How often do I hear the phrase "money is not important in our lives" ... Yes, I agree with that.
However, I know what I mean by the phrase "they are not the most important", but I do not know what a person means.
I suspect that for some "they are not the most important" means "they are not needed". And then that completely shuts down a person's cash flow. For example, for me money is not the most important thing in life, but it is among the top 3 priorities in my life after my business (1st priority) and relationships (2nd priority).
By the word "relationship" I mean first the relationship with my loved one, then the relationship with loved ones, the relationship with the team, the students, and also the relationship with the world.
Although money is not the most important thing in my life, I value it and treat it carefully, I receive it honestly, I spend it wisely, I observe the laws of money.
For many people, "money is not important" means a complete disregard for money, the laws of money, and everything related to money.
"Money is not important in life" is the ideal belief to justify your failures in career, business and money. And I suspect a lot of people do.
Money is the strongest material energy in the world.
Why? Because against them any material thing can be acquired.
With a completely non-Pukist attitude towards monetary energy, of course - there will be no money.
And now tell me honestly, what do you mean by "money is not the most important thing in life"?
Just ask yourself, "What does this mean for me?"
And with that you will see other deep hidden money beliefs.
I will give you an example of one of my recent convictions, which blocked the flow of money in my life. Here it is:
"I have enough money." And suddenly after that conviction, I noticed that the money started to come in much less.
If you have not read the article on priorities and values, be sure to read it. It will open your eyes to many things. You will understand why you do not have certain things that you want.
So understand, please, that the belief "money is not the most important thing in life (but it is important)" and "money is not the most important thing in life (and it is not important)" create two completely different lives.
And this is just a belief. And there are many such beliefs in our heads. New ones are constantly being born, others are "dying". If you do not control this process, it is possible that limiting monetary beliefs are born in you, and creative ones die! Take control of this process! Begin to consciously "kill" the limiting ones and "give birth" to the creative ones!
Change your beliefs and live richly and happily !!!
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