Do you want to win?

The first thing you need to have if you want to achieve something in life is the desire to win!
Several times I caught myself thinking that I didn't want enough, that's why I was losing. So in life: one does not achieve what one does not want.
I achieved everything I really wanted in life! Of course, I still acted for that!
What I have not yet achieved, I understand that I have not wanted or want enough.
I am sure that in your life you will also notice a similar trend.
You achieve everything you really want!
I believe that for happiness, wealth, abundance and all the best, a person may lack only two things: desire and faith!
Everything else one has in abundance.
Do you know why a person easily achieves what he really wants? Because in order to overcome the desire, such a strong energy is created that it (just like a tsunami) sweeps away all the problems, obstacles and complexities on the road!
When the desire is weak, insurmountable obstacles are created on the road. Although if the desire intensifies, suddenly the "insurmountable" obstacles cease to be obstacles.
Life teaches me to want to win!
I had a very bright period when I achieved the goals and dreams I set for myself. I entered the comfort zone. And here I had to fight to want again!
Some get richer every day because they want more and more, and others get poorer because they want less and less, and then nothing at all.
Many people think that the "search engine" works by itself. One she wants, another she doesn't, and you can't make her. Yes, you can't make her want what she doesn't want. But to strengthen what she wants can and should!
Even if she barely wants it, that desire can intensify.
Imagine a fire that was just beginning to burn. It must ignite! Put paper, dry twigs - and you're done!
And what do people do with their desires? They leave them. And the fire goes out.
You have to take care of the desire. And then to show perseverance and patience. To throw pictures at him, to work with feelings, to create a setting or affirmation. And the desire will "burn"!
I remember as a child how we made the fire "honestly". Matches, paper, twigs. Now everything has become very easy: you buy coal and fuel. You pour, you water, you ignite. The fire is ready.
They have not yet invented "coal" and "fuel" for the desires. You have to do everything honestly: to look for a real desire, to visualize, to feel it, to be filled with joy and to repeat the process!
They ask me: "It is clear that I have to want a lot, but how can I do it?"
Understand that desire is a feeling!
And all feelings, as well as muscles, must be trained!
But they train differently and people don't know how.
To train the muscles, you buy a fitness card (or tennis, or swimming ...) and train.
To train your feelings, you buy a training ticket and study.
People invest money in beauty and health more willingly than in education. But when we talk about building relationships, business, money - a much more important role is played not by beauty and health, but by the way of thinking.
How to develop and strengthen the desire?
The first and most important thing is to believe in your desire! This will breathe life into him!
How to believe?
Say to yourself:
"I believe in myself!"
"I believe in my desire!"
"I want to do it"
"I'm ready to do whatever it takes right now!"
Faith is also a feeling! And if you say "I believe!" Many times, you will believe!
Faith is one of the greatest forces for fulfilling desires.
But faith is always supported only by action!
If a person says, "I believe," but does nothing, then he does not believe, but only lies.
Is there action - is there faith!
Is there no action - no faith!
What will help you?
Imagine the picture of your desire more vividly! Feel it very well! Immerse yourself in this state! Experience it!
Once you open your eyes, you must want to act and achieve your desire.
If relaxation occurs and vice versa, reluctance means that you did not believe and did not feel until the end.
You must not lie about the reality that your desire to win already exists. It is in your imagination, but not in reality! And in order to be able to transfer it from the imagination to reality, you have to work hard!
Good luck with your wishes! 

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