Can you live?

I decided to write this article because we have been living for so many years and so far we have not learned to live.
What do I mean?
Look at the common man: he is constantly in pursuit. He needs money to pay the loans, at work he has to solve "a million" problems, at home he has to do one, two, three, in the morning on the way to work one thinks about what he will do at work and what problems he has to solve. evening in traffic jams thinks about what good he did today, what bad.
One is constantly worried and thinking about either the past or the future, and these thoughts are far from creative. They are rather empty and meaningless. The brain thinks because it is used to thinking!
Why empty and meaningless?
Because after 2-5-10 years it will not matter at all.
When I was in school, I was worried about how I wrote the test and what grade I would get. I was afraid they would call me on the board when I wasn't studying. At work, I was worried about whether I would be able to handle the task on time so that I would not be fired (although I did a great job).
Now, looking back, I realize that it didn't matter to me at all. More than that, looking back now and remembering the unpleasant moments and problems, I feel great joy, because thanks to these situations I grew up and managed to create my happy life.
What was I so worried about then that I burst into tears?
I didn't live, I was worried!
And so millions of people live. They live in fear and anxiety.
And what will happen if ...
Nothing is going to happen!
Everything will remain as it is!
When we were on vacation in the Maldives, we watched a family. They always didn't like something. They walked around with disgruntled faces and kept muttering that something was wrong. After all, they simply paid attention to minor details, but did not see the blue ocean, the white coral sand, the underwater coral reef, the sun, the palm trees, and other beauty.
What can I say about ordinary people if those in the Maldives do not see all this beauty! We are so obsessed with the little things that we forget that we live!
Look around! You are a spectacular creation of the Universe, of God, pay attention to nature, look at the loved ones next to you!
This is really important!
Life is not about making money or solving problems, although for many it is. And that's why they're unhappy.
Life is the sensations!
I want my life to be full of happiness, joy, love, a sense of self-realization.
Many people think that if they have a lot of money, they will have happiness, joy and love. I think so too. But happiness, joy and love did not increase. And I understood where the real path was. Others think that if they get rid of the problems, they will at least get some rest. But this is just an illusion that our brain has built.
I want to share with you a magical phrase that brings a person back to life: "I am here and now!" when you say this phrase, you go back to the present. This phrase "turns off" the mind (removes thoughts) for a few seconds.
I love to play tennis. This is a very energetic and fast game. The strong energy quickly turns on the brain and you start thinking: "I have to score this ball ... if it doesn't, I'll lose the game ...", "Oh, well done to me! I win! Great! ... »
And do you know what I noticed?
Any thoughts about the game, positive or negative, lead to defeat!
How do positive thoughts lead to defeat?
Everything is very simple: all thoughts destroy the focus. First, you focus not on the game, but on the thoughts! Second, thoughts take you away from the Universal Stream and, as a result, you lose!
And I realized that the best winning state is not to think at all from the beginning to the end of the game. Just play! And "here and now!" is the best affirmation for this. The more relaxed the body, the better the result.
Life is the same: the more relaxed you are, the better the result.
And all because you are open to the idea!
The universe is full of abundance! You were born in the flow of abundance! But over the course of your life, you started thinking, you started making your own choices, and you came out of that flow. When I say don't think, I don't mean at all that you don't want to live like an amoeba. Notice, wanting is a feeling, not a thought.
Reason made us think that without thoughts there would be no life.
In fact, real life begins here without thoughts!
Live with feelings! Here is a full life!

Do you want to predict your future?
Desire is the starting point for all successes and failures in life
According to a person's wishes or their absence, it is easy to predict where a person will be in 1-5 years
I divide 5 states of man according to the strength of desire and these states determine whether there will be growth, plateau or decline.
- A state of passionate desire (I want a lot!)
When a person is in such a state, his level of faith and energy is polluted. He is capable of anything! And in such a period there is a huge and rapid growth.
It is in this state that problems do not matter! One simply walks and acts, despite fear, doubt, excuses, "other people's advice" and other limiting factors.
 All breakthroughs in life occur in this state of man. It is important that the state of passionate desire is maintained by the action. Man doesn't just want, he does. And a lot of crazy stuff!
What feelings are present in this state?
Drive, enthusiasm, inspiration, omnipotence, fearlessness, powerful faith, euphoria!

- State of desire (I want)
This is a state of slow growth. During this period there is no breakthrough and cardinal changes. During this period, the pace that a person has taken during the state of passionate desire is simply maintained. Yes, he wants, yes, he strives, but this striving becomes equal and consistent. It seems to move up and forward by inertia. The activity is at a high level, but from time to time he makes compromises.
The advantage of this state is that it is more stable than the state of passionate desire. Fire is much easier to maintain than to ignite.
You can keep the fire going at the expense of desires.
What feelings are present in this state?
Joy, great mood, happiness, faith, energy, aspiration.

- State of neutrality (it would be good to ...)
Every decline begins just when desires lose their power or disappear. This can happen for various reasons, for example, you fulfill your desire, some event switches your attention, disappointment, your faith in the desire or in yourself has fallen, the desire turned out to be wrong, etc.
State of neutrality - this is already a state of decline. Energy is not enough to grow. At best, one just swims downstream! He already pays too much attention to problems, listens to other people's advice and the justifications of his own reason. Boredom appears in life. Laziness prevails.
Desires pass in the order of fantasies. Hopes appear! If during the state of desire and passionate desire the faith that creates and materializes is present, then there is hope here.
Personally, I attribute hope to a number of negative feelings. It does not help to act and promotes idleness.
Therefore, if you see hope in yourself, you are in decline.
What is present in this state?
Hope, slight disappointment, some dissatisfaction, slight boredom, laziness, fatigue

- State of indifference (I don't care)
This is a serious decline in life. One no longer thinks about the future at all. He doesn't think about anything at all anymore. There are a lot of problems, and these problems have so "squeezed" a person that he just can't stand it and decides to let everything run wild. The energy is enough just to "move your legs".
What feelings are present in this state? Humility, helplessness, misunderstanding, boredom, strong laziness, loneliness, uselessness, some apathy, strong fatigue.

- Depression and apathy (I don't want anything)
This state when a person completely loses faith. In this state, even the brain shuts down and one often does not think about anything at all and does nothing. Just lie down. There is no energy at all. Most likely there is no more work. Because no one needs such a collaborator. In this state there is not only a decline, but also a simple destruction of man in life. Global self-esteem is being lost.
What feelings are present in this state?
Feelings are absent.

What condition are you in?
Now look at your material reality. It is a consequence of your condition, which you had 6-12 months ago.
And your current condition determines your material reality after 6-12 months. Do you like such a material reality?
If not, get your hands on it urgently!
Look for the true desire!

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