Your energy is like an indicator that shows whether you are doing everything right in life or not.
I remember that I had a period when I was involved in solving purely technical and organizational issues of my business, as well as issues related to sales, marketing, management, etc. And I forgot about creativity. For me, creativity is something to write, create, improve, record, etc.
So, during this period, I was dealing with purely business issues. As usual, I played sports, concentrated, but after 2-3 weeks I felt that something was wrong. My energy dropped to level 7 instead of 9-10.
I started looking for a reason, to analyze, to think that someone from my environment was drinking my energy, etc.
Then I sat on the beach and he answered me: "What are your priorities now?"
I answered. And the sea asked me: «Do you understand at the expense of what you rose to this level? What was the reason? »
I replied: "My creativity!"
And the sea asked its last question: "And why is this main thing not on the list of priorities now?"
And then I realized the reason for my decline.
I realized that a day without Creativity is a lost day.
(read the article "Give instead of receive" to understand how important this is)
When I created my first site, all my free time I sat and wrote articles and created other materials, which I continue to do now - I put my soul, heart and head in my site.
The word "Creativity" means something different to everyone.
For the writer - to write.
For the artist - to paint.
For the seller - to sell.
For the businessman - to build a business.
For the entrepreneur - to invent.
For the mother - to raise the child. Etc.
 All my life I thought (this is how I was taught) that only artists, poets, writers and creators are engaged in creativity.
But in fact Tvorchestovo is a manifestation of your own uniqueness. And it can manifest in anything.
I write these articles, I am creative as a writer. When I run a business, I am creative in organizational terms.
It's just that one kind of creativity is stronger and another is weaker.

Energy is your most valuable resource!
If you can't dispose of it - very unfortunate. Don't complain, then, please, that you have some money, that you live badly, etc.
Give the world the best that is in you, and the world will give you the best that is in it.
And don't save, because the world will also save for you.
And people want to have everything and do nothing.
Imagine that you have a friend who only takes and gives nothing in return.
You come to him, overwhelmed with a sense of joy and happiness, he takes your joy and happiness, and you go home sad.
You help him, and he never helps you.
You listen to him all the time, and he never listens to you. Etc.
Do you want to see and spend time with such a friend in the future? 
So is the universe! She gave the man everything!
Everyone has a sea of ​​abilities and talents. And he constantly walks and complains: this is bad, and that is also bad. One is wrong, and another is wrong. Everyone owes him. And don't think so about yourself.
I urge you to  become a true alchemist ! Start turning your energy into what you want!
I have a good friend who can turn money into even more money. I communicate with him and also learn this art, but I still understand that I am a different kind of alchemist. I create money in another way.
And wise women make money in a different way !!!
But in any case, energy turns into money!  
And if you can't do it or do it badly, learn!
And I will be happy to help you with that.
Your energy is your most valuable asset!

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