One of the biggest traps encountered on the road to success is the comfort zone!
The comfort zone is a very dangerous state, because in this state everything suits a person, and accordingly he does not move forward. And when it is not moving forward, it begins to decline.
Why is the comfort zone dangerous?
Our mind always needs a goal! Without purpose, it loses the meaning of its existence. And if you don't have a goal to focus on, reason will find a problem and solve it. It is the focus on the problems that leads to the decline.
I have fallen into the trap of the comfort zone already "a million" times!
The comfort zone is very insidious and destructive! Everything seems to be fine, and then at some point everything breaks down and immediately becomes bad.
I basically entered the comfort zone when I achieved my big goals! The goals were so great that the state of joy gripped me for a long time, and I forgot that I had to move forward.
One successful person once said to me, "Always have a goal after a goal!"
I did not understand - why, I have a goal now, and when I achieve it I will set a new goal. But I did not realize that when I achieved the goal, the joy and euphoria would turn my head so much that I would forget to set a new goal. And in a state of "no purpose." You can live for months, maybe even years.
What can you do to always grow and develop?
Always be on the lookout!
Always looking for ways!
Always looking for ways to achieve the goal!
If you have stopped searching, then you either have no goal or she is dead (you do not believe in the goal, it is not yours, it is not interesting to you, etc.)
Without purpose reason does not create! He's bored!
What does it mean to "search"?
Too often people say, "I don't know how to achieve my goal." "I don't know how to accomplish my purpose."
Of course, we do not immediately know how to achieve the goal. And I didn't know how to achieve my grand goals. But I tried! I looked for options and embodied them. Many options did not lead to anything. Such were most. I searched and found new options to achieve the goals and tried again. And so on until I found what brought me a wonderful result.
"To seek" means to devise a plan to achieve the goals and to carry it out. Only as you carry out the plan will you know if you are walking correctly or not.
The rule is simple: search until you find it!
And when you find it, you set a new goal and keep looking!
I am very sorry to see how many people quickly give up and leave everything. This means that they do not understand at all how life "works".
Mature people have patience and discipline. The immature want everything at once.
That's why I wish you to search, search and search, despite your level!
And, of course, to find! But this will happen by itself, whoever seeks - always finds!
Searching is interesting and exciting. And what delight there will be when you find it!
The comfort zone is a very dangerous state, because in this state everything suits a person, and accordingly he does not move forward. And when it is not moving forward, it begins to decline.
Why is the comfort zone dangerous?
Our mind always needs a goal! Without purpose, it loses the meaning of its existence. And if you don't have a goal to focus on, reason will find a problem and solve it. It is the focus on the problems that leads to the decline.
I have fallen into the trap of the comfort zone already "a million" times!
The comfort zone is very insidious and destructive! Everything seems to be fine, and then at some point everything breaks down and immediately becomes bad.
I basically entered the comfort zone when I achieved my big goals! The goals were so great that the state of joy gripped me for a long time, and I forgot that I had to move forward.
One successful person once said to me, "Always have a goal after a goal!"
I did not understand - why, I have a goal now, and when I achieve it I will set a new goal. But I did not realize that when I achieved the goal, the joy and euphoria would turn my head so much that I would forget to set a new goal. And in a state of "no purpose." You can live for months, maybe even years.
What can you do to always grow and develop?
Always be on the lookout!
Always looking for ways!
Always looking for ways to achieve the goal!
If you have stopped searching, then you either have no goal or she is dead (you do not believe in the goal, it is not yours, it is not interesting to you, etc.)
Without purpose reason does not create! He's bored!
What does it mean to "search"?
Too often people say, "I don't know how to achieve my goal." "I don't know how to accomplish my purpose."
Of course, we do not immediately know how to achieve the goal. And I didn't know how to achieve my grand goals. But I tried! I looked for options and embodied them. Many options did not lead to anything. Such were most. I searched and found new options to achieve the goals and tried again. And so on until I found what brought me a wonderful result.
"To seek" means to devise a plan to achieve the goals and to carry it out. Only as you carry out the plan will you know if you are walking correctly or not.
The rule is simple: search until you find it!
And when you find it, you set a new goal and keep looking!
I am very sorry to see how many people quickly give up and leave everything. This means that they do not understand at all how life "works".
Mature people have patience and discipline. The immature want everything at once.
That's why I wish you to search, search and search, despite your level!
And, of course, to find! But this will happen by itself, whoever seeks - always finds!
Searching is interesting and exciting. And what delight there will be when you find it!
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