Why people unknowingly reject money

Today I want to talk about the attitude towards money.

We use the money every day: we buy food in the supermarket, essentials, charge the car, pay for a transport ticket, various services, pay for education, etc.

Wherever we go, money is needed everywhere in today's world.

So here it is. If money is so important, why do millions and millions of people still consider money evil?

Often, when I work with people and go into the depths of their subconscious, here are the beliefs we find:

"Money is dirty" (and did your mother make you wash your hands after touching money as a child?)

"Money spoils a man" (he was a good boy, he started making money, and that's how important he became)

"Family is more important than anything" (wonderful, but why are so many families falling apart due to lack of money?)

If money isn't as heavy as they say, why are there so many unhappy people around? Why do men and women live like "cats and dogs" in families?

Have you noticed how many lies go around the world about money?

In addition, it extends from grandparents, is passed on to mothers and fathers, and through them to us.

Since money plays an important enough role in our world, why do people treat it so contemptuously? And this statement "It's just money" ....

Absolutely all material things can be bought for money!

Have you noticed that some actors in their 60s look like 30?

Here's what money does!

As long as you believed lies!

And stop blaming money and saying it doesn't matter.

It is time to look the truth in the eye and say honestly: «Yes, I want money! Yes, I want to live and enjoy the goods of the world! But I can't make them. I can't do it. But I promise that from today I will start learning! »

Of course, it is much easier to say that money is bad and to keep going to work and surviving.

I used to have a key moment in my life. Then the universe showed me the path of growth and development. I was already involved in personal growth and relationships, but I couldn't sell. And suddenly I realized so vividly: "Either I'm learning to sell, or the end of my business!"

And I hated selling so much! How many restrictions I had on this occasion!

Then I started with the network business .... selling cosmetics ... How I didn't like that!

But for all my dislike of sales, I had to choose: "either I'm learning to sell, or the end of my business!"

I made my choice and I am happy for that choice, but I had to study intensively for years.

It's always easier to say "pass." But you are the owner of your life and you alone are responsible for your words.

The same is true of money: "Either you learn to love money, or you live in poverty for the rest of your life." And accept the fact that without money no one will need you, not even your children.

Nature is cruel. Humans, though intelligent beings, but just like animals, are part of nature. And you will not escape from nature.

So you choose: to love money or to blame money!

Wonderful! I am glad for your choice!

I'm glad you now decided to love money! And now on your way to learning to love money! I believe you will succeed!

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