Let's compare the thinking patterns of the poor and the rich.
Poor people are self-centered. The rich are focused on creating goods for others.
Poor people are thinking how to get it. Rich people think how to give.
Herein lies the secret of abundance and prosperity. Just change your focus and you will enter the flow of wealth and abundance.
Instead of thinking about how to get a certain amount of money, think about how to create value. And then the money will come to you on its own. Instead of looking for love, give love. And love itself will come to you.
Everything you give without wanting to get back, you get back, but increased a hundred times.
When you give, you already feel rich and prosperous.
When you are looking for how to get something, you feel the need and you get even more absence of what you want.
In the first case, you radiate a sense of wealth in the universe. You tell the universe, "I have so much to give."
In the second case, you say to the universe, "I have little, I don't have enough." And according to the law of attraction, you attract in your life even more than what you radiate in the Universe.
But there is a trap for poor people here. They think, "And if I just have to give to receive, then I will give." They give, expecting retribution. They give a thousand levs in the hope of receiving 10 thousand levs. But this is not giving, this is a deal. They seem to make a deal with the universe, saying, "I will give you so much, but in return I expect so much."
This is the poor man's model of thinking.
Rich people give without desire and hope to get something in return. They just give from a pure heart.
Change your worldview.
Instead of looking for how and where to get it, look for what you can give.
Then you won't have to worry about getting it. The universe itself will give you.
The more you enter the flow of wealth and prosperity, the more you will want to give and create goods to other people without expecting anything in return. And the universe will return everything to you a hundredfold. Think what you want ... Love, money, more friends, respect, happiness, joy ... What else?
And now start giving all this. 
Do you want a lot of friends? Become a friend. 
Do you want love Start loving.
Do you want to receive money? Give money.
Do you want happiness, joy? Start giving happiness and joy to other people.
Learn to feel happiness not when you receive, but when you give. Giving is entirely up to you. You can do this here and now and whenever you want. You have 100% responsibility. Getting it is not entirely up to you. If you want to get something here and now, you can't always get it, because many factors play a role in getting it, including the human one. Many people try to get something without giving in return. And that's why they live in poverty all their lives.
I want to give you an example. Imagine, a student goes to a teacher with a full glass of water and says, "Teacher, teach me." The teacher sees that the student's cup is full and says, «I can't help you. You have to empty your glass first.
I have read many articles on personal growth, downloaded books and read them. But the strongest changes started when I started attending trainings. Because when I just read books and materials on the Internet, I did not give anything, and as a consequence, I did not receive anything in return. I seemed to understand everything, but there were no cardinal changes.
Understand, the changes in your life will begin when you start giving. You want to grow as a person - start investing in yourself. During all this time I invested a lot of money in my education. And accordingly I received much more.
Robert Kiyosaki used to say, "Your mind is your most valuable asset." By investing and creating assets, you become richer.
 I feel very sorry for those people who have been "learning" and engaged in personal growth all their lives (reading materials for free on the Internet). They do not understand the law of giving and receiving. That's why they shut off the flow of income in their lives.
Read this article again! But now thoroughly and meaningfully.

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