How to deal with a difficult situation?

People are afraid of change ...
And this fear stops them on the way to dreams and goals.
Yes, our mind is cowardly, it is afraid of everything: change, uncertainty, opportunities, criticism, and so on. People who succumb to it are deeply unhappy.
Of course, they want to be successful, rich, happy, but because of the fear of change they do not act, and if they act, they lose faith in themselves and their abilities. Without faith there is no creation. But wherever you are, inside you have the strength and potential to change everything here and now! You just have to make a decision!
2017 is a time for change.
If you do what you usually do, they expect disappointments this year. A lot of people have lost their jobs, and that's good. Now they will have to change it 100% and their lives too. Someone's salary has been reduced. This is just a sign that something needs to change.
Businessmen and entrepreneurs are complaining about few orders, turnover is falling. This is a sign that something needs to change. And if it does not change, the situation will continue to deteriorate. Yes old business models may no longer work.
It's time to invent new ones.
The crisis is a wonderful time to test for resilience.
How creative are you, how can you find solutions to different situations, how adapted are you to life?
Happiness and wealth are achieved by those people who change the world. But first, they change on their own.
Love the changes! This is the best you can do.
Please accept the situation you have now, dream and act.
How much energy and energy people waste to regret and blame the circumstances, instead of dreaming and acting.
Dreams come true! But for that you need to be positive and act.
You have to choose: now a new stage of growth and development begins or now an unfavorable time begins.
How to deal with the current situation?
- To accept the situation
"Accepting" means accepting the situation you have
When a person accepts the situation, he stops investing negative energy in that situation. When people complain, remember "How nice it was", blame, they do not accept the situation and continue to ruin their lives.
A person who does not accept reality cannot change it for the better. Such a person cannot even dream and think about the good, because all thoughts are only about what is bad, how it could have happened and the search for reasons.
How to accept the situation?
Please find 10-20 good moments in this situation. (There is a lot of good in every situation) Choose those moments in which you believe more than anything. Focus on them and try to enter a state of gratitude.
For example, the situation of an entrepreneur: orders have become 3 times less, turnover has fallen, there is nothing to pay bills and loans.
What good can there be at this moment?
- It's time to focus on new customers who can pay, and can pay 2-4-6 times more than those who had them.
"It's time to review our services and improve something."
- To review and reduce its costs. To acquire greater financial literacy
- He will start dealing with personal and business growth. He will start investing in his education.
It all depends on where you look!
Find out what you want
Because people focus on regret, they forget about the future. They stop thinking about the future - they stop creating it.
Think about what you want, not what you are trying to avoid or what you don't want.
When you think about what you want, you create it.
Look for options and ways to realize your desires.
Desires and dreams give energy and strength. And thanks to this energy one can look for and invent ways to realize one's dreams.
People say, "I don't know how ..." Of course you don't know. And no one knows. They find those who continue to want, not those who regret and complain.
They act and realize variants and ways for realization of desires.
In life, everything is easy: dream and act!
Eco something prevents you from dreaming, get rid of it, because if there are no dreams - there is no life.

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