What success is built on

Every building, be it a house, a tall building or a skyscraper, stands on a base that holds the whole building. The base of a house is several meters deep, the high building - up to ten meters, the skyscraper - several tens of meters. The taller and more majestic the building, the more powerful the base.
The life of each of us is a construction. For some it is not even a building, but only a tent, for others it is a beautiful one-storey house, for others - a skyscraper. These people could build their lives just like that, and not otherwise thanks to this base, which is laid under their home.
It all starts from the base. You can't build a skyscraper on a base for a one-story house. Your skyscraper will fall immediately. Also, no one is building a deep and powerful base for a one-story house.
Now I want to talk to you about the two most important basic components.
If you want your success to be long-lasting and lasting, you must build it on gratitude and love.
Gratitude and love are the strongest positive emotions. These two feelings will make your life harmonious. You will have harmony in all areas of life. It is this harmony and "good relations in the world" that you need for long-term success.
Success is always about other people. If you treat people with love, no matter what they are, and be grateful to the universe for everything you have in life, you will gain happiness very quickly.
Gratitude and love are necessary elements for happiness, important foundations for success.
Gratitude and love bring peace and tranquility to your life, all the distractions that prevent you from succeeding disappear.
I know what you mean. You ask: «How can I be grateful if I do not achieve my goals, I do not have enough money and everything is not as I want. How can I build a relationship on love if all people think only of themselves. I lend money - the person disappears, someone promises to help me and forgets ».
Please answer one question: do you want your life to be organized and start achieving your goals, do you want to understand the basics of success, to experience only positive emotions?
If so, then you have only one choice out of one, namely to learn to live experiencing the emotions of gratitude and love. If you want your life to remain the way it is now, you can build it on anything.
Tell me, please, do you have at least something in life you can be thankful for?
Do you have a second half in your life that you love? If not, maybe you have a close boyfriend or girlfriend, or maybe just a pet?
 That's enough to start thanking and feeling love. Start small. Start thanking for something by experiencing positive emotions. When this becomes a habit, you will complicate the conditions. Thank you for every good event that happens in your life. When you talk to another person, say in your mind, "I love you."
It is very difficult for me to convey to you the feelings and these positive emotions that arise when you live in the feeling of constant love and gratitude. It seems as if the body inside is filled with some life-giving force and everything happens in the best way. Know that these are the foundations of success.
Surely you are familiar with the law of attraction, which says that you attract in your life only what you think about the most. A person living in gratitude and love attracts in his life a maximum of good circumstances, which makes his life even better and with a minimum of bad circumstances. When a person attracts good people and circumstances in his life, they constantly experience positive emotions, there are even more reasons for gratitude and love, which leads to even better events in life. This is a positive vicious circle.
It's the same with the negative. Negative people who live in ignorance do not appreciate what they receive and do not respect other people, they get more negativity in their lives. This negativity causes people to experience even more negativity in their lives. This negativity causes people to express even more dissatisfaction in their lives, and this again creates a new negativity. And so one descends lower and lower. His life is being ruined because the base is collapsing.
I'm sure you got the idea.
What you can do to create a powerful base:
- Take 5-10 minutes every day to give thanks for what you have. 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening. You can thank for anything.
- Every time a good event happens from your point of view, you fully experience positive emotions, thank the Universe for this event.
That's all there is to gratitude. Just, right? The basics of success are obvious!
Remember, no matter what you give thanks for, the important thing is that during the thanksgiving there is peace and tranquility in the soul, some harmony. If you feel this, then you have thanked well, qualitatively.
About love:
- If you have a free minute during the day, just close your eyes and feel how much you love this world. Think about how much you love your husband / wife. If you fail to feel love (for example, you do not love this world and your husband / wife at all), you must consciously repeat "I love this world", "I love my husband / wife" and when you say it, you will feel love. .
- Every time you communicate with another person, just say in your mind "I love you". When you do, your voice will change. He will radiate love and respect for the other person. 

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