3 qualities for success in life

What laws of the universe do you know?
Now I want to talk to you about the key qualities that life requires of a person to succeed.
From my own experience, I have become convinced that success is impossible without these qualities.
Either you develop and succeed, or you can't demand something from life that is worth it.
I believe that there are certain laws in the universe and one must respect and follow these laws. Only in harmony with the world is happiness and wealth achieved. Man has great power, but only in harmony with the power of the universe does he become a creator. He who goes against the laws of the universe loses.
What does life require of a person to achieve success? These are the main laws of the universe: whoever develops these qualities in himself, he will always be in harmony with the universe, it will help this person and guide him in life.
"You have to believe in your idea!"
I believe that every person who has achieved great or medium success in life has believed in his idea!
This faith gives a person great power.
One acquires such unimaginable power and strength that one could not even dream of. Faith and love are the two most powerful positive forces in the universe.
No negative emotion is even close to these two forces!
The problem with people is that instead of believing in the idea, they believe in the wrong truths and suffer for it (For example, many women believe that worthy men do not have and marry the fruits of loneliness, and those who are married have believed, that their husband is not capable of anything, the men believed that they would not succeed)
This is how people have turned one of the most spectacular forces in the world, faith, into destructive ... very unfortunate!
If you are a man, like air, you need to have an idea that you will believe in!
If you are a woman, you need to believe in your husband like air, because without your faith he cannot succeed. And if the man is smart, he will leave the woman who does not believe in him.
Faith works wonders!
But only you choose what miracles you want, positive or negative.

- Perseverance.
Perseverance is the ability to follow your idea, even if everyone around you is interfering
Perseverance does not know moods.
The persistent person follows his idea during frustration, decline, during depression, laziness and other adverse conditions.
Perseverance is a quality that develops!
I was not insistent. As a child, I quickly gave up if I failed. But I learned! It was hard, I was crying, getting up and walking forward.

Examples of persistent people.
Thomas Edison, the inventor of the lamp. He made more than 10,000 failed attempts and succeeded as a result.
Sylvester Stallone, actor. He received more than 1,500 role rejections.
Henry Ford, the creator of the car. He believed to the end that this was possible, even when no one believed in him.
Life always tests a person for perseverance! Always!
You may not have to get 1,500 failures or make 10,000 mistakes, but be prepared to get hundreds of failures and make hundreds of mistakes.
And what do ordinary people do?
They try once-two-three ... - it doesn't work. So this is not theirs ... And they surrender.
How did life test me for perseverance?
I dreamed of freedom.
3 years of trial and error - a complete failure.
I started working in the field of personal growth.
For a whole year, all ideas of gaining freedom failed.
Then came a successful year, and I touched freedom.
After two years of unsuccessful partnership ...
But I gained experience!
Half a year of new trial and error, which turned into 1.5 g of spectacular growth!
They think I did well.
I am sure that everyone will do well, but not everyone is ready to dedicate 5 years of life to trial and error. Everyone wants to be successful now and immediately.
But now we're not talking about me. And I shared this story about myself for you to see the power of perseverance and faith in your idea.
I didn't find my idea right away! It took me the first 3 years of trial and error to figure out my idea.
In difficult times, one learns and gains experience. In successful times, one uses the experience one has gained in difficult times.
Successful times are always based on difficult times.
I am so sorry that people do not realize the importance of hard times and avoid them with all their might. It is at such times that character is tempered. And this character creates life.
I urge you to persevere!
- Patience
Patience is the ability to wait.
Everything has its time!
By taking a step towards your dream every day, you reach it!
Faith + Perseverance + Patience = Happiness + Wealth!

Keep in mind the laws of the universe in your life and they will guide you!

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