How to live without fear

Fear is the strongest barrier on the way to goals and dreams. When you want to change something in life, fear arises.
And I know for sure that the ability to work with fear is one of the most important habits of successful people. They have developed the ability to deal with fear.
From my life I can say that while I was afraid, I couldn't deal with it, I was unhappy.
When I started my first activity, I was afraid I would fail, and I failed.
Then I was afraid I would run out of money and I stayed.
I was afraid that my relationship would break down - and it did.
And so I can count for a long time.
Ie everything I feared had been happening for a long time!
Do you want to understand the moment when I started to succeed?
When I stopped being afraid
And in this article I want to share with you what I do with fear.
I call this method "I'm ready!"
When my fear paints a picture of a terrible future, I say, “Okay! Let it happen! I've been through this before. I'm not afraid now »
And every time there was a fear that failure would follow again, I calmly answered within myself: «Good. Let it happen ». I did not argue with fear, I did not run away from it. I just said calmly and indifferently: “Okay. Let it be".
And these were not just words. It was a deep radical readiness. I was no longer afraid of what my fear painted, because I was ready for it.
Someone will say: «It is clear that she was ready, she has already gone through this 3 times. And what if I start you first and don't want to be defeated? How can I be ready? »
You know, I'll tell you the opposite, when you've been through pain, the next time you're even more afraid. You remember that pain.
The second time parachuting is scarier than the first. The first time you still don't understand what to expect and the jump itself somehow passes quickly. Hop! And now you fly for 30 seconds and the parachute opens.
This makes it easier to accept and be ready for a reality you have not yet encountered than when you receive a negative experience and pain.
You can't argue with fear, you can't run away from it, you can't block it, you can't stop hearing it, you can only agree with it, "The fool can't argue," as they say.
Please understand that fear is energy! This is the energy inside you. You can begin to fight fear, in this way you will fight yourself, losing all strength. And you can accept it.
When I say 'accept fear', I mean to admit it and say that you are ready for what you are risking.
Then fear is transformed into positive energy that you will be able to use to embody what you want.
Until you are ready for this reality that paints your fear, he will have power over you.
If you accept with horror the reality that fear shows you, it has power over you.
And you can't allow that.
Here is an example of the dialogue that took place inside me at the moment when I left my comfort zone and went to live in another city and started living independently. I remembered this dialogue very well!
Here it is:
Me: I'm going to live in another city!
Fear: You won't have enough money to insure yourself. You have to rent an apartment, and there they are expensive, you have to buy food and many other things. You will not be able to pay your rent and live.
Me: Well, if I can't - I can't.
Fear: You will return home and live with your parents again.
Me: Well, well, then I'll be back.
Fear: You will consider yourself a failure. Your self-esteem will be 0.
Me: Well, let it be 0. I'll pick it up again. I will play sports, concentrate and cast spells.
Fear: And nothing else in life you will succeed.
Me: Maybe I won't succeed now, but if I try and try again and again, sooner or later I will succeed.
Fear: You will be disappointed and unhappy.
Me: If I'm disappointed, I'll start playing more sports and find happiness.
Fear did not answer. There was nothing more to say.
And you know, since then I always agree with fear and accept what it tells me. Before I start, I prepare myself morally for what may happen.
If you accept what he tells you 3-5 times, he will not tell you about it anymore, you have accepted it 3-5 times. And then it will subside. You will calmly carry out your goals and plans.
And then you will look back from the future to the past and say, "How could I be afraid of that?"
One may ask, "You are morally preparing for what may happen, you are creating this reality!"
If you think about something all the time, you create it. And if you think once and decide, it will not happen. 

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