How to fulfill your desires automatically

When I started working on personal growth, the most important question I asked myself was, "How can my desires be fulfilled faster?"
Since then, many things have changed, including my approach to fulfilling desires.
I didn't think about happiness then. Desires came first. Material reality was the only reality. And I walked this path for a long time. Yes, I fulfilled my desires, but there was no happiness, joy, fullness, satisfaction. I fulfilled my wishes, but I never enjoyed them. Why? There was no time to rejoice. I fulfilled some wishes, others appeared. I achieved some goals, I set others. And so an endless chase.
The category of people who live in this way is easily recognizable. They often say something like: "When I make ... then I will be happy", "When I'm done ... then we'll go on vacation", "When I finish the renovation / buy an apartment, then ..."
I always said to myself, "When I get an X, then I'll be happy, I'll rest, I'll take care of my relationship, etc."
That is, these people make their feelings dependent on material things.
This is the path of the endless pursuit of J.
Later, I began to notice that the universe itself was giving me some globally important things with virtually no effort. And I thought ... Isn't the universe wiser than me! Most importantly, she gave it to me and continues to give it to me. I haven't even asked for many things ...
Before I think that you have to want very hard and act with all your might to fulfill the desires! Now I understand that you have to believe in the universe, act and enjoy the result!
The universe itself will give you everything most important and necessary!
People with their desires strain the space very much, especially if they are material and selfish desires.
The tension of space complicates the way! It is through tension that problems are created. Problems cause irritation and frustration. One switches to negative and everything starts to go quite wrong. The negative creates a very difficult path that takes all the happiness and joy.
Very often in such a way there is laziness and a complete lack of desire to act.
There is another way:
Man has a desire. He knows what he wants, he works in that direction, but he trusts the universe that it will fulfill that desire or accomplish something much better.
Thanks to trust, no tension is created. The world around is warm, caring, harmonious. The man is calm. It is easy for him to go through life and act. There is motivation and energy. And a very important aspect of this journey: joy and value.
When a person rejoices and appreciates the gifts of the universe, it will be even more pleasing to him. This is how the "fairytale" life turns out!
The higher the level of trust, the higher the level of happiness.
How to fulfill desires automatically?
- There must be a desire! (but you don't have to be attached to it)
- "I really want" you change to "I trust"
- Disappointment, when something doesn't work, you change to trust (The universe leads me on the best path)
- When you achieve a result, instead of taking it for granted, you start to rejoice and give thanks!
I wish you to spend this year in happiness and joy!
Love this world, trust the Universe and the Universe will take care of you!

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