Whether you want it or not, you accept it or not, but one lives according to habits!
Our brain creates habits to "unload"! All habits are passed on to control the subconscious, and thus the consciousness is liberated. You don't think about how you breathe, how you walk and do "a million" other things.
Why am I talking about habits?
The difference between poverty and wealth is a difference in habits!
Only and only!
Successful people consciously form their own habits.
In the poor, habits are formed at the expense of society and the environment.
We all wake up in the morning ....
But someone wakes up at 5:00 in the morning, someone at 6:00, and another at 7:30 or later. Those who wake up early - calmly start their day, do not have time. Those who get up late - immediately wake up in stress, they are already late.
Some find time for sports in the morning and then feel great all day, others because they fail, say "no time".
Like it or not, your mind has formed a "million" habits.
Do you realize what these habits are?
Do you realize which habit is leading you where: to poverty or wealth!
For example, I once loved to run. This is the most powerful and important habit on the path to happiness and wealth! Running gives me such energy as nothing else! And with this energy I create what I dream of.
7 years ago I formed a habit 2-3 times a week to write articles! According to statistics, more than 3 million people have already read at least one of my articles.
I am writing to you about my habits to show by example how habits work and what power they have! There are habits in the form of actions, for example, watching TV, reading the news, smoking.
He also has mental habits. I call thinking habits patterns of thinking. To worry, to be afraid, to be lazy.
All these habits, both mental and active, are created through constant repetition. And most creative habits must be formed consciously!
And now I suggest you do the following exercise.
Take, for example, the area of money. And write in the left column creative habits that help you get money, and in the right column those that prevent you from getting money.
Here is an example:
And now you did the same !!! Just remember that you have to develop the habits one after the other, not all at once!
The abrupt change in life leads to the fact that a person quickly abandons what has been started because he cannot withstand the changes. Create a habit a week! Next week continue last and create a new one! And so on until you feel that some old habits are gone! Then stop and harden new habits! And then start creating new ones!
In my book, Open Your Cash Flow, I also give a lot of useful money habits. Thanks to this book, I will help you get rid of a large number of restrictions that close your cash flow.
Our brain creates habits to "unload"! All habits are passed on to control the subconscious, and thus the consciousness is liberated. You don't think about how you breathe, how you walk and do "a million" other things.
Why am I talking about habits?
The difference between poverty and wealth is a difference in habits!
Only and only!
Successful people consciously form their own habits.
In the poor, habits are formed at the expense of society and the environment.
We all wake up in the morning ....
But someone wakes up at 5:00 in the morning, someone at 6:00, and another at 7:30 or later. Those who wake up early - calmly start their day, do not have time. Those who get up late - immediately wake up in stress, they are already late.
Some find time for sports in the morning and then feel great all day, others because they fail, say "no time".
Like it or not, your mind has formed a "million" habits.
Do you realize what these habits are?
Do you realize which habit is leading you where: to poverty or wealth!
For example, I once loved to run. This is the most powerful and important habit on the path to happiness and wealth! Running gives me such energy as nothing else! And with this energy I create what I dream of.
7 years ago I formed a habit 2-3 times a week to write articles! According to statistics, more than 3 million people have already read at least one of my articles.
I am writing to you about my habits to show by example how habits work and what power they have! There are habits in the form of actions, for example, watching TV, reading the news, smoking.
He also has mental habits. I call thinking habits patterns of thinking. To worry, to be afraid, to be lazy.
All these habits, both mental and active, are created through constant repetition. And most creative habits must be formed consciously!
And now I suggest you do the following exercise.
Take, for example, the area of money. And write in the left column creative habits that help you get money, and in the right column those that prevent you from getting money.
Here is an example:
Creative money habits | Destructive and monetary habits |
To count money. Always know how much you have spent, how much you have received, how much you have available and how much more you plan to spend | Worry about the lack of money |
To believe that money will always come in the right amount | To think about how to repay the debt or repay the loan |
Summoning money spells and concentrating | To think about the crisis |
Ask yourself, "What can I do to get more money?" | Listen to the complaints of friends and acquaintances |
To invest in your education; Dealing with personal growth | Just spend money instead of investing (at least in yourself) |
And now you did the same !!! Just remember that you have to develop the habits one after the other, not all at once!
The abrupt change in life leads to the fact that a person quickly abandons what has been started because he cannot withstand the changes. Create a habit a week! Next week continue last and create a new one! And so on until you feel that some old habits are gone! Then stop and harden new habits! And then start creating new ones!
In my book, Open Your Cash Flow, I also give a lot of useful money habits. Thanks to this book, I will help you get rid of a large number of restrictions that close your cash flow.
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