How to get rid of laziness?
Internal energy is needed for action.
If a person's energy is higher than the level required for action, one calmly performs the action.
If a person's energy is lower than required for action, a person does not want to act, he justifies himself, the brain sees only obstacles.
There are simple actions that do not require much energy.
There are habitual actions that we are used to doing and they also do not require much energy.
But a man wants to change his life: he wants to receive much more money, he wants to create a happy family, he wants a job that will bring him pleasure, he wants ... he wants ... he wants ....
And many of their desires require significant changes from a person. And these changes require energy.
To receive much more money you need to become different from who you are now. To create a happy relationship you also need to change and do a lot of work.
But people want to get something by staying the way they are now!
That is why changes do not happen.
The new level in life requires a new level of thinking and a new personality!
And these changes require significant energy!
And what exactly is energy for?
- Making decisions!
It all starts with the solution!
Usually at this step most people lose immediately. They do not have the energy to decide to achieve their goal and change accordingly.
No solution - no change.
Why is it so complicated to make a decision, and why does it take so much energy?
One understands that you will have to change, you will have to change your way of thinking, you will have to change your character, you will have to act and make mistakes. Honestly, few people are ready for that.
The most famous excuse to do nothing: "I do not know how." It arises if the decision is not made. Understanding "how" always comes only after the decision.
- Create an action plan
The decision is made and one is ready to achieve one's goal. Now you need to think of at least one first step towards the goal, and it would be better to make a plan to achieve the goal.
What is energy for?
"What if it doesn't happen?", "What if I'm wrong?" and similar restrictions.
Energy is required to overcome any internal constraint.
The more restrictions, the more energy is needed
- Actions
The action on the first two points is the easiest step. It just has to be done. All the preparatory work with yourself is done in the first two steps. However, in order to take action, it is necessary to find time and fulfill it with action.
- Perception of mistakes and work with failures.
Usually, not everything works out the best the first time. One is faced with failure. And it is at this very step that one checks how decisively one has made a decision in step 1.
If the decision was weak, one has to go back to step 1 and make a decision again, but this is more complicated because the mistake and failure partially demotivate the person and take away his energy.
If the decision has been made decisively and unambiguously, one returns to step 2, where one either changes the action plan or plans a new action to achieve the goal.
So, steps 1-4 are repeated until one either succeeds or just relaxes.
How to start acting? Where does one get energy?
- Desire
Only desire already has strong energy and one acquires the energy of desire in advance.
In order for the desire to give strong energy, this desire must be real and yours! (and not to someone imposed by society).
Then you have to think about this desire.
And to build more and more desires, filling your mind with desires.
Working on desires is a daily job. But instead of working on desires, creating them and dreaming, people solve problems.
- Faith
Faith is the second strongest positive emotion (after love).
She has spectacular energy. If a person believes, he always has enough energy. But the problem is that practically all people in childhood have had their self-esteem undermined and their faith has significantly weakened. That is why we must learn to believe in ourselves and live again.
Faith is created by words (thoughts) and is strengthened by actions.
»I believe that I will be able to realize .... (your wish)»
«I believe that I have enough knowledge, experience, abilities to realize ... (your wish)»
"I believe in myself!" etc.
Regarding actions, the rules are simple: Every action, even wrong, increases faith!
Failure can lower faith, but with the right perception of this failure, faith increases.
Inaction to kill faith!
- Body.
Our body has a lot of energy. And this energy can be easily used to realize desires. But to release this energy, the body must be in motion. The less we use our body, the less energy we have.
Every sport gives a lot of energy. Start taking time for active activities, start playing sports!
Try jumping for 1 minute now and you will see how your energy will increase.
- Focus (attention)
Depending on where your attention is and what you are focusing on, your energy goes either up or down. If you think about your failure right now, the energy will drop, if you think about success, the energy goes up. But the complexity is that most successes are not considered successes. And that's why all their attention is focused on solving problems.
Please take 5-15 minutes a day when you consciously focus on your desires! The key word is "conscious"!
You choose what you think and think only about it.
Now that you know how to start acting, it's time to make a wish and make it happen!
