Why so many problems?

More than once I have heard people ask, "Why do I have so many problems?"
And it is not true that you have had or still have a period in your life when you have a lot of problems. I, like you, also went through a sea of ​​such periods.
And now I will explain everything to you!
Problems are indicators of the road!
Problems are signs of the universe for you.
We humans communicate with each other through the voice.
Man communicates with the universe through the senses. But the universe communicates with man through life situations.
The universe does not speak with a voice, does not speak with thoughts or feelings, it shows.
And when a person is lost, walking incorrectly or standing still at all, the universe creates problems for him to move.
Now you will see a very similar picture: do you know how the universe used to communicate with me?
She was causing money problems.
That's when the brain works very efficiently!
One understands money problems very quickly.
Many people want to have everything without giving anything. This goes against the plans of the universe. The universe is growing and evolving. And man, as part of the universe, is also doomed to constant growth and development. Either man grows and develops on his own, or the universe "kicks" man.
Do you want to get rid of the problems?
Grow yourself! And the main thing is: change the attitude to the problems! Then life will be easier.
What is needed for growth?
A goal is needed! The goal is a place in life where you want to go.
In the last 7 years of my life I think in the format of "goal-task".
On the one hand, everything can be perceived as a problem: "the problem of how to reach the goal", "the problem that nothing comes out", "the problem that there is no money", etc.
On the other hand, it can be perceived as "goal-task": "task - to achieve the goal", "task - to make it come out", "task - to make X money".
I've never said in my life, "I have a problem: I have no money."
I always said to myself: «I need X money this month. What can I do to get them out? »
When you think in a "goal-task" format, the brain looks for solutions and finds them.
When you think in the form of a "problem", you get depressed and frustrated with life.
Please understand: "There are no problems!"
The word "problem" is the word of the losers who do not want to do anything!
The human brain is the most ingenious creation in the world! He is able to solve all kinds of tasks and achieve all kinds of goals. Just make him look for these solutions! And he can do that thanks to the questions! Set goals, create tasks and let the brain look for a solution!
People expect an answer in a few days and right away.
It can take a month and sometimes a year to find answers and paths to great goals!
What distinguishes a successful person from one who has mediocre results?
Success seeks an answer until it finds it!
A person with mediocre results is looking for an answer X days (weeks, months) or N attempts! And then he leaves everything.
Achieved success never leaves! And the number of days, weeks, months or attempts does not matter.
In short, what do I want to tell you?
Cross out the word "problem" from your dictionary.
Replace it with "task"! And you will see how the energy will go and how your brain will work!
And life will begin to smooth out!

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