One of the laws of happiness

I found out about this secret recently. More precisely, I knew it, but I did not realize it and did not apply it.
One of the secrets to happiness is - to be happy you need to relax.
In a relaxed state, you get much better results than in a tense state.
But there is a subtle nuance here. Yes, there is a category of people who do not strain at all, do not think about anything, and, of course, achieve nothing in life. I'm not talking about that.
In order to have results, you must have a goal!
And you have to reach this goal in a relaxed state!
This is the secret!
Most people are disappointed with the goals! And all because they strain themselves and the universe so much that they fail and leave goals forever.
The more you strain, the less happy you are and the less successful you are in life.
Be sure to dream! Be sure to set goals and go for those goals! But be relaxed.
The relaxed man is open to the flow of the universe! He is in a good mood. He is positive, full of strength and energy. It is flexible. He flies in life to his goals. He is happy.
Why do drunk people almost never get injured in falls (and they do fall often)? They are completely relaxed.
The more we worry, the more we get sick (I always have to treat my teeth after a lot of stress)
For this, please do yourself a favor: go to your dreams relaxed!
Yes, you have to learn that! But it all starts with awareness!
Meditations help you relax! Precisely because you are in a relaxed state, it is very easy to program your subconscious for more money and happiness. 

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