The most perfect computer!

Yesterday I was at the gym, looking in the mirror and suddenly the thought came to me: "Your brain is the most perfect computer on Earth!"
Then I started thinking about it ...
And when I got home I immediately wrote this article.
Indeed, our brains are the best performers.
But no one has given us instructions on how to operate this computer. And we use this computer at random all our lives. Our lives flow randomly because we cannot control it.
We don't understand how it works.
One says, "I want love," and gets an absence of love.
One says, "I want money," and gets a lack of money.
When I ask someone, I actually see that he wants what he says.
BUT! This is a conscious desire ......
One does not take into account the subconscious desire!
This most perfect computer of ours on Earth fulfills only subconscious desires.
What do I mean? Let me tell you in more detail.
For example, a person wants to become rich. He wants to get a lot of money. And he really thinks he wants that. But if you talk to this person about what he has so much money for, how he will live, what he will do, and you want to find out what he believes in about money, it turns out that:
1. One is not ready for big money at all
2. It is full of fears, beliefs that repel money rather than attract it.
And if you look even deeper, it turns out that a person does not want to be rich, because it is a big responsibility, fear of losing money, fear of losing friendships, etc.
Everyone has different fears and beliefs.
But the fact remains: if you are not rich now, your subconscious desire is: to be poor.
Look at the result in your life and you will see the truth about your beliefs.
Let's look at another example:
A woman wants to find her second half, to be loved and to love.
Communicating with her for 3-5 minutes, you understand that the previous relationship ended tragically, that they left a very strong pain in this woman. You understand that the woman wants a relationship and love, but she is much more afraid of repeating the situation and the pain.
And now it becomes obvious why she is alone until now.
1. She is not ready for a new relationship
2. She is very scared
Time passes and the pain gets deeper and deeper into the subconscious. It seems to you that the pain is gone. Yes, it has disappeared because you will not remember the situation, but still the pain will create the result - a person will be lonely in the future.
And there may be hundreds of such examples.
Here is another example: A man is now a hired worker and wants to work for himself. Yes, he wants to, but inside he understands that all the responsibility will be on him, he will have to earn money himself, look for clients himself, pay people's salaries, but if he goes bankrupt, and the family has to feed, where to find money and other matters.
That is, fears are much more than positive emotions.
It is not surprising that a person stays in a hired job for many years.
That is, your universal computer always fulfills your desires.
And here are the two principles he is guided by:
1. Avoid pain (negative emotions)
2. To achieve joy (positive emotions)
But to avoid the pain he wants 100 times harder (figuratively speaking) than to achieve joy. 
To change reality and make your supercomputer run another problem, you need to:
1. To reduce pain ( negative emotions )
2. To increase the joy ( positive emotions )
Let's go back to the example with the woman and look at the situation with an example.
She is afraid that the situation will happen again, and therefore does not allow new relationships in her life.
How to reduce this pain (fear of recurrence of the situation and the pain associated with this situation)?
Remember the first correct way to get rid of fear:
To get rid of fear, you have to accept it. It is to be ready for fear to become a reality.
To get rid of the fear of a tragic or failed relationship, you need to be prepared for a failed relationship. Being ready to fail does not mean suffering again. Of course, failure is possible, but the chance of winning increases significantly.
Many people have big relationship problems. I also had relationship problems. And the reason is that for most of us, the first relationship was a failure. This hurt us a lot.
What does it mean to be prepared for failure?
This means that when you draw in your imagination an unsuccessful end of events, on the level of feelings and emotions you have either a neutral state or a positive one.
If negative emotions arise, then you are not ready yet.
To win you have to be ready to lose.
To build a happy relationship, you must be willing to fail in the relationship.
To build a successful business, you must be prepared to fail in business.
Then you will not be afraid. When fear is not under your control, you are free.
Rich and successful people are not afraid to lose everything, because their brains are always with them and they can rebuild everything.
I have noticed that fear in the imagination is experienced much more painfully than if it happens in reality.
For example, at the time I was very afraid to expose myself in front of the blackboard at school and university.
My fear created this reality, and so it happened.
It was such a shame that I even cried in front of the board.
Yes, it was painful, unpleasant. I've been thinking about this all day. And the next day at university it was as before: they talked to me, no one gave up our friendship.
And you know, then I stopped being afraid of the board.
That is, sometimes, in order to stop being afraid of something, you have to go through that fear many times.
When I started my site, I was very afraid of criticism and misunderstanding.
When I was first sent ***, I couldn't come to my senses for half a day
And now he's laughing at that.
After many of my articles someone sends me ***
I'm happy! Because a strong negative response guarantees a strong positive response!
You can be afraid and attract this situation in your life constantly, and you can stop being afraid and think about the best option for the development of events. And let the universe decide the course of events.
Just before you go to success, prepare yourself morally for failure. And then everything will be easy.
Most people fail not because they are constantly failing, but because they have stopped trying.
And now let's talk about how to increase the joy.
And again we return to the state of readiness.
You can ask anyone: "Do you want a million levs?" He will say, "Of course I do."
Will he get a million?
We will check very easily.
Let's play the game: here's a million levs in a briefcase.
Now write what you will do with them.
If you have to think for a long time, then you do not know what to do with this money, or you will write standard banal things: I will buy a house, an apartment, a car, I will deposit, etc., then you are not ready!
I can very easily determine if a person is ready for a million or not by looking at his shopping list for that million. I'm sure the universe is even easier to determine if a person is ready for something.
So it is with all desires.
If you are ready, the desire will come into your life very quickly.
It is much more difficult to adjust to the state of readiness than to get what you want.
Another example:
One wants to have a business, but he has never sat down or thought about it. He has never visualized himself with his business.
Will he get what he wants?
The answer is obvious.
A woman wants a wonderful relationship, but she is so busy that she never thinks or imagines that relationship. Will he get what he wants?
First stage of readiness: a person constantly transfers in his imagination the final successful result of the events!
The second stage The third stage
Purpose of the article: to make you think, not to give you answers to all questions!  
When you come to a decision yourself, you will remember that decision!

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