Internal energy is needed for action.
If a person's energy is higher than the level required for action, one calmly performs the action.
If a person's energy is lower than required for action, a person does not want to act, he justifies himself, the brain sees only obstacles.
There are simple actions that do not require much energy.
There are habitual actions that we are used to doing and they also do not require much energy.
But a man wants to change his life: he wants to receive much more money, he wants to create a happy family, he wants a job that will bring him pleasure, he wants ... he wants ... he wants ....
And many of their desires require significant changes from a person. And these changes require energy.
To receive much more money you need to become different from who you are now. To create a happy relationship you also need to change and do a lot of work.
But people want to get something by staying the way they are now!
That is why changes do not happen.
The new level in life requires a new level of thinking and a new personality!
And these changes require significant energy!
And what exactly is energy for?
- Making decisions!
It all starts with the solution!
Usually at this step most people lose immediately. They do not have the energy to decide to achieve their goal and change accordingly.
No solution - no change.
Why is it so complicated to make a decision, and why does it take so much energy?
One understands that you will have to change, you will have to change your way of thinking, you will have to change your character, you will have to act and make mistakes. Honestly, few people are ready for that.
The most famous excuse to do nothing: "I do not know how." It arises if the decision is not made. Understanding "how" always comes only after the decision.
- Create an action plan
The decision is made and one is ready to achieve one's goal. Now you need to think of at least one first step towards the goal, and it would be better to make a plan to achieve the goal.
What is energy for?
"What if it doesn't happen?", "What if I'm wrong?" and similar restrictions.
Energy is required to overcome any internal constraint.
The more restrictions, the more energy is needed
- Actions
The action on the first two points is the easiest step. It just has to be done. All the preparatory work with yourself is done in the first two steps. However, in order to take action, it is necessary to find time and fulfill it with action.
- Perception of mistakes and work with failures.
Usually, not everything works out the best the first time. One is faced with failure. And it is at this very step that one checks how decisively one has made a decision in step 1.
If the decision was weak, one has to go back to step 1 and make a decision again, but this is more complicated because the mistake and failure partially demotivate the person and take away his energy.
If the decision has been made decisively and unambiguously, one returns to step 2, where one either changes the action plan or plans a new action to achieve the goal.
So, steps 1-4 are repeated until one either succeeds or just relaxes.
How to start acting? Where does one get energy?
- Desire
Only desire already has strong energy and one acquires the energy of desire in advance.
In order for the desire to give strong energy, this desire must be real and yours! (and not to someone imposed by society).
Then you have to think about this desire.
And to build more and more desires, filling your mind with desires.
Working on desires is a daily job. But instead of working on desires, creating them and dreaming, people solve problems.
- Faith
Faith is the second strongest positive emotion (after love).
She has spectacular energy. If a person believes, he always has enough energy. But the problem is that practically all people in childhood have had their self-esteem undermined and their faith has significantly weakened. That is why we must learn to believe in ourselves and live again.
Faith is created by words (thoughts) and is strengthened by actions.
»I believe that I will be able to realize .... (your wish)»
«I believe that I have enough knowledge, experience, abilities to realize ... (your wish)»
"I believe in myself!" etc.
Regarding actions, the rules are simple: Every action, even wrong, increases faith!
Failure can lower faith, but with the right perception of this failure, faith increases.
Inaction to kill faith!
- Body.
Our body has a lot of energy. And this energy can be easily used to realize desires. But to release this energy, the body must be in motion. The less we use our body, the less energy we have.
Every sport gives a lot of energy. Start taking time for active activities, start playing sports!
Try jumping for 1 minute now and you will see how your energy will increase.
- Focus (attention)
Depending on where your attention is and what you are focusing on, your energy goes either up or down. If you think about your failure right now, the energy will drop, if you think about success, the energy goes up. But the complexity is that most successes are not considered successes. And that's why all their attention is focused on solving problems.
Please take 5-15 minutes a day when you consciously focus on your desires! The key word is "conscious"!
You choose what you think and think only about it.
Now that you know how to start acting, it's time to make a wish and make it happen!
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