How to increase your energy


Law of energy
Where to get energy? How to become energetic? The only thing that is constant in our world is change. But, surprisingly, people are so afraid of change! Change is life. Everything in the world changes every second, and man is afraid of change.
Fear is the most powerful blocker of the manifestation of our energy in the world. Without the manifestation of energy, one cannot realize oneself. Fear holds us back when we want to act. Fear does not allow us to make decisions because we do not know where these changes will take us.
The universe is changeable. Everything is changing. Energy is taken from movement. Change is movement. Persistence is not movement.
So what can you do to gain more and more energy every day?
You need to change every day. Do what you fear every day. Whenever possible you should leave the comfort zone. To do what you didn't do.
When you move, you are in the flow of the universe. The flow of the universe is abundance, wealth, happiness, harmony, joy. Why do I say that? Look around: wherever a man's hand has not touched, there is abundance, wealth. Let's take the Sun. Do you think that it limits the heat it gives us? The ocean. Look at his power and strength. And all this manifests itself with ease. And the flowers on the lawn - the flowers are as many as you can see. Plenty of flowers. The grass, the trees grow without difficulty. And notice, everything is in a state of change. Day-night, summer-winter ...
Everything is changing - change is all there is. And tell me, please, which is better day or night? Which is better, summer or winter?
Perhaps, you will answer that the day is better or the summer, but for the Universe all this is equivalent, because without one there will be no other.
So why are you so afraid and don't like "problems" (changes)?
Failure - success? Two extremes of the same thing. Without failure there will be no success. After success comes failure. This is the manifestation of the variability of the world. Successful happy people have learned to take failure calmly, they understand that this is part of the process.
Pain is the other side of joy. Without pain you will not be able to appreciate the joy. (I mean here the psychological pain: discomfort from overcoming change, discomfort from overcoming ourselves when we do what we are afraid of)
When changes happen, we feel pain. But again, this pain is real only in our head.
So what are you afraid of?
Most people's lives have become a gray reality. They are so afraid of pain that they stop enjoying life. When one manifestation is absent, then another is absent.
Remove the pain - you will remove the joy. Eliminate the night - you will eliminate the day.
When you avoid something, you also avoid the reverse side of its manifestation.
Our brain is afraid of change. It protects us from change, because change is unknown and, as a consequence, danger. And his main task is to save us.
Everything in life is simple.
If you want wealth - decide to be rich and start doing what you think will bring you wealth. Sooner or later you will become rich. But why are millions of hara poor? Because they are so afraid of change and the unknown that they never start. The brain keeps them in the cage of fear. They justify their inaction with thousands of facts. But the essence remains the same - they do not work. No movement - no energy for change. Where to get energy - in change and movement.
Remember the key correctly:
The energy is in motion. This is the main law and answer to the question: how to become energetic.
Movement is change.
Don't be afraid of failure, don't be afraid of pain. Everything happens and you become stronger. This is how growth happens.
Don't limit yourself. The universe always gives you situations that you can handle.
Your task is simply to accept the challenge of where this situation will take you.
Yes, you will be afraid. But thanks to your Solution, you will be able to go where you are afraid and succeed.
But what I guarantee you for sure - your energy will increase significantly. More energy - more of your ideas will become a reality. How to become energetic and where to get energy?
Energy is taken from movement!

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