In this article I want to share with you my understanding of how the world is organized and how to live so that you are happy and rich. There are different types of energy in the world.
The first and most important thing is to understand that there are two completely different and opposite energies in the world! And depending on how a person manages his energies, he has what he has.
These 2 energies are the Earth and the Universal.
They have many other names: Material and Intangible, Male and Female, Creative and Creative, etc.
Whatever we call them, the essence lags behind the same.
One energy is responsible for the material world, the other - for the immaterial.
The material world is matter - everything that surrounds us and that we see with our eyes.
The immaterial world - these are the feelings and emotions, what we do not see with our eyes, but only feel with our heart.
In other words, one is responsible for money, the other for happiness.
And in order to be rich and happy, you must succeed in managing both types of energy.
Usually people deal with only one, because they are constantly on this very energy.
That is why we so often see evil people with money and happy poor (In poor countries people are much happier than in the rich). It's just that some have learned to work with the earth's energy and create money and material goods, while others have learned to create happiness and inner peace.
In order to create material goods, you need Earth (material) energy.
To create feelings, emotions, state, you need Universal energy.
I always wanted to learn to combine these two energies.
And I succeed! But there is still room for development!
I feel how at one time I fully engage in one energy and lose another, and at another time I engage in another and lose the first.
Now I want to give you examples that relate to both energies so that you understand better.
Ground energy includes:
The work (except creativity)
The business
Goals and the achievement of goals
Active sports
The guide
Belief, etc.
The Universal Energy includes:
Take care of yourself
Rest, travel
Relationship / family
Relaxing sport
Meetings with friends
Cooking / cleaning
I immediately want to say that the division is subjective, each of the above can be used to fall into the other category.
For example, for some the trip is a vacation at sea (Universal Energy), for some it is to climb a mountain peak (Winter Energy) when it comes to relationships: you can organize a romantic love evening (Universal Energy), and maybe passionate evening (Earth energy), With friends you can talk about life, and you can talk about how to start a new business. Etc.
The important thing is to understand:
Everything that is aimed at a specific result refers to the earth's energy!
To the Universal Energy belongs that which is directed to the feelings and emotions!
One uses both energies constantly!
But one of them is predominant for a person and one person has learned to use more than another (not necessarily the predominant one).
Ideally, develop the energy that prevails in you. It is be yourself!
From the universe (Nature, God) it is designed so that in men the Earth energy prevails, and in women - the Universal. And when the man and the woman gather with the "necessary" energies - there is abundance in the family. But now everything in the world has changed. Very often women "pull" the family, and the man is just next to her. Or women raise their children on their own. Obviously, in this case the woman uses the earth energy. Women are very good at using earth energy!
Or the man's energy is so strong in the man that he is only interested in sex and not in the family.
To be happy and rich means to skillfully combine the 2 types of energies in life.
In conclusion, I want to share with you the main point I learned:
You need to clearly separate the time when you are in both energies.
For example, from 10 to 18 you are on earth while you work, and from 18 to 22 and from 7-10 you are on the Universal. Although in life we switch constantly.
The first and most important thing is to understand that there are two completely different and opposite energies in the world! And depending on how a person manages his energies, he has what he has.
These 2 energies are the Earth and the Universal.
They have many other names: Material and Intangible, Male and Female, Creative and Creative, etc.
Whatever we call them, the essence lags behind the same.
One energy is responsible for the material world, the other - for the immaterial.
The material world is matter - everything that surrounds us and that we see with our eyes.
The immaterial world - these are the feelings and emotions, what we do not see with our eyes, but only feel with our heart.
In other words, one is responsible for money, the other for happiness.
And in order to be rich and happy, you must succeed in managing both types of energy.
Usually people deal with only one, because they are constantly on this very energy.
That is why we so often see evil people with money and happy poor (In poor countries people are much happier than in the rich). It's just that some have learned to work with the earth's energy and create money and material goods, while others have learned to create happiness and inner peace.
In order to create material goods, you need Earth (material) energy.
To create feelings, emotions, state, you need Universal energy.
I always wanted to learn to combine these two energies.
And I succeed! But there is still room for development!
I feel how at one time I fully engage in one energy and lose another, and at another time I engage in another and lose the first.
Now I want to give you examples that relate to both energies so that you understand better.
Ground energy includes:
The work (except creativity)
The business
Goals and the achievement of goals
Active sports
The guide
Belief, etc.
The Universal Energy includes:
Take care of yourself
Rest, travel
Relationship / family
Relaxing sport
Meetings with friends
Cooking / cleaning
I immediately want to say that the division is subjective, each of the above can be used to fall into the other category.
For example, for some the trip is a vacation at sea (Universal Energy), for some it is to climb a mountain peak (Winter Energy) when it comes to relationships: you can organize a romantic love evening (Universal Energy), and maybe passionate evening (Earth energy), With friends you can talk about life, and you can talk about how to start a new business. Etc.
The important thing is to understand:
Everything that is aimed at a specific result refers to the earth's energy!
To the Universal Energy belongs that which is directed to the feelings and emotions!
One uses both energies constantly!
But one of them is predominant for a person and one person has learned to use more than another (not necessarily the predominant one).
Ideally, develop the energy that prevails in you. It is be yourself!
From the universe (Nature, God) it is designed so that in men the Earth energy prevails, and in women - the Universal. And when the man and the woman gather with the "necessary" energies - there is abundance in the family. But now everything in the world has changed. Very often women "pull" the family, and the man is just next to her. Or women raise their children on their own. Obviously, in this case the woman uses the earth energy. Women are very good at using earth energy!
Or the man's energy is so strong in the man that he is only interested in sex and not in the family.
To be happy and rich means to skillfully combine the 2 types of energies in life.
In conclusion, I want to share with you the main point I learned:
You need to clearly separate the time when you are in both energies.
For example, from 10 to 18 you are on earth while you work, and from 18 to 22 and from 7-10 you are on the Universal. Although in life we switch constantly.
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