Why we know everything but do nothing

Everyone knows how to live to succeed.
You've heard a hundred times that you have to think positively, about goals, not debts, but it's like you keep thinking about debts?
Why do we know everything but do nothing?
And successful people know no more than ordinary people. The question is not in knowledge.
The thing is, life in the long run controls the subconscious, which is programmed by emotions and feelings. Knowledge is logic!
Emotions and feelings are thousands of times stronger than logic!
Smokers know that smoking is bad, but they continue to do so.
People who drink alcohol know that it is harmful, but they continue to drink.
It's all in the feelings and emotions.
In order to do something, this action on an emotional level must cause joy, and the opposite action must cause emotional discomfort.
Conversely, in order to stop doing something, this action must cause emotional discomfort and the new action must cause comfort.
Why does a person want to succeed, but does nothing about it, but only hopes?
Because for him, actions are equal to emotional discomfort, actions lead to mistakes anyway. And mistakes are emotional pain. All of us in childhood were inspired by the association "mistake = pain".
Successful people differ from others in the reactions of their nervous system to certain events, in particular, mistakes.
For successful people, mistakes are natural, and they do not cause emotional pain at all or cause, but only minimal pain.
In ordinary people, mistakes cause very strong emotional discomfort, pain.
Successful people are easy enough to get behind their comfort zone. They are used to doing it.
They are used to taking risks.
Ordinary people strive for comfort and reliability.
What do you need to do to start acting?
At the level of emotions to create an association (ie a relationship) "Actions = joy", "Inactions = pain".
How did I do it 7 years ago, when I was scared to death of making a mistake?
I had a dream "Freedom".
For me, actions meant a path to freedom and wealth!
The joy of action was much more than the pain of mistakes.
When making a decision, our brain is constantly faced with a similar task:
For example, action 1 creates joy +5,
But action 1 leads to potential pain -7.
This means that we choose to give up action 1.
Or vice versa.
For example, action 1 creates joy +8,
But action 1 leads to potential pain -3.
The brain chooses to perform action 1.
A few years ago, life presented me with a key choice: to buy a course online or not.
The action "Buy" leads to possible freedom and money!
Maybe I'll start a new business. Emotionally my condition was +7.
The action "Do not buy" led to fear of losing money. "What if I don't get a result?" He was emotionally at -5. I said to myself: «If I lose, I will lose. I will not get a result, I will work and find a new course, and it is as if I will get ».
The brain compared 2 emotions and decided "I'll buy"!
That's how I started a new life!
And with this investment in myself I won!
Conclusion: in order to start doing something, you have to make the action inside you associated with great joy! And failure, thanks to this action - with a little emotional pain!
To increase the joy, think about dreams, goals and desires!
That's what you have to constantly dream about!
And men must set goals!
To reduce emotional pain, be prepared for failures, mistakes and losses.
Emotional pain itself will decrease with experience and the amount of mistakes and failures.
Your brain will stop you and invent pain, but remember that everything you draw is an illusion!
Homo sapiens means "reasonable man", i.e. he makes decisions consciously, not on the basis of his fears and instincts.
Get out of your comfort zone! Do what you haven't done before!

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