Key images in memory

What prevents you from managing yourself? What prevents you from creating this present and the future you want?
With this article I reveal a part of myself and with my own example I show how certain images from the past have affected my life today.
I didn't have the best childhood, especially during school. Although I studied very well, this period was the most unsuccessful for me, because it was during the school period that a large number of limiting beliefs stuck in me, which until now to some extent control my life.
These limiting beliefs then become patterns of behavior and create your life.
I will give a few examples from my own life.
Starting in seventh grade, I was almost an excellent student.
And when I got grades 4 and 5, I was very upset. I analyzed everything, why such a thing happened, what I did wrong, etc. I could analyze and think about this assessment all day. I was dissatisfied. And I was disappointed.
Now, looking at my life today, I'm not entirely happy either. Although, if we look at it objectively, I live wonderfully. I live in a wonderful city, a wonderful country, I do my favorite job, I go to my destination, I have a lot of free time, I have a wonderful husband, children, good relationships with friends, parents, I am wise and talented ... I can list more long. Many people would dream of swapping places with me. But I would not say that I am 100% satisfied, but somewhere 80%
And it always was!
Even when I achieved my big goals, I was not 100% satisfied.
Why is this happening? What makes me dissatisfied and dissatisfied?
I started analyzing.
Some will say that my dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction move me forward.
Nothing of the kind! They make me rather unhappy.
Remembering my childhood and adolescence, I found in my memory a clear image of walking home dissatisfied and upset, and analyzing why I got 5s and not 6s.
I clearly saw the place, the street, the home, the atmosphere - everything!
This is what I call a key image in memory!
This image remained in my memory and became a model of behavior that began to rule my life from that day.
You think you control life yourself, but in fact it is controlled by the key image stuck in your memory. And this image is not limited to all your attempts to control yourself and your life. The image is a static picture. A single picture.
What do you need to do to change your behavior?
You need to change the key image!
A single image in memory controls feelings, emotions and actions even after 10 years of life!
And now imagine how many such key images are stuck in your memory during your formation!
I learned to manage them. I had already changed all this, but it was very difficult, and it required a lot of work on myself.
What am I telling you all this about?
I know for sure that there have been many failures in your life.
But the work is not in failure. The thing is in their perception. Their perception is much more important than the result.
And these failures from the past to the present create your present life.
And you keep asking yourself the question: why can't I find a wonderful man or woman for a relationship?
Why am I poor so far?
Why isn't my business going the way I want it to?
Why did I stop enjoying life?
Why does everything I do lead to failure?
The answer is the key images from the past that are stuck in your memory, have become patterns of behavior and still control your life!
What can you do to change your life, to start managing yourself and your life again?
Remember these key images and change them!
The past, present and future are connected by a thread!
If you do not love each other in the past, then you will not love each other now and in the future. If you consider yourself a loser in the past, then you will be a loser both now and as a consequence in the future.
"How can I change my past?" the reader will ask.
The past remains in your memory and is recreated in the present thanks to your imagination. Use your imagination to create a new desired image and root it in your memory instead of the old limiting image. It is not possible to simply remove an image from your memory. It can simply be replaced.
New image - new model of behavior - new reality - new future
And here is something else that will give you absolute power over your life and the opportunity to govern yourself endlessly: you can create all kinds of images yourself and root them in your memory!
And now forward to work!
It is time to change the present and the future. 

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