Do you have a "second intuition"


If people were careful, the world would be much better! There would be far fewer lies, because the careful person is much more difficult to deceive.
Come with you, developing as individuals to build a world full of success, happiness and wealth!
That's why I want to dedicate this article to the topic of care!
As a child, I was inattentive, probably like most children.
They told me: "Love, be careful!" But I did not understand why and for what to be careful.
Then I realized that mindfulness is "second intuition!"
The details will say much more than what is on the surface.
Be careful with your feelings! Your feelings tell the truth, but very often due to carelessness towards ourselves and our feelings we do things differently, we make mistakes, we lose something, and then we think: "It's a pity I didn't listen to my feelings" Has something like this happened to you?
Learn to listen to yourself! Be careful with yourself!
Your feelings are always with you. They "talk" to you all the time. But we think so hard about solving the problem that we don't pay attention to our feelings.
Where is mindfulness very important?
- At work. You will understand the essence of things much better! You will see and hear what people do not say, but think. You will understand their true motives.
- You will save a sea of ​​money! It is not possible to hide the truth completely and perfectly. The attentive and observant person will see the little things that will cause doubt. Most people are lied to because they prefer to hope and believe rather than just be careful and look the truth in the eye.
You will multiply the money! You will see and understand different investments much better. Where it is worth investing and where it is not. Which is fair and which is questionable.
- In relationships with people. We consider many people to be our friends, even though we actually need them for a certain benefit.
In my life I made a decision not to deal with cunning people anymore! They say one thing and think another behind their backs.
 Just be careful. The trick is manifested at certain moments. And be sure that if a person has outwitted 2-3 times, he will hit even further.
Many people want to look much better than they really are.
It's no secret that both men and women play when dating. Just in a relationship, the man plays until the first sex, and the woman can play until the wedding.
- In a relationship with a loved one
Relationship problems arise because the partners do not understand each other. Of course, they do not understand each other when men and women speak different "languages". Although we speak Bulgarian, the minds of men and women perceive the same words differently.
To see the truth you have to be careful! Learn to notice the little things!
How to develop mindfulness?
The main enemy in the development of mindfulness is to realize its importance!
This happened in my life when carelessness began to cost me dearly. Sometimes I lost money due to carelessness, sometimes I accepted offers that caused me a lot of trouble, or I just made wrong decisions. After all, when I look back to the past, I always think: «That was obvious! How did I not notice it? » And all because I preferred to hope for the better instead of looking the truth in the eye.
Carefulness reveals the truth! But people are afraid of the truth, it is not always pleasant.
Decide to be a strong person!
And now that you realize the importance of mindfulness, let's talk about how to develop it!
One of the main reasons for carelessness is that people are in their thoughts. Their focus is on thoughts, not reality.
Observe the reality! Watch the people.
When we were on vacation we saw a lot of married couples or just couples. It is very easy to understand from the expressions on the faces of men and women how their relationship is going, whether they are happy or not, whether they love each other or everyone has their own priorities.
It's the same in business. Pay attention to people and you will clearly see everything.
Learn to pay attention to your feelings!
In the first moments when something has happened or you have noticed something, there are feelings and thoughts are not there yet. Ie one has literally two seconds to hear what intuition says. Because when the brain is turned on, it will in its own way think about the situation and draw false conclusions.
Watch your thoughts!
No, not to think, but to pay attention to the thoughts!
Thoughts arise not just like that, but as a reaction to one or another event. Unconscious people simply "swim" along this stream of thought that takes them nowhere. Conscious people are aware of their thoughts. First, they can direct them in the right direction, second, they can understand the cause of one or another thought. And understanding the reason gives a person the opportunity to change his reality and create a new desired reality!
The truth is in the details!
Look at the little things!

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