How to become a professional

How to become a professional? There is something that distinguishes professionals from amateurs and losers - these are the qualities of a professional.
Let's talk about athletes!
I divided 4 categories of athletes:
- losers
- amateurs
- professionals
- champions
Such a parallel can be made in life. There are people who also fall into these 4 categories.
The losers are the ones who have given up. They are disappointed in life, in people, in themselves and they don't try anything else and they don't want to try.
Lovers - these are the ones who have a goal, go to that goal, make mistakes and fall.
Professionals are amateurs who have won and achieved their goal.
Champions are professionals who have learned to win in life all the time. Obviously, champions are successful, rich, happy people. They understood how life works and what needs to be done to succeed in it.
Thanks to experience and wisdom, they have learned to always win and also to always achieve their goals.

Who are you?
The biggest problem of the losers is that they are disappointed! They don't try anymore. Everyone around is to blame, but not them.
What can a loser do to move into the amateur category? To believe! Get started!
No one is born a loser.
Also, no one is born a professional and a champion.
Everyone is born an amateur. We all get to know the world in the beginning. But as a result of this knowledge, some are disappointed and move into the category of losers, while others try, try, do not give up, move forward and become professionals. Although, notice that in the life of every person there are difficulties and complexities, but some give up and others move forward.
In one area of ​​life they can be professionals, for example in business, but in another area (relationships) - amateurs or losers.
Well, understand, please, that you become a professional and a champion!
Lovers if they want - do, if they do not want - do not. If they stop doing anything at all, they will fall into the category of losers.
Professionals and champions only have the right to do something!

How to become a professional?
What can an amateur do to move into the category of professionals?
To learn to act in spite of your condition, emotions and feelings.
This is the quality of a professional - the ability to act in any situation, despite everything. This is one of the main qualities that must be developed to become a professional.
What can a professional do to get into the champion category?
To set "impossible" goals and move forward!
Let me set an example so that you can better understand what I am talking about.
I play tennis! And here I am an amateur.
Yes, I play with other amateurs. If I want, I go to trainings, if I don't want to - I don't go. When I go on vacation - I do not go. That is, for amateurs this activity is a hobby.
If I stop going to tennis (at all), I will move into the category of a tennis loser.
If I start training every day, I set a goal to train, despite the "want-I don't want" condition, it will take a year or two and I will start going to tournaments, I will start making money thanks to tennis and I will become a professional.
If I start winning these tournaments, I will become a champion.
If you want to succeed in something, you have to start acting like a professional and acquire the habits of a professional!
If one wants to succeed in business, one must take this issue seriously! You have to invest money, time, a sea of ​​energy. You have to work hard! He must decide to go and understand that there is no going back!
Lovers always have a way back.
People often say that they want to start their own business, they want a lot of money, but they haven't come up with an idea yet. Or they have been thinking about an idea for 3 months now! This is not a professional approach! This is an amateur approach.
Do you know what the professional's approach is?
"I have 72 hours to come up with an idea." Yes, the chances are high that one will not succeed. But he will gain wisdom and try again, but more faithfully.
A woman says she wants a happy family and a wonderful relationship. But now she is alone, she needs money to insure herself, and she has no time for relationships. And, of course, she doesn't do anything about relationships. This is similar to a loser's approach.
Why lie and say "I want"?
A man who wants, he does, in spite of everything!
It is not by chance that a person achieves something in life because he has begun to think, behave and act like a professional.
The level of the professional requires large investments at all levels:
- at the time level. You have to spend a lot of time on the activity in which you want to succeed.
- at the energy level. It takes a lot of effort to work and get results.
- at the level of money. Investments are needed!
I am writing this to you to understand what a professional level means. Develop the qualities of a professional. To achieve it. And it's not just about the business.
This also applies to the family.
A woman must make a lot of effort to get married successfully, and then live happily and in harmony with her husband and children!
To marry successfully, a woman must have a sea of ​​wisdom!
And to keep the family you need an ocean of wisdom!
But losers don't understand that. They don't think about how to become professionals.
They think that these people have succeeded in creating such a successful business or family.
The losers do not see the full amount of work done by the professionals!
And, of course, life rewards professionals!
Many people are not ready for the professional level, because they will have to invest a lot and there is no going back.
The only way is to succeed!
I wish you to decide to become a professional in the field you want!
This solution is already a 50% success!
And it is precisely the solution that distinguishes the loser from the amateur, the amateur from the professional and the professional from the champion.
Yes, and by the way, the ability to think fast and make decisions quickly - these are the qualities of a professional!

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