Reason №1 why the poor remain poor
I have always wondered how the poor constantly justify their poverty.
"I can't start a business because I need start-up capital" (Although most of the rich started with zero capital).
"I can't make more money because I have children." I once heard a woman tell her story that her father accused her of being poor, saying, "I have you and I don't have time to make money."
And other similar statements.
They have convinced themselves to be poor!
And another important thing: they have stopped dreaming!
After all, everyone has an imagination, both the poor and the rich. But why do the poor never dream of a rich lifestyle?
I will answer this question because I was like that myself.
I did not dream, because "why dream, if it will not happen in the near future?"; "What should I dream of if I have so much work to do now?"; "I have to look the truth in the eye."
And in short: I did not dream because I did not believe.
Faith is the determining factor.
People do not allow themselves to be rich!
They do not dream because they are afraid of disappointment.
They have wanted so many times, and it has not happened that people have stopped wanting. Our brain seeks to avoid pain. People have associated desires with pain and have stopped wanting. To be honest, it was like that for me personally.
What are you thinking about?
What does a person who has learned to dream think about?
For problems !!!
I was constantly solving problems. My brain was busy solving problems, even though it didn't lead to wealth!
I solved some problems and created others. The brain will always find a job. And if you do not give him a worthy goal, he will find a problem (or create it) and solve it.
This is how I was spinning in the vicious circle for several years: creating problems -> solving problems; creating new problems -> solving problems ...
And there was no movement forward!
Why do the rich keep getting rich?
One of the reasons is that they are constantly dreaming.
They constantly ask themselves questions such as "What can I spend my money on?", "Where can I invest my money?" and others.
Rich people like to spend money.
Poor people feel pain and loss when they spend money (I did).
So, going back to the imagination.
After all, no one forbids the poor to dream.
Do you know why dreaming "hurts"?
The subconscious does not distinguish real events from imaginary ones. When you dream, you are immersed in another world. And returning to reality, you encounter a completely different world. A conflict is created between the two worlds. And one feels discomfort, something like emotional "pain." Our brain always strives to keep us in the comfort zone, that is, to be in balance. And now we, on the contrary, go out of balance, striving for what we do not have.
Every desire, every aspiration, every dream introduces a person into a state of discomfort. And to achieve this desire or dream, one must grow as a person. Growth always means overcoming resistance. And in the first place the resistance of the "old" self.
When you drive a car, it overcomes air resistance.
The rocket, when it takes off, overcomes the force of gravity and air resistance.
Man, when he grows up, also overcomes resistance.
The problem is not that it "hurts". The problem is that one is afraid of this pain and does not want to overcome it.
Learning to walk also hurts because you constantly fall and hit your knees.
But people can walk. Children are much braver than adults. They are ready to overcome the pain.
Have you noticed that children often cry? They are not afraid of the pain, because they will cry and cry all this pain, and then they will be happy again.
The adults stopped crying because they were told they had to be strong. And it turns out that adults, instead of crying out their pain, keep it to themselves. And this pain lives in them all their lives. Not surprisingly, adults are constantly afraid of pain and think about how to avoid it. And this fear is man's greatest enemy.
Yesterday I had a meeting with a woman. It turned out that she has a lot of problems with dreams. Not only does she not dream, she also does not allow her husband to dream. When her husband starts talking about dreams, she immediately changes the topic of conversation. So, when we talked, it turned out that one of the reasons she doesn't dream is that she doesn't know how to achieve her dreams.
Dreams are so big and the reality is not very good. She compares her dreams and reality and does not believe that it is possible for these dreams to come true. Here is such a simple reason that protects a person from his ability to dream.
After all, if we ask successful people, none of them knew how to achieve their dreams. The plan of action comes only after the dream gets stuck in their head. From my own experience I can say that I never knew how I would achieve my biggest dreams. I almost always knew how to achieve small dreams.
We cannot know how the universe will lead us to our dreams. But we can choose our dreams. People lack courage. They do not know the way and give it up. Funny and stupid.
They do not allow themselves to break out of the circle of poverty because they are afraid to look in their comfort zone, they are afraid to look outside their comfort zone, they are afraid to go into unrest!
And now I challenge you:
Get one of your BIG dreams and decide to achieve it!
Don't say you have no dreams! I know you have. You are just afraid that you will have to change. And this fear stops you!
Don't say you don't know how to achieve them! Because no one knew how to achieve big dreams.
Don't say you don't have the time, money or ability because you know you're lying to yourself.
Right now, just write as a comment: "I decide to make my dream come true!"
I will be very happy if you write what this dream is.
This way you make the decision publicly! And there is no way back!
Decision making is 50% of the way.
Do it now! And forward!
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