How to believe in yourself and your abilities


I am constantly confronted with the fact that people do not believe in themselves and their abilities, in the fact that they will be able to realize their plans and dreams.
Where did all this doubt and disbelief come from?
Childhood ...
Our parents love us so much that they do not accept any of our omissions and failures and want us not to make mistakes. They are so focused on getting rid of our mistakes that they do not see that all the attention and energy is focused only on the mistakes. And where there is energy, there is creation. As a result, we close in on ourselves and stop seeing the bright future. We are immersed in a state of closedness and disbelief, because we see only mistakes and we are left with the impression that whatever we do we only make mistakes and do nothing right.
Children are taught how not to make mistakes instead of being taught how to achieve goals.
If you go to the goals and focus on the goals, the mistakes will correct themselves.
Then this children's model becomes a model of adult behavior and we continue to correct mistakes on our own, as if there is nothing but mistakes. And then that's how we raise our children, and they raise their children.
(Read my book The Truth About Cash Flow and you will understand what it is worth keeping your attention on to get more money).
Failure and success are 2 extremes of one whole, just like inhaling and exhaling.
Just try to inhale and not exhale at all. How long will you last?
The universe has given us the best since birth. It gave us talents, abilities, we can acquire habits and learn. And most importantly, the universe has given us the ability to choose! The only problem is that we can choose both the good and the bad.
Most people choose problems and complications instead of happiness and wealth because they pay attention to how to get rid of problems and complications. What they concentrate on, that's what they get.
How to choose? You can say, "I will be rich and I will do anything for it!" or "Everything goes wrong, nothing happens!" - and relax.
People pay attention to the problems and thus create more and more problems.
"Where there is energy, there is creation!" Is the main principle of the universe.
Everyone has what he has chosen.
Remember, everything can change! You have all the resources to do it.
Energy, desire, perseverance, faith!
If you can come up with a goal, you can make it happen! Everything that your mind draws in your imagination, it can embody in reality.
Remember the moments from your past when everything worked out. If you succeeded then, it will happen now. If it happened once, it will happen a second time. If you learn to do something once, you will do it a second time.
The universe is good, it does not want to harm us, but only to help us. And it is about achieving your goal and being happy and rich. Look at how rich it is and how much of it is in it. She always gives everything in abundance.
Sometimes it seems that the universe sends problems, complications and sends us. But this is not the case, the universe gives us this to grow, to become wiser, stronger and more experienced.
The work is not in the goals and achievements, but in your inner world, in what is inside you. If a person has managed to make a million once, he will be able to do it once more. Even if he loses that million, he has acquired a habit. It's like learning to ride a bike or ski, to speak English! Believe that the universe is your helper. She just helps in her own way, she can't talk, she can't show, she just gives different life situations. He studies in life.
Do not try to unravel the secrets of the universe. This is not necessary. Just act, believe and move forward. Your energy should be focused on the goal, the desires, not on guessing.
When the thought is directed to the goal, creation occurs, when it is not on the goal - destruction of that goal.
Understand the principles of the universe.
Just purposefully go to your goal, and the universe, in turn, will help you!

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